Plane Master Copy

Chapter 137: : Thunder Lake Forbidden Land

The dense Qiruita warriors, at this time, a huge part rushed towards Wu Yan, looking at it from afar, it was almost like a locust crossing.

So many Qiruita Star fighters are here to kill Wu Yan. It can be seen that the hatred of Wu Yan in Rocky's heart has reached a certain level.

"This guy, it is a successful hate attracting target ..." Watching Wu Yan attracted so many collective attacks from Qiruita fighters, other members of the Avengers naturally felt that the pressure on their bodies was much lighter, and At the same time, he looked at Wu Yan in surprise.

I really don't understand what happened to Wu Yan's Rocky, and actually made his hatred reach this point?

Watching so many dense Qiruita warriors rushed towards their side, Wu Yan was dismayed.

Although his ability completely restrained these Qiruita soldiers, tens of thousands of soldiers rushed over, and this gap was by no means what Wu Yan could resist.

Frightened, Wu Yan quickly turned to escape.


Seeing that Wu Yan turned and ran away, these Qiruita soldiers, naturally, were chasing after Wu Yan.

"Let's hurry to help!" Seeing that Wu Yan was chased by so many Qiruita soldiers, Thor's face could not help but change, waving his hammer in his hand, and was ready to fly over to help.

"Don't worry!" But, just at this moment, Tony suddenly shot, grabbed Thor, and shook his head at him.

Thor looked at Iron Man Tony with some confusion.

At this time Wu Yan was in crisis, shouldn't everyone help him?

However, Iron Man Tony turned a blind eye to Thor's eyes, just staring at Wu Yan's escape direction, rushing towards his Stark building.

"This guy set a trap early in the Stark Building. He didn't understand why this guy did it. I didn't expect it to work now? This guy can know so much in advance This battle situation changed? "Iron Man Tony, watching Wu Yan followed by thousands of Qiruita soldiers, became more and more shocked.

Wu Yan rushed into Stark Building first.

Almost at the same time, as Wu Yan entered, the walls of the Stark Building suddenly cracked many openings. At the same time, black rods of electrode tubes protruded from these cracked openings. .

From a distance, thousands of black sticks made the Stark Building suddenly look like a hedgehog.

It is not clear what is going on with the changes in the Staco Building. Of course, these Qiruita soldiers will not bother.

The goal of these soldiers is simple, and that is to kill Wu Yan!

From a distance, if the Stark Building looks like a huge piece of honey, then these Qiruita soldiers are like countless ants approaching along the honey fragrance.

The dense appearance made it almost impossible to see the original appearance of the Stark Building.

"Hey, at this time, let's have a thunderous carnival ..." Wu Yan stormed all the way straight to the bottom of the Stark Building, watching Stark packed with Qiruita Army , Suddenly a smile on his face.


At this time, suddenly, a huge ark reactor appeared, and with the violent reaction of the ark reactor, the power that was so large that it was indescribable appeared instantly.

Then, through countless black sticks, the entire Stark Building was covered ...

Looking at it from afar, the stark building, which was dark and surrounded by the army of Qiruita, suddenly bloomed with bright electricity, and the thunder and lightning of the order made the stark building shine brighter than the sun.

Then, at this moment, the entire building seemed to become a huge thunder and lightning field. In the screams, the soldiers of Qiruita fell from the air like dumplings.

Even some soldiers were electrocuted into coke.

The reason why Rocky put the opening of the space wormhole on the top of the Stark Building is to enable himself to stand on the top of the Stark Building and accept the admiration of the world. The Stark Building is also a New York sign that attracts everyone's attention. Sex building.

Now, the Stark Building, which is almost completely converted into electricity, has really attracted everyone's attention.

Is the ark reactor functional? There is no doubt that, in the Staco Building, a huge ark reactor that has been multiplied by a factor of ten thousand times has been produced. The electric energy produced in it is enough to supply the entire New York City.

At this moment, all of this electricity is released from those black sticks. At this moment, the entire Stark Building can be said to be turned into a thunder pond.

"Abominable, this guy has set up a trap here long ago? He deliberately led people over !?" Looking at the bright Starco Building, Rocky's face was somber that almost dripping water.

Since meeting Wu Yan, Loki found himself as a high god, but always suffered under the hands of Wu Yan, a mortal. It seemed that he had not taken any advantage, which made Loki feel unacceptable.

"What a powerful thunderbolt!" Thor, Thor, watching the horrible electric lights released from the Stark Building, said with a startled expression on his face.

While talking, I saw Thor holding up his Thor's hammer and shouting, "Let me help him too!"


Countless dark clouds in the sky appear as if out of thin air, the thunderous lightning, echoes the electricity of the Stark Building on the ground, and then turns into a rush of electric light, spreading quickly in all directions ...

But for a moment, these hastily and violent thunders finally dispersed, and then on the ground, the bodies of countless soldiers of Qiruita scattered all over the ground ~ ~ On this attack, these Qiruitas At least half of the soldiers killed by lightning.

"This trap really played a big role!".

Originally Tony didn't understand Wu Yan's actions, even opposed it, but now, watching most of Qiruita's soldiers have been solved, his vision for Wu Yan is secretly admired.

"Everyone, this is not the time to be happy ..." At this moment, suddenly, the black widow next to him looked at the sky with a serious look.

Everyone looked up. It turned out that there were several mechanical dragons in the sky, and countless Qiruita soldiers crossed the wormhole in space and landed towards the earth ...

"If you don't block this wormhole, these alien soldiers can't be killed," Captain America said with a dignified look. (https: //) "Master of Reproduction of the Plane" only represents the views of the author Qian Cuibailian. If the content is found to be inconsistent with national laws, please delete it. The position of https: // is only intended to provide Healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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