Plane Master Copy

Chapter 474: : The Largest Treasure Place in the Storm

The news of a peerless good sword came to Wuyan's heart.

To be honest, although the Peerless Sword is the top soldier of the Fengyun plane, but for Wu Yan, it may not be eye-catching. After all, the Wushuang Sword can't keep up with Wu Yan's strength early.

Looking down at himself, Wu Yan has been in the Fengyun plane for more than a month, and his crystal point has been improved a lot. A high number appeared in front of Wu Yan: 1990!

From the point of 2000 crystal points, there are only 10 crystal points left in the last few points. By then, Wuyan's fortified hands of yellow sand can be equipped.

For Wu Yan, how can the peerless sword compare with the golden quality equipment of Huangsha Hand?

But, for the breaking wave, Wu Yan groaned for a moment, and said, "Breaking wave, the sword in your hand, or did I give it to you that year? Haven't you thought about changing to a better sword?".

"No, Master, this is the sword you gave me. I have been using it for the past ten years, and it feels very handy. I never thought of changing the sword." For Wu Yan, Broken Waves shook his head. .

For the so-called Peerless Sword, Broken Waves didn't seem to have any desire for it.

Having said that, Breaking the Wave was a slight pause, and Fu went on to say, "In addition, Master, the armed color domineering you have taught me is not only able to increase itself, but can also be wrapped around weapons, as long as the armed color domineering is strong, I believe that even if it is a branch, I can cut off the world's magic soldiers, so the so-called magic weapon is not essential to me. "

"Hahaha, I really have ambition!" When hearing the breaking waves, Wu Yan's face could not help but smile, and laughed loudly. He was still very satisfied with the consciousness of breaking waves.

However, as soon as this was said, Wu Yan paused slightly and then said, "But for a swordsman, a good weapon can increase some strength more or less. You don't look down on other swords. Maybe, even fire. Does Lin Jian despise? ".

"Huo Lin Sword !?"

Hearing Wu Yan's words, Broken Wave's body shook slightly, and at the same time, his expression became a little excited, saying, "Master, do you know where the Huolin Sword from our family is?".

"Of course I know." Wu Yan nodded slightly for the breaking wave.

There was no intention of selling Guanzi, Wu Yan said: "Your fire sword that you broke away from home was lost in Lingyun Cave. If you want to find Fire Lin sword, go to Lingyun Cave."

"Lingyun Cave!" When he heard the news of Huo Linjian, the look of the breaking waves was agitated, and he could not wait.

Indeed, the so-called magic weapon is not very attractive for the broken waves that have been armed and domineering, but the fire sword is completely different. If it can be found, If you do, you must not lose it.

"By the way, how is your relationship with Nie Feng over the years?" Seeing that the breaking wave was impatient, he would run to Lingyun Cave, Wu Yan asked.

Wu Yan suddenly asked about Nie Feng, which caused Duanlang to hesitate for a moment, then nodded his head: "Nie Feng? My relationship with him has always been good, after all, we have been friends since childhood."

At this time, due to Wu Yan's intervention, Duanlang has not encountered so many injustices in the original work. Therefore, his mind is not as distorted as in the original work. Therefore, he can be regarded as a five-good young man with a lot of love. Already.

"Well, if that's the case, then go to Nie Feng to go with you", nodded, Wu Yan reminded.

"Ah?" Wu Yan told Duanlang to look at him in amazement. He didn't understand why Wu Yan asked him to go with Nie Feng.

"The fire is strong on the top of the Nanshan Mountain, and the North Sea dives deep into the snow. This refers to the fire sword and the snow-drinking sword, respectively. These two magic weapons are all lost in Lingyun Cave." With a stern look on the breaking waves, Wu Yan smiled and said.

"That's the case, I understand." Broken Wave nodded, and then said goodbye to Wu Yan and the unknown, then turned around and left Zhongguo.

Looking at the body of Duan Lang, Wu Yan's face had a calm smile on his face. Wu Yan was not worried about his safety.

Although the fire unicorn is a strange beast in the Fengyun plane, but its strength is much worse than that of the Shenlong. In the original book, it was killed by the resurgence of Dongshan. Going to the Lingyun Cave with the current breaking wave strength, not to mention 诛Killing fire unicorn, at least to protect yourself is absolutely no problem.

In addition, thinking of the Lingyun Cave, Wuyan's heart was filled with emotion. If there were the most treasures in the Fengyun plane, it was undoubtedly Lingyun Cave.

Blood bodhi, this is the holy fruit of healing and increasing power. Not only can it be healed by eating, but it can also improve its power, and it grows in Lingyun Cave.

The two magic weapons, Huolin Sword and Xueyin Knife, remain in Lingyun Cave as Wu Yan said. These two weapons can be regarded as the most advanced magic weapons in the situation.

