Plane Master Copy

Chapter 488: : Tianwei

Everyone looked at Di Shitian in amazement, obviously frightened by his words. Unknown is actually his descendants? This is something that no one has thought of before.

"This is impossible. How could there be a blood relationship between you and me?" Anonymous also shook his head, feeling unbelievable or unwilling to believe.

How could his ancestors be like this? This makes Anonymous a bit unacceptable.

"It's a fact that the blood of this seat is left in your body!" Emperor Shi Tian seriously looked at the appearance of unnamed unwillingness to believe.

Immediately, it seems that I also know the matter of confessing my relative. I can't force the other person to believe with a strong attitude. Therefore, the expression of Emperor Sha Tian immediately became softer, and he sighed and said, "Actually, you know, I live For more than two thousand years, over the years, I have made many friends who are proud and willing to intervene for me. Similarly, there have been many beautiful women with beautiful skin and beautiful skin. Many of them also To give birth to a child. "

"In the first few hundred years, I will also carefully observe these grandchildren, but unfortunately, most of them are all in the crowd, and there are no outstanding young people worthy of my concern, and you are my most recent For centuries, the most outstanding of our descendants. "

In the end, Emperor Shitian's eyes fell on the nameless body, his eyes were full of appreciation.

Anonymous face was cloudy, and he did not believe what Emperor Shi Tian said, and he was even more unwilling to believe it.

However, looking at Emperor Shitian's appearance does not seem to be deceiving people, which makes the nameless face look unsightly.

"Isn't Wu Yan aware of the past and the future? If you don't believe it, you can ask him and believe that he will tell you the truth." Seeing Wuming's unwillingness to believe, Di Shitian said to Wuming.

"No need, what you say is not important whether it is true or not", but Anonymous shook his head, and seemed to be less concerned about everything.

Yes, although what Emperor Shitian said is shocking, in fact, it is not very important to the anonymous.

If he is true, he will not be biased towards him because he is his ancestor, and it is even less likely to help him. If he is telling lies, it is even less relevant.

A large ship sailing on the sea. The ship almost covered the top of the Fengyun plane. Unfortunately, although Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun are the protagonists of this plane, the two of them are still too young now, so As for the battle of the dragon slaughter, there is no room for them to intervene.

Sometimes sailing on the sea is very dangerous, especially the weather at sea, which can be said to be unpredictable.

During the first two days of the voyage, the weather was still fine, but on the third day, the weather suddenly became a lot worse. The storms and thunders thundered, causing terrible stormy waves. A large ship in the sea looked very Small.

All the people on the boat were not very good-looking. With their martial arts, in the face of such a tsunami-like natural disaster, there was little use for them. They could only pin their hopes on the helmman and hope that he would not overturn the boat. .

Otherwise, in the vast sea, even if the martial arts height is high, it seems pale and weak.

"Sacred Heart!", Watching the waves around the sky, Emperor Shi Tian's mind also became dignified, the Holy Spirit determined the exercises, the cold chill released, protecting the ship at the same time, Because of the cold, the sea water gradually shows a tendency to freeze.

"It's awesome!" With one person's strength against Tianwei, at this time Emperor Shitian's martial arts practice showed that many people on the ship looked surprised.

Although everyone knows that Di Shitian's strength is very strong, but to what extent is strong, but there is no clear concept, after all, he shot many times, the strength revealed is nothing more than half a claw.

But now, watching Emperor Shitian almost use one person's strength to fight against the might of the wind and tsunami, the sword sage and the unknown have a shocking look on their faces. Is it really someone who has lived for more than 2,000 years? ? This martial arts practice has really reached a terrible situation.

However, although the power of Emperor Shitian is strong, there is a saying that the manpower is sometimes exhausted. When a person's power is always exhausted, he guards the ship and runs through the tsunami, and the waves beat. In the end, the power of Emperor Shi Tian was consumed a lot, and this big ship became dangerous in the waves.

"Wu Yan, come and help!", Some could not stand up, Di Shitian yelled at Wu Yan.

Emperor Shitian knows very well that in the face of such prestige, no one else can help and can only pin his hope on Wu Yan.

Although Wu Yan could not wait for Di Shitian to die quickly, it is obviously not the time.

Looking at this terrible world and feeling the terrible tsunami, Wu Yan sighed helplessly in the heart, but unfortunately in the ninjutsu area, he has not learned the leeches of jutsu, otherwise, he could control these seawater Not to let the giant waves overturn the boat.

