Plane Master Copy

Chapter 646: : Xiao Meng who disappeared

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The country of the lion and camel is a country of demons. The three demon of the country of the lion and camel are amazingly strong. However, these days the blow to the country of the lion and camel has been quite great.

Because the lion camel was counted by Wu Yan's space teleportation magic, he was caught by the heavenly fairies, and Dapeng was beaten up by Wu Yan to report. He invited the Buddha to come out and take it away.

Therefore, these days, the whole thing about the country of the lion and camel can only rest on the king of white elephants.

"Hey, long-lived things, from ancient times to the present, I do not know how many worldly demons have troubled ...".

On this day, the king of white elephants stayed in the lion and camel city, drinking alone, and looked at the two seats beside him, both of which were empty. This made the king of white elephants empty, and sighed, and secretly murmured in his heart.

Originally, the elder brother learned about the longevity and went to catch a young monk. This was not difficult, but he didn't expect that the elder brother and the third brother were all trapped, which made the king of white elephants a little confused.

Save people? One in heaven, one in Lingshan, how to save?

As for revenge? The elder brother and the third brother are all broken. If I want to take revenge, how to do it?

"Two kings, it's not good, there is a monkey with a hairy face and Lei Gong's mouth coming over", groaning secretly in the heart of the king of white elephants, while also thinking about how he should be next, suddenly, A rush of footsteps sounded, and a little demon hurriedly called to the white elephant king.

"Oh? There are monsters who dare to attack this lion and camel city?" After hearing the report from his own staff, the king of white elephants stood up, his voice filled with anger.

During the talk, it was natural that the monsters of the country of the camel came together, picked up their weapons, and went straight out of the cave.

"Wu Mawen, are you? Why did you come to my country of Lion and Camel for no reason?", The king of white elephants led the group of demon of Lion and Camel to greet him and looked at the mighty Sun Wukong. Asked.

Look at the appearance of Sun Wukong, the king of white elephants knows that the visitor is not good, but there is no resentment between the lion and camel country and Huaguoshan?

"Hey hey, grandma Sun was entrusted to come and do a game with you", finger Ruyi gold hoop stick, Sun Wukong grinned his teeth and said.

"Trusted by others?" When hearing Sun Wukong's words, King Bai Xiang's eyes flickered, and he fell on Wu Yan next to him, his frown wrinkled again, and said, "Who is this?"

"I'm Wu Yan", Wu Yan's eyes fell on the king of white elephants and he said.

The number of crystal points of 18,800, this white elephant king's repair is also very surprising, and Sun Wukong, can be said to be incomparable.

"You are Wu Yan !?" Hearing Wu Yan's identity, the face of King Bai Xiang could not help but change.

Although he saw Wu Yan, King Bai Xiang didn't know him, but he heard Wu Yan's name.

Almost all of his elder brothers and third brothers were broken in his hands. Looking at Wu Yan, the eyes of King Bai Xiang were naturally full of hatred.

"Hands on! Kill!", Without much nonsense, the king of white elephant raised his hand directly, waved heavily, and said loudly at the same time.

With the hatred between himself and Wu Yan, it is unnecessary to say anything. I am thinking about how to avenge it. Now that the other party has come to the door, it is natural that the king of white elephants cannot sit still.

With the words of the king of white elephants, thousands of little monsters shouted at Wu Yan and Sun Wukong.

"A lot of monsters are indeed the country of lion and camel." Looking at the tens of thousands of little monsters, Wu Yan could not help but marvel at himself.

This is really a country of monsters. The number of monsters is really scary.

However, for these little demons, although Wu Yan was stunned by these numbers, Wu Yan's expression was not in the slightest confusion.

Watching thousands of little demon, rushing towards this side densely, Wu Yan's eyes were slightly frozen, and immediately, the powerful and powerful overlord color domineering, centered on Wu Yan's body, quickly broke out. .

These wows yelled, in fact, the extraordinary monsters who rushed over were swept away by the overbearing color and domineering. Soon, the little monsters turned their eyes and turned down.

Tens of thousands of little monsters, but in the blink of an eye, about 90% of them were directly stunned by Wuyan's overlord color.

"What? What is this ability !?", looking at Wu Yan did nothing, but his tens of thousands of men were almost wiped out, and the eyes of the king of white elephants were full of horror, incredible. Road.

"Although this is not the first time I have seen it, I feel shocked every time I see it." Even Sun Wukong took a deep look at Wu Yan and murmured secretly in his heart.

At first, the lion and camel took thousands of monsters to find Wu Yan, and Wu Yan used this trick. However, how many thousands of monsters can shock these tens of thousands of monsters?

With so many monsters, they can stun them by their momentum alone. This ability is really shocking.

