Plane Master Copy

Chapter 121: : Tony's help


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Back in the room where the Avengers were staying, Wu Yan took a look.

Bruce and Tony are working hard, and there are very common topics between the two top scientists.

As for Captain America? He looked bored beside him. Naturally, these scientific questions could not help him.

Wu Yan thought about it and went directly to Captain America. Now that it is determined that members of an official organization want to move himself, now Wu Yan can rely on the fellows of the Avengers. Therefore, Wu Yan Want to have a good relationship with them all.

"Wu Yan, isn't it appropriate for me to do this? I can't help you at all ...", on board the Avengers spacecraft, Captain America wanted to save the world, but sitting here played a little role No, the world of the Internet left him at a loss.

"Professional matters are left to professional people to deal with. We just need to do our part." Listening to the words of Captain America, Wu Yan smiled and sat next to Rogers.

"What's in it", Captain America whispered in his mouth, his eyes quickly firmed, nodded to Wu Yan, and said, "It's true, I don't understand things, and insisted me If you help, it may be self-defeating. In this case, I just need to be good at myself. I am a soldier. "

"No, you are the captain!" Wen Yan shook his head and said firmly.

Indeed, if it is combat effectiveness, Captain America is indeed not so powerful, but if he is to say who is the best spiritual leader of the Avengers, he must not let it go.

Peace, justice, justice, love, faith ...

These words, applied to Captain America, can't be more appropriate.

"It's just ..." At this point, Wu Yan turned a word, and then groaned for a moment, and said, "Although your captain is quite good, in the current situation, you are facing those gods and demons. It's still a bit weak, and I think it might help you improve your strength. "

"Enhancing strength?" Captain America looked at Wu Yan in surprise, apparently did not understand what he called the improvement of strength.

Without saying much, Wu Yan directly stretched out his finger, and then pointed at Captain America's eyebrow, saying, "You know, I grew up in the universe. I followed the thought of the wise man in the universe, and learned I got a trick called the Initiation Skill, which consumes me a lot, but I can pass on my ability and knowledge directly to others. "

With words in his mouth, Wu Yan directly opened the Captain America's disk. In Disk C, Wu Yan found a 5G soldier fortified gene.

The effect of this gene is obviously the genetic ability previously injected by Captain America, which can greatly improve a person's physical strength and so on.

It is only for Wu Yan who has practiced the Pirate Throne Hexahedron. This genetic ability effect is a bit of a rib, so Wu Yan does not mean to copy it.

As for D and E drives? There are indeed some skills and knowledge of Captain America, but there is nothing particularly worth copying.

After a brief glance, Wu Yan followed the knowledge of the Pirate Throne Armed with a domineering practice and pasted it into Captain America's E disk.

Accompanying the nature is the use of armed color domineering skills and shaving.

Captain America can use armed color domineering, can also perform shaved body surgery?

For a time, Wu Yan had some expectations for his future. Thinking about the Captain America's fighting style in the future, Wu Yan felt that the picture was very subversive.

It took a lot of time to copy. After the copying was completed, Captain America could feel the knowledge and skills that suddenly popped out of his mind, which surprised his face.

Not only was this knowledge of assassinated by armed arrogance, but also the so-called empowerment technique of Wu Yan.

Can I quickly share my knowledge and skills with others? If everyone has this ability, is it necessary for the school to exist?

"You can try the domineering practice of armed color, if you can quickly master it, the future battles will be regarded as the collective strength of everyone ...", Wu Yan used internal force to force a pale face on his face, and the weak look Captain America said.

"Wu Yan, are you okay? I'll call the doctor?" Although surprised by Wu Yan's so-called initiation technique, looking at Wu Yan's pale face, Captain America asked again with guilt and worry.

"It's okay. I'm exhausting my mind too much. Resting is okay ...", shaking his head, Wu Yan replied.

Suddenly and unreservedly copied the training knowledge and skills of armed arrogance to Captain America ~ ~ Wu Yan also considered it.

For one thing, Captain America's character is indeed admirable. If he can help him and not hurt himself, Wu Yan is still willing to do such a thing that does not harm himself.

The second and most important point is that the official forces want to attack themselves. Although Director Fury seems to be on his side, he has his own difficulties after all, so if he wants to protect himself, it is necessary. A friend's help.

And these players of the Avengers have a good relationship and advance together, naturally it becomes very important.

"Hey, Wu Yan, what did you two just do? How do you look like your body is hollowed out?"

At this time, Tony's work seemed to come to an end. He came over with a glass of juice and saw Wu Yan's pale face, asking strangely.

"Are you sick?" Bruce Banner came over, looking at Wu Yan's pale face, and asked with concern.

"Thank you, I'm just a little weak, I'll be fine after a short break."

Shaking his head, Wu Yan didn't mean to do more entanglement on this issue, and then asked, "Yes, are you done?"

"Well, I have set up a suitable tracking program. Jarvis has already screened the network according to my program. Then we just have to wait ..." Bruce nodded and answered. .

"Looking you are very weak now, take a good rest and wait for you to rest. I have something I want you to help ..." At this time, Tony also said.

"Help? What do you want me to help out with?"

Wu Yan asked a moment after he heard that Tony had something to ask for help.

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