In addition, next to the Snow Drinking Knife, the six family skills of martial arts and arrogance left by the ancestors of Nie Feng's ancestors. If this martial arts secret has been obtained, I believe that it can easily create a top-notch top-level master Already.

In addition to these, the dragon veins in Lingyun Cave, which are related to the air transport of the entire Shenzhou, are transformed by the spine of Xuanyuan Huangdi.

In addition, whether it is a TV series or a comic version, you can see that the dragon vein has a skeleton carrying a sword, which should be undoubtedly Xuanyuan Huangdi, and the sword held by Xuanyuan Huangdi is likely to be the legendary Xuanyuan sword !!

Apart from the dragon veins and the baby suspected of Xuanyuan Sword, what else is there in Lingyun Cave?

According to legend, in the early years when Emperor Shi Tian was a disaster, a ten strong martial arts appeared in the martial arts. It was the ten strong martial arts that shrank Di Shi Tian into the gate of heaven and did not dare to pave the way until the ten invincible Wu old died After that, Emperor Shi ’s genius dared to jump out and continue to do his best.

According to legend, the martial arts of the top ten martial artists were also recorded somewhere in Lingyun Cave.

Therefore, Wu Yan has counted back and forth, blood bodhi, fire lin sword, snow drinking knives, six cold tricks, dragon veins, xuanyuan sword, martial arts of the top ten martial artists ...

Among these Lingyun caves, it is the largest treasure place on the Fengyun plane.

Wu Yan sometimes sighed that this Lingyun Cave may be the most suitable place for the dragon to stay. After all, only the legendary dragon likes to collect all kinds of exotic treasures in the world.

"Wu Yan, you let Duan Lang go to Lingyun Cave, what about the peerless sword that worships Jianshanzhuang?" After seeing Duan Lang leave, immediately, the unknown eyes fell on Wu Yan and asked.

The sword that Peerless Village has spent hundreds of years building must be the best weapon for the best soldiers, and the invitations so arrogantly distributed will surely be another **** storm. If this weapon falls into the hands of evil people ,The consequences could be disastrous.

"Well, a great sword? I also want to see what this sword looks like. I'll take it myself." For the nameless words, Wu Yan groaned for a moment and said.

In Fengyun's original book, almost the peerless good sword has been blown into the strongest weapon. Wu Yan would like to see how the peerless good sword really is.

Of course, I also want to compare, what is the peerless good sword with this golden-quality weapon in the hands of Huang Sha?

"You passed by yourself? That's naturally foolproof." Hearing Wu Yan's words, Anonymous slightly froze, but nodded slightly, but didn't say much, and felt relieved.

If Wu Yan was dispatched in person, there would be nothing to worry about the worship of Jianshanzhuang.

After that, Wu Yan and Wuming simply chatted for a few words, without any intention of wasting time, left directly and walked towards Baijian Villa.


In Tianshan, Dixian Tian, ​​wearing an ice sculpture mask, sits on his throne in an Xuanbing hall.

Since these days, Di Shitian has almost locked himself in this hall without leaving half a step. In these days, Di Shitian's heart has been thinking about the dragon slaughter and the so-called fairyland.

Is there a fairyland in this world? This made Di Shitian feel shocked.

Di Shitian didn't quite believe this kind of thing, but Wu Yan's ninja skills were by no means martial arts in the world. Such "evidence" made Di Shitian believe in the existence of the immortal realm.

In addition, since I can take elixir to obtain a long life, why can't there be immortals in this world?

For so many years, Di Shitian always felt that he was special. He was the only **** in the world, but meeting with Wu Yan again made Di Shitian's world view seem to be subverted.

It turns out that I am not special. Is there a fairyland in this world? And fairy?

"Master, there will be an accident over there. There will be no **** and Nie Fengbu Jingyun join forces and almost killed the hero ..." At this time, Luo Xian, also wearing an ice sculpture mask, appeared and reported the news to him. Emperor Shitian.

"Well, this matter is not worth my personal inquiry, go ahead." He waved his hands, and it was obvious that Emperor Shi Tian was not attentive to what happened in the world.

"Just, according to intelligence, there is another special message." Hesitated for a moment ~ ~ Luo Xian said.

"Oh? What special news?" Luo Xian's words made Di Shitian interested, and he asked.

"According to intelligence, the eyes of the male domineer are different from mortals, and they can become scarlet like blood, and it is rumored that these eyes were given to him by Wu Yan", hesitated slightly, Luo Xian said.

"Oh?" After hearing this, Emperor Shitian stood up arrogantly.

Di Shitian was naturally unconcerned about the life and death of Xiong Ba, but Wu Yan sent blood red eyes to Xiong Ba, which made Di Shitian very interested.

Wu Yan also had blood-red eyes when he was in the China Pavilion, and those eyes can release a black flame, which is impressive.

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