Plane Master Copy

Chapter 131: : Studying Mind Gems


Maintaining the status of stealth, Wu Yan landed on the ground, carefully looked down at the scepter of the soul in his hands, and more importantly, focused his eyes on the gems of the soul.

Successfully captured the soul gem, which of course made Wu Yan overjoyed. One of the six infinite gems, the power is undoubted, but the power of this gem is not so easy to control. Therefore, Wu Yan carefully studied With.

The six infinite gems all contain infinite energy. However, the characteristics of the six gems are different. The power of the spiritual gems is naturally the ability of the mind.

Like elemental magic, flames and lightning are both energy, but they exhibit different characteristics.

If it's just a pure soul gem, perhaps Wu Yan is really out of reach. After all, a completely naked soul gem doesn't even have the qualification to touch.

The time gem is embedded in the container, forming the eye of the Agomoto to be mastered by mortals; the space gem is surrounded by a layer of cubic crystal, forming the cosmic cube that mortals can touch; the heart gem is embedded in the scepter, even if it is the Guardian of the Galaxy Ronan in the team, the power gem is also set on the warhammer can be used.

In the opposite case, after the etheric particles of the real gem were touched by Thor's girlfriend Jane, the situation became very troublesome, and even he was treated in the palace of Asgard.

After the power gem appeared, Xingjue rushed up to catch it, but almost made himself fly to ashes.

It can be seen that infinite gems are indeed not a force that mortals can control, but they need props.

Looking at the spiritual scepter in his hand, Wu Yan nodded secretly. Fortunately, he won this scepter, so he could barely use it. If he was a pure spiritual gem, he would be out of reach.

A simple analogy. If the scepter of the mind is like a television or an appliance such as an air conditioner, then the scepter of the mind is like electricity. Electric appliances that are powered on can naturally be used. Here, naturally, there is nothing to do.

Holding the scepter of the mind, Wu Yan studied for a while, then tried to infuse his internal force into it.

However, the soul gem did not react in the slightest.

Then, try to wind the domineering color of domineering on it, visible to the naked eye, and the scepter turns into a black color.

"Whether it is internal force or armed domineering, it has no effect?" Looking at the unresponsive Mind Scepter in his hands, Wu Yan frowned and immediately recalled Loki's use of Mind Scepter.

Rocky is a magician. A magician is naturally strong in spirit. Is this a spiritual gem? Is it the power of the soul or the soul?

Thinking secretly, Wu Yan mobilized the spiritual power in his mind, and spread it carefully towards the soul gem.

Although the practice of the Sacred Heart and the Yijinjing have spiritual training methods, Wuyan's mental strength is still weak after all, not to mention that he has trained the Yuanshen like Di Shitian, even if it is compared to Loki. It is also a long way off.

Hum ...

Sure enough, as Wuyan's spiritual power touched the soul gem, suddenly, the light on the scepter flickered. Immediately, Wu Yan could feel the soul gem responded to himself, and an energy poured out of the gem. .

Use his own spiritual power to control this power. The scepter in Wu Yan's hand waved forward, and then a group of energy visible to the naked eye blasted out of the scepter and smashed on a large stone not far away. The stone Immediately shattered.

"Well, judging by its power, it's not powerful, and it's about the same as my sword ...".

Looking at the damage caused by this energy shock, Wu Yan's heart was a little disappointed. It was only this level of destructive power.

However, after studying it for a while, Wu Yan reacted. The energy contained in the spiritual gems was unlimited, but his own mental power was limited. He used his mental power to control the power in the spiritual gems Of course, only a small part can be mobilized.

With the continuous enhancement of one's own mental power, the more power that can be mobilized, the stronger the power that can be exerted.

After discovering this, Wu Yan's mood is a lot better. With the continuous strengthening of his spiritual strength, the stronger the strength that can be exerted, this is not bad.

The more important thing is that it consumes only the power of the spiritual gem. With the infinite energy contained in the spiritual gem, you can fight forever without worrying about the problem of consumption.

Moreover, the Mind Gem is not just an offensive magic item. At the same time, its strongest point is to control the mind.

With it, in the future, you do n’t have to worry about being manipulated by others. You may even be able to manipulate others in turn.

The Avengers side ~ ~ Rocky has fled, and after a big fight with Rocky, the atmosphere of the entire base is dignified.

The captured enemies could be run away, and even the spacecraft almost fell, and the whole army was annihilated, which made the Avengers and the SHIELD people hold their breath.

On the other hand, although Rocky escaped successfully, he was also furious.

Although as planned, the power of the psychic gem affected Bruce Banner, causing the Hulk to make a noise on the spaceship.

However, everything that was originally planned was flawless, but Wuyan was a variable. Not only was he injured, but even the scepter of the soul gem was taken away.

"Abominable! Wu Yan! Humble mortal!", Rocky replied that among the underground bases, someone was helping him bandage the wound, and his heart's hatred for Wu Yan rose.

"Right? What about Agent Button?" After being angry for a long time alone, Rocky followed his head and looked at the returnees, asking.

"Agent Barton did not return," as Rocky said, an injured soldier next to him replied.

"Okay, it's a pity ...", Wen Yan said with a pity.

Since he didn't return, he was either caught or the control of the psychic gem was lifted, which made Rocky feel unfortunate. Agent Barton's ability is still good and it can be regarded as a very good chess piece.

"That's it, I don't have the mind to play games with these guys anymore, Dr. Eric, how is the research on the wormhole machine? Can it be opened steadily?" After a moment of groaning, Rocky got up and came to Ai Dr. Rick asked.

Dr. Eric is making a huge machine, and the machine is embedded with a magic cube!

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