Plane Master Copy

Chapter 424: : A completely changed story

? If the wind and waves remain, watching the ship in the front has been overturned, the boatmen behind must be afraid to come forward to save people.

However, after Bai Suzhen's spell was solved, the wind and waves here had stopped, and the boatman also rowed the boat with the intention of saving lives and winning the seventh-level floating slaughter.

"Hurry up, a few of you, please come to the boat ..." Bai Suzhen came to the side of the boat, looking anxiously at a group of people in the water, talking, and after the boat stopped, he bent down and turned Xu Xian pulled up from the water.

Well, Bai Suzhen's heart seemed to only care about Xu Xian. After pulling him up, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at him seriously, seemingly unwilling to move away for a moment.

After being pulled into the boat, Xu Xian said, thanking Xu Xian, who sneezed and shivered a few times while talking.

In March of the Ching Ming Festival, the weather at this time was still a bit cooler, and the water was even colder. Xu Xian's thin body fell into the lake.

"Thank you Miss, thank you, otherwise, we can just ...", but the words of thanks in his mouth were not finished, Xu Xian looked at Bai Suzhen in front of her, and the whole person was stunned.

"Okay, so pretty ...", watching Bai Suzhen's unrefined temperament, so beautiful that she can't eat the fireworks on the earth, where has Xu Xian seen such a beautiful woman? My heart murmured, and I was completely stunned.

Staring at Xu Xian, what was his look, Bai Suzhen knew it naturally, with a look of shyness on his face, Bai Suzhen bowed his head slightly, and did not dare to look at Xu Xian again.

"Well, we are all in love, we are all backgrounds, it doesn't matter ..."

Several people here are still soaking in the water. Seeing that Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian seem to only have each other in their eyes, Wu Yan sighed helplessly, and immediately pressed the palm of the ship on the side of the ship, and the whole person jumped on the ship. By the way, I pulled the boat house soaking in the water.

As for Xiaoqing? Not to mention worry about her, the body is a snake, Xiao Qing is in the water, more like a fish, and also jumped into the boat with ease.

"Hey, Xu Gongzi, why are you staring at the big girl without blinking?", Xiaoqing, who got on the boat, saw the teleportation of Bai Suzhen, was a little surprised, and immediately fell on Xu Xian's body, directly He patted his shoulder and said.

While talking, Xiao Qing's eyes looked at Bai Suzhen with vigilance and hostility.

Before Wu Yan looked at Bai Suzhen without blinking, it made Xiaoqing's heart a little uncomfortable. Now after seeing Bai Suzhen again, Xiaoqing's heart breeds some hostility.

And more importantly, from the young master's mouth, Xiao Qing knew that Bai Suzhen was also a powerful snake demon. Then, just after the emergence of the waves on the water, Xiaoqing could already guess that Bai Suzhen was responsible for it.

She intentionally overturned the ship with a spell, she must have conspiracy.

"Uh, Xiaoqing, you, what are you talking about ...".

Not to mention that Xiao Qing next to him looked at Bai Suzhen with a vigilant and hostile look. Xu Xian was slapted by Xiao Qing and returned to God. She also realized that she had just stared at the big girl. It is very unreasonable, and his face also has a shy and embarrassing look, and dare not look at Bai Suzhen anymore.

"Xiao Qing, you and this lady should be closer to each other." Seeing that Xiao Qing seemed very opinionated about Bai Suzhen, Wu Yan seemed to be unable to accept such a situation for a while, and persuaded.

No matter in any version of the film and television drama, Green Snake and White are sisters. However, looking at Xiao Qing in front of Bai Suzhen is full of hostility, Wu Yan feels that an image fixed in her heart has been overturned. Like.

"Closer? Why should I be closer to her? Just now we were sitting on the boat well, she overturned our boat deliberately," said Wu Yan, giving Xiaoqing a glance at her head, a disdainful look, meanwhile, Directly exposed what Bai Suzhen had just done.

"She actually knew that I had used a spell? Who is she?" When she heard Xiao Qing's words she broke her little trick. Bai Suzhen's face was full of embarrassment, and her eyes were full of surprise.着 小青.

The spell that he secretly casts will be seen through by others, which Bai Suzhen did not think of.

"Little girl, you, don't say anything wrong. This girl just came over to save us. How could our ship be overturned by her?" For Xiao Qing, Xu Xian next to her face was surprised, Immediately shook his head again, completely distrusting Xiao Qing's words.

"What? She overturned my boat just now?" Of course, the boatman had the most reaction.

His boat was overturned in this way. He originally came from Ai Ziyan sitting on the side of the ship's string. At this moment, hearing the words of Xiao Qing, the boatman stood up and stared at Bai Suzhen aggressively.

