Plane Master Copy

Chapter 460: : Sky Sword vs. Royal Sword Art

As Wu Yan left, without the suppression of the spiritual power of spiritual fusion, Xiong Ba naturally recovered his freedom, just looking at Wu Yan's direction of go, Xiong Ba's face was full of doubt, surprise, and a puzzled look.

What is doubtful is that Wu Yan has clearly controlled himself, why not kill himself?

If you kill yourself, shouldn't it be difficult to replace yourself with his strength? This world will already be the first gang in the world, is he really not interested?

It was the strength that Wu Yan showed at the time.

In terms of martial arts, Xiongba thinks that his martial arts must be second to none in the entire martial arts. After all, he could compete with the sword master of the famous martial arts ten years ago. Now he has the confidence to defeat the sword master.

However, his strength is in front of Wu Yan, but there is not much threat at all, and he is easily subdued by him. Then, what kind of shocking situation has Wu Yan's cultivation achieved? It feels like the two are not in the same world.

In the end, Xiongba's heart felt even more puzzled. Almost for a while, Wu Yan left after he subdued himself. He did nothing but said he left a gift for himself? Don't you let him live up to his expectations?

Where is the gift? I didn't see it.

"Huh?" But, just when the bully's heart felt surprised, suddenly, the bully could feel that his eyes seemed to be different.

The sight became clearer than ever before. A fly flew in front of itself, and his eyes seemed to be able to see the process of the fly's wings shaking.

"What's going on? My eyes seem to be completely different ..." This sudden change made the bully's heart secretly feel surprised and shocked.

With his palm raised, a copper mirror on the table not far away was sucked into his hand, looking at himself in the mirror, his face changed greatly, and the mirror in his hand almost fell to the ground.

The smooth bronze mirror can clearly see his own reflection in it, but what makes the bully feel unbelievable is his eyes. The earth-shaking changes have turned into the scarlet blood color.

Even more unbelievable, one can see a pair of black hook jade in his own pupils.

Shuanggou's writing round eyes, after Uchiha Sasuke's blood veins copied, the male domineering relied on the power of blood veins to open the eyes instantly, reaching the level of Shuanggou's writing round eyes.

"Is this what Wu Yan said is the gift? These eyes should be able to see all the martial arts tricks? What kind of eyes are this? What a magical power."

Although the shape of the writing chakras made the bully feel very surprised, but after he carefully felt the ability of writing chakras, he was secretly amazed at the role of writing chakras.

Although his martial arts practice has not been improved, Xiongba believes that with the power of these eyes, his invisibility can improve by 20-30%.

"Wu Yan, who is sacred in the end? It can actually make my eyes change like this?"

Although I felt it carefully, I felt that the power of writing the round eye is perfect, but it is more shocking and doubtful in the heart of Xiongba. Shocking Wu Yan can make his eyes like this, and he is more puzzled by Wu Wu. Why does Rock do this?

There must be no holiday between himself and him. Why should he send such a pair of eyes to himself?


Wu Yan naturally ignored the doubt in Xiong Ba's heart. After copying the blood of Uchiha Sasuke to Xiong Ba, Wu Yan left the world club directly, and immediately constructed the magic of space transmission, and came to the China Building. nearby.

China Building!

Wu Yan stood at the door and looked at the restaurant in front of him, exactly like his memory, and could not help recalling the scene when he first met with Anonymous.

At that time, I used the power of the Magneto King to make a copy of the Royal Sword flying, which just happened to fly over this Chinese building, and Anonymous also just leaked the breath of his sky sword, affecting his sword, so much I fell down directly from the air, and I had the opportunity to meet with Anonymous and Swordmaster.

After a few years, returning to the Zhonghua Tower again, Wu Yan's heart sighed endlessly.

Oh oh ...

In the dark night, Wu Yan could clearly hear a desolate erhu sound, which was gripping. This was an unknown and commemorating his dead wife.

After a moment of deep groaning, Wu Yan leapt forward, without alarming the martial arts masters in the Zhonghua Building, and fell directly into the backyard of the Zhonghua Building.

"A friend came from afar, let's just say nothing", as Wu Yan landed in the courtyard, the erhu's voice continued, and at the same time, the unknown voice sounded.

"Anonymous senior, I haven't seen him for ten years, but is it okay?" Wu Yan said, loudly when he heard the words.

With Wu Yan's words falling, the erhu in the room suddenly stunned. Then, a ray of sword gas appeared, and Wu Yan came face to face.

This ray of sword gas gives people a sense of fairness and peace.

Looking at the oncoming sword qi, Wu Yan raised his fingers together, pinched a sword tactic, and immediately greeted him with the same ray of sword qi.