"This kind of world and earth power, even if I ca n’t stay on it, it seems that I have to find a way to escape." Wu Yan secretly thought for a moment. Among the abilities he possessed, it was really true. Nothing is right to deal with the difficulty at hand.

For a moment of groaning, Wu Yan's hands were imprinted. Immediately, the skill of Shadow Avatar was cast, a white smoke flashed, and a shadow Avatar appeared in front of Wu Yan.

And everyone on the boat saw this scene with a shocking look on his face. Such ninjutsu can't be explained by martial arts in the world.

call out!

After putting out a shadow clone, the shadow clone was lifted in the void, and the hand of the yellow sand in the storage space appeared. Immediately, after Wu Yan pinched a sword trick, he leapt forward and stepped on the flying sword. , Into a sharp sword light, instantly cut through the dark clouds in the sky and flew towards the distance.

At Wuyan's current level of strength, Yu Jian is flying very fast. After passing through the thundercloud area, the shadow drove the flying sword and fired into the distance extremely fast.


Not to mention where the shadow-slave Royal Sword Flight has gone, at this time, a large tsunami has appeared, pressing towards the ship, and it is difficult to resist alone by Emperor Shitian.

Wu Yan took a deep breath, and immediately, his eyes turned into a triangular windmill, and the kaleidoscope turned the eye of the wheel gently, and the red-hot Suzumeng was shown by Wu Yan.

The huge Susano Nori figure stood up from the big ship, the powerful Chakra emerged, palms waved towards the surrounding waves, all these big waves slamming towards the big ship, all in Susano No strength The bottom was blocked.

"Okay, so powerful ..." All the people on the boat looked at the huge Suzumaki, with a look of astonishment and disbelief on their faces.

This is a huge body that can be used, let alone strength, and their body shape makes them feel heavy pressure.

Although Di Shitian's face was amazed, but soon, he became gloomy again.

Although the grievance between the two people has been cancelled on the surface, who knows when Wulong is really going to kill the dragon, will Wu Yan be thinking of swallowing the Dragon Yuan. If so, it will be displayed by Wu Yan now Judging by the strength of it, it is not easy to want to stop him.

"Well, this is the magic of the immortal world? It really is not the power that mortals can have." Even if it is unknown, looking at Su Zuo Neng Hu, the heart is full of shock.

The shadow avatar technique just now, and the power of this stunner, make people feel deeply shocked.

Susano's strength is indeed powerful, which is enough to leapfrog the challenge. However, as the saying goes, strong moves must be self-defeating. This Susano's strength has been maintained for just two minutes. , Two blood stains of red color, slipped from the corner of Wu Yan's eyes.

At the same time, Wuyan's eyes became more and more sore, and her vision became a bit blurred.

"It turns out that his strength can hurt his eyes, can't it last?" Looking at Wu Yan's appearance, in addition to fear and horror in his heart, Emperor Shi Tian's mood relaxed a little.

On the side of Wu Yan, he tried his best to maintain the shape of Xu Zuo Neng Hu. On the other side, the shadow of the flying sword has flew out twenty or thirty miles away. Compared with the ship, the storm here has been much smaller The waves are much smoother.

After Shadow's avatar closed Huang Sha's hand, his body turned into a white smoke and dissipated.

At the same time, Wu Yan on the ship ~ ~ also sensed the elimination of the shadow avatar, took a deep breath, stretched out his fingers, and made a few circles in the void.

Countless small and small Mars appeared in front of the ship, and as the ship moved forward, this huge circle of fire quickly turned into a space-transporting magic.

Although the sea conveys magic both in and out of the sea, but relatively speaking, the waves on the other side are much more peaceful.

After the ship passed the magic transmitted by this space, Wu Yan waved his hand and released the magic. Looking around, the wind and waves had subsided a lot, and there would be no danger anymore.

"Huh ...", after all this was done, Wu Yan's mouth spit out a long spit, his body was a little unstable, and he fell on the deck.

The kaleidoscope writing wheel eye also returned to the black appearance. Naturally, the shape of Susano was also eliminated.

"Wu Yan, are you okay?"

Seeing the huge consumption of Wu Yan, even the station was unstable. The next nameless, sword sage, and broken waves came around, and secretly protected Wu Yan in their circle.

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