Plane Master Copy

Chapter 144: : Magic Wizards

The existence of a magician is very obvious, and the disadvantages are also very obvious.

That is, the attack is very powerful, but the defense is very fragile, both in reality and in the design of the game.

For example, Supreme Master Gu Yi can live for thousands of years and protect the earth from being invaded by Dom. The powerful force is self-evident, but what? In the original work, he fell from high altitude and fell to death.

There is also the ebony throat under the annihilator, a one-man singular mage, Iron Man and Spider-Man. They have no problem at all. Several shots, the appearance of the hands, show the spirit of the magic master.

However, after being directly sucked into outer space, he was immediately frozen into ice and died.

Of course, a special case like Rocky is because the blessing of racial talent has nothing to do with occupation.

In Wu Yan's mind, Kama Taj's magic system is even more problematic.

As a magician, if your defense is weak, you should either study some defensive magic to protect yourself, or study some long-range attack magic? Why are these fragile wizards holding magic as a weapon to fight against others? Isn't this the short of attacking others?

Therefore, although Wu Yan came to Kama Taj to learn magic, he did not want to be a profound magician. Naturally, he had no interest in the theoretical knowledge of magic taught by Master Gu Yi.

Because in Wu Yan's view, these knowledge and theories are all crooked, and the magic system that has no ability to protect itself, what do you learn?

Wu Yan's goal is very clear, he is directed at space magic skills.

And the skills can be copied directly, so what Wu Yan has to learn is just the magician's meditation, and the method of improving mental strength and magic power is enough.

It took about two months, and finally, with the efforts of Supreme Master Gu Yi, a gorgeous pendant was completed.

Mind gems were also taken out, perfectly set on this pendant, emitting orange light.

"Let's try it ..." After the pendant was finished, Master Gu Yi sent it to Wu Yan and said.

These days, Wu Yan watched her use precious precious materials, and then portrayed many mysterious magical inscriptions. Wu Yan also knew the preciousness of this pendant.

After thanking him, Wu Yan took the pendant and hung it around his neck.

The light of the spiritual gem flashed a little, Wu Yan could feel that the power of the spiritual gem made his eyes clear, and his mental state became very good.

Clear thinking makes Wu Yan feel very good. Moreover, with the two months of meditation, Wu Yan's mental strength has improved a lot, and he can feel that he is mobilizing more and more energy in the gems of his soul.

"Well, very good, this soul gem is not only my weapon, but also an auxiliary prop for my cultivation. It really is one of the six infinite gems, and it is the most suitable gem for the magician." Wu Yan nodded very satisfied with the strength he brought.

"Mr. Wu Yan is just satisfied. Right, the magic knowledge I explained to you yesterday. Do you remember?"

Looking at Wu Yan's satisfactory appearance, Master Gu Yi also felt that his two months of trouble

The force is worth it. With a smile on his face, he immediately turned his head and began to ask Wu Yan about the magic knowledge he told yesterday.

"Uh ...", hearing the question of Master Gu Yi, Wu Yan's expression of joy froze.

Wu Yan didn't listen to this magic theory knowledge at all, and naturally he couldn't answer it.

Wu Yan ’s response made Master Gu Yi ’s face a bit ugly, and immediately, he said harshly, “Mr. Wu Yan, you asked to come to Kama Taj to learn magic on that day. If you understand this magic knowledge, you cannot understand the truth of magic, and it is naturally impossible to learn magic. "

Although Master Gu Yi's personality is very good, as a teacher, he is still very severe.

She put on the picture of Yan Shi, Wu Yan's head shrunk slightly, and she was really afraid of her.

"Well, I, I have learned the magic of space teleportation ...", being scolded by Master Gu Yi, Wu Yan touched his nose awkwardly and replied.

Indeed, two months at Karma Taj, space teleportation and mirroring space, the two most concerned magics, Wu Yan has successfully copied from other magicians.

The capacity of these two magic skill files is not very large. After copying them, Wu Yan can naturally be used.

Exactly two months of meditation, Wu Yan's spiritual power is strong enough, and also meets the conditions for performing these two magics.

"You? You've learned space teleport? When did it happen? I haven't taught you yet?" Wu Yan said, let Gu be stunned and looked at Wu Yan strangely.

Yes, practicing magic is a gradual process. First, explain the theoretical knowledge, let Wu Yan understand the theory of magic, then teach him to meditate, so as to enhance spiritual strength, and finally use knowledge to build a magical array with his own spiritual power. , Forming magic, this is the normal way for magicians to learn ...

As for Wu Yan? It was only two months since he came to Kama Taj. Now the knowledge is in the first stage. Unless he requested, the ancient mage would not teach him the meditation technique.

However, his first stage of magic theory has not been completed, or even before he has even started, he has already passed this stage and can cast magic? how can that be?

"Or else? Let me show it to you ~ ~ Seeing the incredible look of Master Gu Yi, Wu Yan asked.

"Okay, give it a try ..." Although I didn't believe it, but also knew that Wu Yan wasn't the kind of person who ran the train with a mouth full, Master Gu Yi nodded and looked at Wu Yan in surprise.

There is no nonsense, Wu Yan stretches out his own palm, and then the spirit surges up, and he is very familiar with the architecture of magic.

I drew a few laps in the air with one hand. Immediately, countless small and small Mars appeared in the air, looking gorgeous.

These little Mars form a circle of about two meters in diameter, and the scene inside the circle is completely different from the scene of Karma Taj, which is the view over the Starco Building.

"Here, this is really a success? He even knows magic theory, how can he use magic skillfully? Is this the magic wizard of legend?"

Master Gu Yi is full of shocking eyes, watching the magic conveyed by this space constructed by Wu Yan, like a wooden chicken.

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