His boat was overturned well, no matter who it fell on, it was very annoying to think about it.

"No, I, I ..." Facing the blame of the boatman, Bai Suzhen didn't know how to answer for a while.

Admit it? How can I admit such a thing? But if you deny it? They are all seen but lying cheekily? Such a thing, Bai Suzhen could not do it again.

"Huh, what's the matter? You have nothing to say? You honestly explained that you overturned our boat intentionally, but came over to save us again, what is it for?" Seeing Bai Suzhen forced to speechless Right, Xiao Qing pressed hard, and the tone of interrogation said to Bai Suzhen.

If you say Xiu Wei, Xiao Qing is of course much worse than Bai Suzhen. But if you talk about Hu Nuanzhen, why is Bai Suzhen going to Xiao Qing's opponent?

In the original work, it was because of Xiao Qing's ability that she saved Bai Suzhen a lot of effort, and she and Xu Xian soon got married and rolled the sheets.

But now, when Xiao Qing's ability is used to deal with Bai Suzhen, it makes her a little difficult to fight.

"It's finished, I don't know where to go to this original plot ..." Seeing Xiao Qingyi's words, he was politely in Bai Suzhen, Wu Yan patted his mind For a while, I didn't know how to interrupt.

After all, Xiaoqing now has decisively put a little shame on Bai Suzhen's body and completely tore it off.

At this time, Xiaoqing was staring at Bai Suzhen severely and questioned him. Xu Xian and the boatman beside him were also staring at Bai Suzhen seriously, waiting for her answer.

From the expressions of Bai Suzhen, they could also see that Xiao Qing's words seemed completely true. She had just overthrown the waves of the ship, and she was really overthrown.

"Hum, don't you speak? Then we shouldn't blame us." Seeing how Bai Suzhen couldn't answer, Xiao Qing, who was overturned by the boat and dropped into the water for no reason, said angrily, rushing to speak On the side of Wu Yan Road: "Master, go up, take her back".

"Uh, I don't think you look like my niece, but I look like your slave." Looking at Xiaoqing's appearance, Wu Yan's mouth twitched slightly.

Xiao Qing's attitude feels like closing a dog, but what about herself? Of course that dog.

Not to mention what Wu Yan felt like and Xiao Qing's attitude, of course, Bai Suzhen was most concerned about Xu Xian.

Seeing Xu Xian's look, Bai Suzhen also knew that the idea of ​​what story would happen to Xu Xian today was doomed to frustration, and she sighed helplessly. Facing Xiaoqing's question, Bai Suzhen jumped forward and jumped Into the lake.

Then, it turned into a great white snake and soon disappeared.

"Ah! The lady just cast Jiang, just save her!" Seeing Xiao Qing's questioning, Bai Suzhen jumped into the river and disappeared. Xu Xian's face changed and she exclaimed.

Not only Xu Xian, the two boatmen next to him watched Bai Suzhen jump into the river, they also thought that Bai Suzhen had committed suicide, and the two quickly jumped into the water, trying to salvage Bai Suzhen.

However, where could Bai Suzhen, who had long been a white snake, left?

After a full quarter of an hour, no one was found. The two boatmen came up, their faces were very ugly.

It's over, and no one thought that things had come to this stage, it turned out to be such a situation, and a life lawsuit came out.

Of course, for Bai Suzhen to cast the river, Wu Yan and Xiaoqing were sitting there, and they would certainly not worry about Bai Suzhen's safety.

However, for Bai Suzhen to leave the river, Wu Yan and Xiaoqing did not block it.

"Well, let's go back. You don't have to worry. The woman just wasn't an ordinary person. She wasn't in danger of death. She has already left." Seeing how a few people in Xu Xian were afraid of a life lawsuit, Wu Yan said helplessly and comforted. They did it.

Next, nothing happened. The ship quickly sent several people from Wuyan to Qiantang County.

Seeing the ship ready to turn back ~ ~ Wu Yan thought about it, but quietly left twelve silver on the overturned ship's house.

To Wu Yan, the twelve silvers are of course nothing, but for this boatman, the twelve silvers are enough for him to buy a new boat.

Wet and wet, of course, Wu Yan and others all went home separately. For Xu Xian, today is a bit of an episode, and that's it.

But for Wu Yan, because of Xiao Qing's words and actions, Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen, who should have been in love with each other, fell short of success. Even Bai Suzhen left alone, and she did not know what she would do in the future. Way to find Xu Xian.

"It's only been less than a month. The plot of this original book is almost completely messed up."

Wu Yan carefully sorted out the current situation, Wu Yan secretly murmured.

Thousands of love

Nothing to do, ten chapters will play tomorrow?

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