Plane Master Copy

Chapter 186: : Sword Qi as Silk

"Ah, cool, I've drank all the great wines from the north to the south, and only your kid's wine is the strongest, and it's mellow.

The moon was bright, and Jiu Jianxian cheekily asked Wu Yan for a bottle of wine. After taking a sip, Meimei said with a laugh.

"Old man, don't die drinking, Linger has been missing for a few days. Is there any way you can find someone?" Seeing Jiuxianxian enjoying wine, Li Xiaoyao was eager and hopeful. He asked.

He has blind faith in Jiujianxian. Maybe he has any special magic weapon or technique to find Linger?

"Oh? Linger is missing? Well, this has never been a good thing ...".

Hearing Li Xiaoyao's words, although Jiuxianxian was startled, he nodded again and whispered.

Jiujianxian knows that Brother Jiansheng came down Shushan personally in order to take away Zhao Linger. Now Zhao Linger is missing. Even if Brother Jiansheng wants to find someone, maybe he will have to spend some effort?

It wasn't hard to do it by being caught in the middle. Originally, they sought Li Xiaoyao for their purpose, to make them hide.

"Hey, what do you smell like the old man? Linger is gone, and you said it was a good thing?" Of course, Li Xiaoyao didn't know the mind of Jiu Jianxian, so he almost found Linger these days Crazy, this stinky old man even said it was a good thing, a gloating look.

"Hahaha, do you want to come here a little? This one will make you forget about your troubles quickly."

Regarding Li Xiaoyao's angry look, Jiu Jianxian didn't care, just raised the bottle in Yang's own hands and asked with a smile.

"No, I don't want to be an alcoholic," Li Xiaoyao said, shaking his head.

"I just casually talked about it, such a peerless wine is for you to drink, it's totally cow chewing peony", looking at Li Xiaoyao, Jiu Jianxian said with a smile.

The dialogue between the two of them, Wu Yan and the others, didn't bother.

After just chatting with Li Xiaoyao and understanding the current situation of him and Zhao Linger, Jiujianxian felt relieved, and immediately fell on Wu Yan's body.

Then he stayed on the Wushuang sword on his back for a moment, and said, "Boy Wu, look at you as a swordsman. There is nothing to do today. How about you and me?"

"It seems that he still told them about Li Xiaoyao. I was a little concerned about the defeat of the moon worshiper." When Jiu Jianxian suddenly spoke and wanted to discuss with himself, Wu Yan secretly said.

Mind turned, but Wu Yan's response was very fast, Wen Yan stretched out his palm, Wushuang sword automatically jumped into Wu Yan's palm.

Nodded his head and said, "I have always admired Shu Shu's sword art. Since today, Mr. Mo Dao is willing to enlighten me, and I am naturally honored."

"Well, don't say these messy polite words, let's do it." For Wu Yan's kind words, Jiu Jianxian didn't look cold.

Nodded his head, Wu Yan said nothing more, Wushuang Sword singled out, and Dugu Jiujian's sword tricks were exhibited, exquisitely abnormal, and nodded toward Jiujianxian.

"Well, although the sword moves are exquisite, they are still at the stage of controlling the sword with qi. How could it hurt the moon worship to such an extent?" Just as Wu Yan had just sent his sword, Jiu Jianxian saw a lot from his actions Something was gone, and my heart was a little surprised.

And pointed like a sword, wielding gently, and then several sharp sword qis waved out with his movement, the sword qi was silky, but sharp and abnormal.

Several soft sword air threads tangled up towards Wuyan.

The fierce sword qi in Jiuxianxian's hands turned into soft fingers, which is enough to show the nuanced sword qi's ability to control sword qi. Such a soft sword qi was the first time Wu Yan saw it.

Ding Ding Ding!

Wushuang Sword came into contact with these seemingly soft swords, and powerful strength surged from above the sword body, leaving Wu Yan's Wushuang Sword in his hands and being unable to hold it.

Judging from the number of crystal points, the energy of Jiu Jianxian is about three times that of Wu Yan.

However, Wu Yan never thought that he could compete with Jiujianxian in pure power, and he used sword to contact his sword energy, and just wanted to simply try his sword energy.

call out!

Seeing Wu Yan's Wushuang Sword flew out, but under the control of ability, the sword that flew out suddenly moved, turned into a swimming fish and shot at Jiuxianxian.

At the same time, Wu Yan stretched out his left hand, the left hand wearing a Zhenjin alloy glove, and grabbed a few sword gas threads in front of him in his hand.

"Alas? Royal swordsmanship? No, it's not royal swordsmanship, how could this sword fly?" Watching Wushuangjian suddenly shot at himself, Jiuxianxian's eyes were frozen and he was surprised.

Another look at his sword energy can actually be grasped by Wu Yan, which makes Jiuxianxian glanced deeply at the gloves.

"Although this boy's cultivation is not high, his ability is very strange, and he has strange treasures on his body." Jiujianxian secretly wondered, and was a little interested in Wuyan's ability.

Seeing Wu Yan controlling Feijian, Jiu Jianxian also stretched out his finger and pinched a sword.

Then, the sword that was lost behind him flew up, and also performed the ability of imperial swordsmanship and silent opponents.

Relatively speaking, Jiujianxian's Imperial Sword Technique is much more flexible.

However, Wu Yan's ability emerges endlessly, how can it be compared with simply controlling the flying sword?

Seeing that the magic sword technique had suppressed his Wushuang sword flexibly, Wu Yan's legs instantly stepped on the ground dozens of times, his shaving ability was exerted, and he immediately approached Jiujianxian.

So fast!

Watching Wu Yan appearing in front of him like a momentary movement, Jiujianxian was shocked in his heart, stretched out his fingers, and pointed his sword toward Wu Yan.

"Lei Guangquan!".

Wu Yan screamed loudly in his mouth, which was a bit nasty, but his left fist wearing a gold-gold alloy glove was above ~ ~ but entangled with violent thunder and lightning, a punch blasted towards Jiujianxian. Passed.

Under the fierce sword qi, Lei Guang was scattered, but Wu Yan's vigorously punched fist shattered the oncoming sword qi.

Then, the punch left unabated, hitting Jiujianxian's shoulder.

The gloves of vibrating gold alloy not only have the effect of vibrating gold to resist attacks, but also have the effect of increasing the attack power by about three times.

"Yes!", After punching Jiu Jianxian's shoulder a few steps, Wu Yan did not wait for Jiu Jianxian to continue his hands, and hurriedly spoke, ending the discussion.

Well, just accept it when you see it. If you fight again, if Jiuxianxian gets serious, the outcome will be unexpected.

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