"This overbearing arrogance is indeed a magical skill used to clean up the soldiers!", A move of overlord arrogance, almost stunned a large part of the demon in the country of lion and camel, Wu Yan nodded secretly, for the overlord Sebaqi's ability is also very satisfied.

With a move of overlord color, after solving a huge part of the little demon, Wu Yan has no intention to do anything. The remaining little demon are almost the level of the fourth-level awakening, and the crystal points are all above 1,000. It is obviously impossible to clear them out by relying on overlord colors.

Wu Yan stretched out his palm, and then the palm gently waved a few times in the air. Soon, a huge circle of fire appeared in front of Wu Yan.

Now that he has arrived in the country of lion and camel, after Wu Yan has a domineering color and domineering power, he immediately transmits the space in the architecture space to prepare for Xiao Meng to take over.

"Kill!" Although Wu Yan ’s overbearing color is shocking, but the remaining monsters are not weak, and after converging, they shout out loud one by one and at the same time, quickly move towards Wu. Rock rushed over here.

"I ca n’t let Wu Yan stand on the limelight alone. He has been sealed for 500 years. Now he has very itchy hands." Watching these monsters fluttered towards Wu Yan, Sun Wukong shook He shook his head and said.

During the conversation, Sun Wukong plucked a hair out of his own head, and then blew it gently.


With the actions of Sun Wukong and time, countless monkeys and grandchildren between heaven and earth followed, thousands of them.

All these monkeys also had sticks in their hands, and the monsters who screamed at these lion and camel nations rushed over and were aggressive, but for a moment, the two sides slammed together fiercely.

War. Thousands of monsters fight melee. This is no longer a battle, but a war.

From a situation point of view, these monkeys and the monsters of the country of the lion and camel are fighting inextricably and inseparably.

"Is this the power of Sun Wukong's incarnation? It really is very strong." Wu Yan, who is transmitting magic in the architectural space, looked up at this time.

The existence of these monkeys is a bit similar to the shadow avatars. Once they are fatally injured, they will turn into a light smoke and disappear. Obviously, these monkeys are all incarnations of Sun Wukong.

The king of white elephants looked at the killing, staring with tears. These killed monkeys were nothing but the incarnation of Sun Wukong, but the monster that died in the country of lion and camel was a real monster.

It seemed that the two sides were not equal, but it was a big loss for the country of lion and camel.

King Bai Xiang's eyes were completely blank, and his eyes fell on Sun Wukong's body, and a roaring voice was heard in his mouth: "Sir Ma Wen, you're so restless!"

During the talk, the weapon in the hand of the king of white elephants lifted up, with hundreds of millions of average strength, and smashed it towards Sun Wukong. At this time, the hatred of the king of white elephants was obviously attracted by Sun Wukong.

"Hey, come here ...", he is very forehand right now, he needs a master to fight for three hundred rounds to be happy, watching the king of white elephant's weapons smashing towards his side, Sun Wukong is not shocked but happy.

After yelling, the Ruyi golden hoop in his hand lifted up and racked it towards the king's weapon.

There was a loud bang, and an invisible wave exploded from where the two men's weapons met.

Sun Wukong's body remained motionless, but the steps of the king of white elephants were shocked and he took a half step back.

From the point of view of the figure, the white elephant king is huge and mighty. The strength of the elephant is inherently very great, and Sun Wukong is just a monkey that looks very stingy. However, in terms of strength, Sun Wukong is both physically and morally The white elephant king is better.

Therefore, this hard collision of forces, Sun Wukong is even better.

"Hahaha, enough, come again ...", feeling the power of the king of white elephants, almost the same as himself, Sun Wukong laughed loudly.

During the conversation, the Ruyi golden hoop in his hand lifted up again ~ ~ and smashed towards the white elephant king.

For a time, the two kings of white elephants and Sun Wukong fought fiercely.

Wu Yan maintains the space to transmit magic in his hands, and glances at the battle between Sun Wukong and King Bai Xiang. Obviously, Wu Wu Wu won't worry because Sun Wukong has the upper hand.

However, looking at the space to transmit magic, Wu Yan's brow could not help but frown.

What's going on? I've talked to Xiao Meng myself. When I arrive at the Lion and Camel Kingdom, I will send magic to the space to take her over.

Holding some surprise in his heart, Wu Yan directly passed through this space to convey magic, and instantly returned to the Huaguo Mountain side.

However, seeing the scene of Huaguo Mountain, Wu Yan's face could not help but change slightly.

The monkeys of Huaguoshan all lay on the ground and fell asleep. It felt like they were fainted by the overbearing domineering spirit.

And Xiao Meng, disappeared ...

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