Plane Master Copy

Chapter 1094: : 2 Wuyan

With the launch of the Moonlight Treasure Box's ability, Wu Yan felt a flash of light, let Wu Yan closed his eyes involuntarily.

When these rays dissipated, Wu Yan opened his eyes and looked around, but he did not wait for Wu Yan to carefully look at the scenery around him. Suddenly, a strong light came over, accompanied by, and sharp The harsh horn sound.

With a bang, Wu Yan felt something hit him.

However, for Wu Yan, this impact is naturally nothing. When Wu Yan returns to God, he will understand what is going on.

It turned out that the place where I came across was a bustling metropolis. At night, the lights of this city looked bright, and just now, a big bus actually hit me.

"I'm lucky, isn't it great !?" Realizing what had just happened, Wu Yan's mouth twitched slightly.

Yes, borrowing the power of the Moonlight Treasure Box, Wu Yan traveled through time and space, but just now, Wu Yan just appeared on the road. At the same time, a bus slammed into his own body and gave no Time to react on your own.

Of course, with Wuyan's current strength, Mo said that a bus ran into it, and even if a skyscraper was severely hit on Wuyan, nothing would happen.

After being hit by this bus, Wu Yan's feet were still rooted. Instead, the bus sank. It seemed that Wu Yan was buried in the bus.

"Wow, what just happened !?" The bustling metropolis, the sudden situation here, naturally attracted the attention of many people on the road, and even because the bus stopped for a moment, the rear end caused a serial rear end Accident.

Wu Yan took a few steps back and let his figure emerge from the sunken bus, and looked around.

Countless people gathered around, looking surprised, pointing at themselves.

"Just now, as if a strong light flashed, this person appeared on the road out of thin air? Is it an alien?"

"Whether it is an alien or not, he will never be a human being. No human being was hit by a big bus. There is no problem at all. Instead, the entire bus was sunken !?"

"But, does this alien look like this? Isn't it exactly the same as us, Earth people! Is it" You from the stars "?"


Countless people pointed and pointed at Wu Yan, and even whispered in their mouths, there were many people who took out their mobile phones and took pictures of themselves.

Hearing these sounds, Wu Yan's brow frowned slightly, and he seemed to become a monkey in the zoo in an instant.

Unwilling to stay under this large court, Wu Yan's body flickered, the ability of the nightwalker was activated, the body turned into a black smoke, and disappeared instantly.

When it reappeared, it was already far away.

"Ah! God! Aliens have invaded the earth!"

"It's unbelievable. Hurry up and publish it online. Has a power actor appeared? Does the world really have a power actor?"

"How is that possible? What happened just now !? Is there really a supernatural power in this world !?"

The original appearance of Wu Yan suddenly and then hit by a bus were intact. It is enough to attract attention. At this moment, in the eyes of everyone, even when many people took out their mobile phones to take pictures and videos, Wu Yan The ability to use the nightwalker left directly, naturally, this kind of situation is even more frying pan, and for a time, countless noises sounded.

Wuyan ignored the turmoil in the city below. At this time, Wuyan's figure was quietly suspended in the night sky thousands of meters high, overlooking the entire city.

"Wait! This city is! Changshi !?" After overlooking the outline of the whole city, Wu Yan's heart moved a little and recognized it.

At this time, Changshi is still so prosperous?

Could it be? Something went wrong with the time I traveled by myself? Is it right before the end of the eschatology! ?

As soon as he thought about it, Wu Yan's heart moved, and then he immediately set a black cloak on his body.

At the stage of talking westward, Wu Yan has seen the dangers of changing history, so it is better to cover his body with a cloak first.

If history is really changed drastically, the consequences would be unexpected.

After putting on a cloak, Wu Yan's mind moved slightly, and immediately opened a space channel. When it appeared again, it was already in a remote rural area.

Wu Yan's gaze locked a small three-story building not far away.

You can see that there is light in that building.

This made Wu Yan slightly pursed his lips and wanted to walk over to see, but he did not dare to look past.

Wu Yan remembered that it was the home before the eruption of his own model. After the eschatology erupted, the village naturally fell. Sure enough, did he cross the timeline before the eschatology came?

After a moment of groaning, Wu Yan thought about it, floated, and appeared beside a lighted room on the third floor.

Look through the window and look inside.

There was a light in the room. A young man, about twenty, was staring at the computer screen seriously, and he could see that the computer screen was playing the hottest game of the moment.

League of legends!

There was a half glass of water on the computer table, and all of his mind was immersed. Naturally, this young man couldn't find himself outside the window.

"Sure enough? Now it is before the end of the last days!" Looking through the window, watching himself playing a game, Wu Yan murmured secretly in his heart.

Looking quietly at oneself, Wu Yan's heart was filled with emotion. After the end of the last days, he had suffered a lot.

Think again about the experience since you have awakened your ability ~ ~ For a while, my heart was stunned, and I felt that there was a lot of emotion in my heart for a while. It seemed that there were many things I wanted to say, but I couldn't say it.

Not to mention Wu Yan's heart, how emotional, Wu Yan in the room, the game is over, and finally, a big failure appeared on the table, shook his head in distress.

After the game exits, rerank.

"Huh? Wait ..."

However, at this time, suddenly, Wu Yan's eyes were sharp and he noticed the time displayed on the computer desktop, and finally the bottom right corner.



"Wait? This time! Isn't it ..." Seeing this time, Wu Yan's heart moved, as if, remember when the last days erupted, it was almost this time, right?

In the middle of the night, the zombie cannibalism broke out suddenly, and then, quickly swept the world, many people were bitten in their sleep.

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