Plane Master Copy

Chapter 190: :tears

Although Wuyan's space conveys magic, it can instantly achieve the place you want to go, but when this magic is performed, you have to keep in mind the view of the place you want to go. Therefore, Wuyan has never been to Shushan , Naturally there is no way to cast this space teleportation magic.

Jiu Jianxian pinched a trick, and the wine gourd at the waist became huge instantly. Then, Wu Yan and Li Xiaoyao jumped on the wine gourd one after another and flew towards Shushan together.

"The other sword fairies are all flying with swords, but he has a wine gourd, wine sword fair, and it really is an alcohol addiction ...", sitting on the wine sword fair gourd, looking down at the scenery at his feet. Passing by, Wu Yan muttered secretly in his heart.

With the continuous improvement of Wuyan's strength, the ability of Wanciwang Gene has also increased with the increase in water. Wuyan's flight is not slow now, but compared to the degree of imperial flight, it is still slightly worse.

Suddenly, he glanced at the Suzhou City farther and farther below. Suddenly, Wu Yan sighed in his mouth.

"Hey, boy Wu, as a person coming here, I remind you that there is a flower that must be folded and it must be folded. I think that Lin Yueru's little girl, though somewhat rude and wayward, is a man of good temperament, really good." Hearing the sigh in Wu Yan's mouth, Jiujianxian said suddenly.

"Ah? You said that Lin Yueru and I were impossible?" When Wu Jianxian said, Wu Yan shook his head slightly and immediately shook his head.

"Well, let me ask you, do you have someone you like?", Jiu Jianxian didn't feel strange to Wu Yan's denial, just turned around and asked seriously.

"People you like?" Wen Yan said that Wu Yan's expression was slightly bleak, and he nodded, "I once did, but after so many years, I almost forgot it."

Before the end of the last days, Wu Yan happened to be a high school student, who was ignorant of his youth and naturally had a crush.

However, after the eschatology burst, I have never seen it again, and I do n’t know whether he died in the last days. After all, the death rate of the eschatology is as high as 80% ...

"Ah? Wu Yan, do you really like Lin Yueru's evil girl? Hahaha, this is really a turnip and green vegetable each has its own love." Li Xiaoyao next to him was very young, and he was very interested in this gossip topic. Hearing the dialogue between Jiujianxian and Wuyan, he came over and said with a smile.

"Go and go, what do the children know? Your own feelings have not been understood yet." For Li Xiaoyao, Jiuxianxian gave him a grimace and said.

"Well, boy, please tell me what you think of Lin Yueru?" After Li Xiaoyao shut up, Jiu Jianxian asked Wu Yan.

"Lin Yueru ..." After hearing the words of Jiu Jianxian, Wu Yan groaned for a moment.

I think of Lin Yueru, as well as the contacts of these days, and of course, the original work about Lin Yueru's image and actions.

"It's true that although she is very willful, but she is a temperament person, but unfortunately, I only admire her more", after thinking carefully for a moment, Wu Yan shook his head and said.

Of course, there is still half a word in Wu Yan's heart, which is that in addition to appreciation, there are many distresses and regrets.

The death of Lin Yueru in the original book is indeed shocking. Even from the standpoint of an onlooker, Wu Yan hopes that Lin Yueru can get his own happiness. From Wu Yan's point of view, the only people who can bring Lin Yueru happiness are Liu Jinyuan is up.

"Well, it turned out that the goddess had a dream, and King Xiang had no intention ..." Seeing Wu Yan's appearance, it was indeed the answer given after careful consideration, Jiu Jianxian shrugged helplessly.

"You said that Lin Yueru is interesting to me? Is this impossible ... right?" When hearing the words of Jiu Jianxian, Wu Yan first thought it was impossible. She was also slapped by her.

And while staying together these days, Wu Yan did not find Lin Yueru interesting to himself.

However, when thinking of her leaving just now, Lin Yueru just lowered her head and didn't speak. The atmosphere at that time was embarrassing. Her appearance made Wu Yan a little uncertain.


In Linjiabao, Wu Yan left. Lin Yueru stayed in a familiar home for some reason, but felt uneasy, and his heart seemed empty.

Lin Yueru didn't feel much about Wu Yan. When he met for the first time, he saw that he defeated Li Xiaoyao. He only regarded Wu Yan as a peer of high skill in martial arts, and nothing more.

However, Wu Yan later refused to marry him, but his father valued the face of the leader of the Wulin Alliance, forcing Wu Yan to agree, and the matter of recruiting relatives was reduced to a joke.

This makes Lin Yueru feel angry and dissatisfied with Wu Yan.

Although his character is a bit sloppy, he has beauty, family, and martial arts. Why does he look down on himself? This made Lin Yueru very unconvinced!

However, in recent days, after walking with Wu Yan for several days, Wu Yan seems to have endless secrets waiting to be dug.

Moreover, in Lin Yueru's heart, it felt that Wu Yan's body always seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mystery, like a flower in a mirror and a moon in the water, making Lin Yueru involuntarily want to know everything about him.

In this way, even Lin Yueru hadn't noticed, and unknowingly, Wu Yan's figure had been deeply imprinted.

Suddenly, Wu Yan said that he was leaving. To Lin Yueru, it seemed that something important in her heart was suddenly leaving, which made her feel inexplicable, so helpless that she couldn't help it. Can't tell.

"Miss, you, did you eat your lunch again? That won't work."

Lin Yueru's girl-in-law came over, holding the food in her hand, but she could see the food at noon on the table, and her face was full of anxious expression.

"Ah? Has it arrived in the evening?" Lin Yueru turned back and heard her words in amazement at the words of her aunt.

Unconsciously ~ ~ Did the whole afternoon pass?

"Okay, it's okay, I'm not hungry." She waved her hand, and Lin Yueru seemed to want to reassure the girl-in-law, showing a smile.

"Miss, you, why are you crying ..." But, looking at Lin Yueru's smile, the girl-in-law was not at ease, instead, she said more surprised.

"Crying?", The girl said, let Lin Yueru stunned, and stretched out his palm to touch his cheek.

Sure enough, there was a tear on his cheek when he didn't know when.

"I'm crying? Why am I crying?" Lin Yueru didn't understand himself and murmured, touching the tears on his face.

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