Plane Master Copy

Chapter 416: : Another niece Xiaoqing

Treasury, calmed down, all the gold and silver, under the control of Wu Yan's ability, all flew up by themselves, neatly yarded in the silver box.

As for the green snake? She was tied by Wu Yan's rune and fell aside.

The lightning force had just attacked her, causing her a minor injury.

I don't know how long, the green snake fell to the ground, slowly and slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were a bit blurred, apparently he hadn't realized his situation for a while.

But soon, after her memory was restored, her face changed and she remembered what happened.

After a careful look, all the five little ghosts fled, but they were tied up, and then not far away, Wu Yan sat cross-legged and closed his eyes in meditation.

The green snake's eyes turned slightly, and she rose quietly, preparing to leave while Wu Yan meditated.

However, she had just stood up and hadn't had time to move. Wu Yan's voice sounded: "Wake up and stay well, don't run away."

"Hey, where is this guy sacred? Master Ben fell in your hands today to admit it, you have to kill it or kill it."

After hearing Wu Yan's words, Green Snake also knew that it was impossible for him to sneak away, but he looked very bachelor and said to Wu Yan.

The words of the green snake made Wu Yan smile a little, and said, "Despite death?" If you are really so courageous, then I will complete you. "

While speaking, Wu Yan's palms were raised, and the blue lightning bolts gathered in the palms of the eaves. Then, Wu Yan stood up and walked to the front of the green snake step by step.

The palm, covered with blue lightning, grabbed directly at the side of the green snake.

"Wait, wait ..." Although the words in his mouth were very strong, but watching Wuyan gathered thunder and lightning in his hands, he was about to catch up to himself.

"You, you can't kill me. I know you don't want to kill me. I've been subdued by you. You haven't killed me for so long. You must not want to kill me?"

"So, do you think I dare not kill you?" Wu Yan's eyes calmly looked at the green snake in front of him, and his mouth asked calmly.

"Okay, I'm wrong. What can you do? Just tell me ...", Xiaoqing didn't dare to gamble with her life, and saw that Wu Yan really would act against herself. He said.

"It's not a big deal, let me ask you for a moment. Have you encountered a white snake essence recently?" After seeing the green snake decisively advocating, Wu Yan nodded, no longer wasting time, and asked.

"White snake essence? I don't know, I haven't seen it before," Wu Yan said, letting the green snake stunned slightly, and then shook his head immediately.

"Not encountered? In other words, haven't the Green Snake and Bai Suzhen met at this time?", The answer from Green Snake made Wu Yan's heart groan secretly.

In fact, Wu Yan was not surprised by Green Snake's answer.

If she really met with Bai Suzhen, she would have been a human being by Bai Suzhen and became Bai Suzhen's niece. With Bai Suzhen's character, she would not be allowed to come out and do things like stealing treasury silver.

Seeing Wu Yan groaning and no longer talking, there seems to be no other problem, which makes the snake's heart a little bit embarrassed.

I was afraid that Wu Yan would think that he was worthless and killed himself. Green Snake hurriedly said, "Hey, are you looking for a white snake essence? If it is true, you let me go and I can help you Look for it. "

"You? Help me find Bai Suzhen's whereabouts?" The Green Snake asked me so actively, but let Wu Yan be a little surprised.

However, after thinking about it, if a green snake took the initiative to help him find it, he might really be able to find Bai Suzhen's whereabouts in advance.

Besides, these days, the female ghost Xiaoqing waits for herself to eat and drink. She has become accustomed to luxury and frugality. Wu Yan has become accustomed to others to serve herself. It would be a good choice if she accepted her as a niece.

"Yes, I have been entangled in Qiantang County for several years, and I have received some charming young brothers around. If I am looking for someone, I will definitely have a great effect." Green Snake nodded earnestly, constantly Speak to prove your worth.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I won't kill you. In the future, you will be my niece." After groaning for a while, Wu Yan had never thought of killing her, so she took advantage of it. Nodded and agreed.

"Well ... wife ...? Do you know I'm a woman?" Wu Yan's words made the green snake look surprised.

She was dressed up as a man herself, and she spoke with Master Ben as herself. She thought she had deceived Wu Yan. Unexpectedly, he broke the truth that he was a daughter.

When the palm was lifted, the seal wrapped around the green snake was collected. After the green snake recovered its freedom, it did not escape the mind. After a change of body shape, it followed the shape of its own daughter and wore a The long blue dress looks very beautiful.