The collision of Jianqi and Jianqi disappeared into each other.

"Okay!", After the collision of Jianqi and Jianqi, the nameless mouth screamed, and at the same time, the dense Jianqi came face to face.

The immense and upright sword qi makes people feel a sense of convincing, and the sword qi is more powerful.


In the face of the oncoming sword qi, Wu Yan did not mean to flinch. He flicked his fingers, and a ray of sword qi also shot out with Wu Yan's sword fingers.

In a moment, in this backyard, sword qi is vertical and horizontal.

Ding Ding Ding!

With the confrontation between Wuming and Wu Yan, a Tibetan sword room in Zhonghua Pavilion was wiping the sword morning of the sword, and suddenly all the swords in the Tibetan sword room felt the traction of the air machine, and they all shook, even, Many swords came out of the sheath automatically and were inserted into the ground.

"This is it? Master and people do it?" Looking at this scene, Jian Chen's face was surprised.

For so many years, Master has rarely shot, and besides Swordmaster, is there anyone else in this world who is worthy of Master's shot?

Surprised, Jian Chen hurried out of the Tibetan sword room.

Anonymous, this time has come out of his house, the realm of Tianjian unfolded, a mighty sword from his body.

As soon as the realm of Tianjian emerged, Wan Jian surrendered, and even Wu Yan felt his own breath and was strongly suppressed.

This surprised Wu Yan's heart secretly. In terms of strength, Wuming now has only 1,800 crystal points, which is slightly weaker than himself. However, from the realm of Kendo, Wuming is far from being able to compare himself. of.

As soon as the sky sword came out, this supreme sword intention overshadowed all the swords in the world.

A simple analogy, Wu Yan is now like a strong snake king, while Anonymous is like a juvenile dragon.

In terms of strength, the strong snake king is stronger than the juvenile dragon, but even the snake king, when confronted with the dragon, will be constrained by blood ...

"Master!" At this time, Jian Chen ran out of the Tibetan sword room, watching the namelessness of Tian Jian Jian Yi displayed, and then looked at Wu Yan, who was as young as herself, beside him, Jian Chen's heart was surprised.

Such a young man, can he even let his master show the sword of Tianjian?

Wu Yan also turned around and glanced at Jian Chen, and immediately lifted his palm. The hero sword in Jian Chen's hand automatically spun out and flew to Wu Yan's side.

Wu Yan could feel the hero sword, and also came the breath of surrender to the sky sword, which made Wu Yan's heart conceal in secret, and the power of the sky sword was extraordinary.

"Imperial swordsmanship!" However, although he is not as famous in the Kendo realm, at this time, Wu Yan does not mind overwhelming people.

With the execution of imperial swordsmanship, the hero sword became two and two became four, but in a moment, hundreds of flying swords appeared densely under Wuyan's imperial swordsmanship, followed by a storm like a storm. Shot in the past.

"What a magical swordsmanship!" Looking at Wuyan's ability to perform the sword, his nameless eyes brightened a lot, and he sighed with admiration.

However, looking at the dense flying sword that came over, the nameless bears his hands, and the powerful sword intention turns into a layer of shield.

A stalk of flying swords hit the shield, causing ripples like a lake under a heavy rain.

However, Wuyan's flying swords were suppressed by the swordsmanship of Tianjian, and only 10% of his strength could play only 50% to 60%. It is not so easy to break through the unknown swordsmanship.

After a long time, when all these flying swords were blocked, I saw the nameless side, all densely packed with heroic swords, only the square inch surrounding him was a pure land.

With one move from Wu Yan's palm, all the flying swords beside the unnamed body dissipated, leaving only one hero sword, returned to Wu Yan's side, as if it were a spirit snake, slowly rotating around Wu Yan's entire body.

"It's worthy of being an unnamed senior. As soon as Tianjian came out, Wan Jian surrendered!" Wu Yan said, heartily sighing.

"Wuyan Xiaoyou ~ ~ I haven't seen it for ten years. Now your cultivation has reached an unpredictable state. Sure enough, the hero is a boy. The waves of the Yangtze River are pushing forward ...".

After the two had discussed with each other, Wu Yan said with surprise in the eyes of the unknown.

Ten years ago, after Wu Yan copied the knowledge of the unknown Kendo, the two discussed Kendo and made the anonymous Wu Yan a confidant.

Sure enough, ten years later, Wu Yan's cultivation has reached such a level.

"It turned out to be a simple study, he is a friend of Master."

After hearing the dialogue between Wu Yan and Wuming, there was some nervous Jian Chen next to it, and then he was relieved and murmured secretly.

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