"Daughter Xiaoqing, met the son", after changing back to his original appearance, Xiaoqing knelt down to Wu Yanyingying, and at the same time said in a mouthful.

"Well, get up," Wu Yan raised her hand, motioned to Xiao Qing to stand up, and chewed the title of "Xiao Qing" with a whisper in her mouth, looking a little weird.

Previously in the plane of the Chinese ghost, the female ghost Xiaoqing became her maidservant, and now she has come to the white snake's plane, and this green snake has been accepted as a maidservant by herself.

Both of the maidservants' names are called Xiaoqing. Are they destined to be associated with Xiaoqing's niece?

"My son, what's wrong with you? By the way, I still don't know how my son is called." Seeing Wu Yan's mouth chewing his name, he looked weird. Xiao Qing looked at Wu Yan in amazement and asked at the same time. .

"My name is Wu Yan, and you will call me the young master directly." When Xiao Qing asked his name, Wu Yan replied.

Maybe it was because the female ghost Xiaoqing used to be called before, Wu Yan still felt that the title of the younger master was more pleasing.

"Master? Is there still a master? Shouldn't my sister-in-law meet the master?" After listening to Wu Yan asking himself to call him a master, Xiaoqing thought for a moment and asked.

"Master? Master passed away many years ago," Wu Yan shook his head and replied.

"That being the case, I should just call you a master. Why is it called a master?" Xiao Qing felt very strange when he heard Wu Yan's words.

"Don't you think I'm so young, called Master, will you call me old?", Xiao Qing's words made Wu Yan's mouth twitch slightly.

"Okay, sir, I understand ..." The reason why Wu Yan didn't let himself be called a master was because of this, Xiao Qing couldn't help laughing and nodded.

"Okay, Xiaoqing, you will follow me in the future, all the silver you stole in the coffers these days will be sent back." After an easy crushing battle, Xiaoqing was collected as his niece, Wu Yan Followed.

"This ...", Xiao Qing's face was a little embarrassed, and it was difficult to open her teeth.

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with it? Or you can't bear it?" Seeing Xiaoqing's appearance, she became her master herself, but she was unwilling to agree in the first sentence, which made Wu Yan's brow slightly frowned. .

"No, I didn't want to." Seeing Wu Yan's look, Xiaoqing hurriedly shook his head and said, "It's just that I have taken 3,552 silver from here in recent days, but these days, I have spent Thousand and two, so, so ... ".

"It cost a thousand and two? It's okay, I'll make it up for you." Hearing Xiao Qing's reason, Wu Yan looked very proud.

Between the words, the palm of his hand was lifted, and the silver in his storage space was directly divided into a thousand and two and placed in this storeroom.

Wu Yan's words are not strange. During this time, he stole a lot of money. Xiao Qing can't just steal the money. It's not strange to spend money for one thousand two these days.

It seems that Wu Yan is guarding the treasury here. Xiao Qing thought that Wu Yan was just a public servant who eats a bit of Lulu, but when he looked at Wu Yan, he could take out one thousand and two silvers, and Xiao Qing's face looked surprised. "Wow, Master, you are so rich ...".

After seeing Wu Yan's financial resources, Xiao Qing felt that he had followed Wu Yan this year and had a lot of gold, and he was repaired as an unfathomable young master. It seemed nothing bad.

At least follow his words later, you don't have to worry about being dispelled by human monks, right?

After making a five-ghost-carrying spell, Xiaoqing recruited the five young ghosts who had just escaped, and then asked them to take the remaining silver they had recently stolen, and brought them back to the warehouse.


For the arrest of these guarded treasuries, they were hypnotized all night, and when it was dawning, Li Gongfu slowly opened his eyes.

Li Gongfu who opened his eyes ~ ~ looked at all the catchers around him, all of them were lying on the ground and fell asleep, his face could not help but change greatly: "Get up, all get up for me, we are here to watch the warehouse , Why are you all asleep! ".

"Ah? We, why are we all asleep?"

With the yelling of Li Gongfu, these arresters were also awakened one after another, and all of them felt surprised and did not understand when they fell asleep.

"Oops! Ku Yin!", Soon, Li Gongfu reacted, exclaimed, tightened the knife in his hand, and rushed directly into the warehouse.

Following Li Gongfu, the other arresters also looked at each other, speeding up their pace.

When he came to the door of the Treasury, he saw that the gate of the Treasury was broken, and Li Gongfu's heart sank.

Obviously this is what it looked like after a big war.

However, when Li Gongfu rushed into the warehouse, the whole person froze and could hardly believe his eyes.

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