Plane Master Copy

Chapter 669: : Apocalypse vs Wu Yan

Apocalypse's eyes are placed on the King of Magnetism. As the oldest mutant, Apocalypse can clearly feel the power of the mutant in the other person's body.

It is for this reason that Apocalypse is able to fully develop the power hidden in the opponent's body.

From the body of the Magneto King, Apocalypse can feel the tremendous power he contains.

"Who are you?" Looking at the weather that struck across the space and killed Stryker as soon as he shot, Wanci Wang had some suspicions in his heart, and looked at the other person seriously and asked.

"I? I am about to become your master and the true king of this world. I have seen, uh, what about you on TV. You and I have the same philosophy. How about submit to me and we will destroy together Drop this false world, destroy those false gods, and create a world that really belongs to us? "

Apocalypse looked at Wanci Wang with an appreciation, and said.

He felt particularly satisfied with the power of Magneto King, which, if fully developed, would be enough to change the entire world.

"This, is that what they call apocalypse?".

At this time, Quicksilver stepped out of the side, and fell on Tian Qi's body. After carefully examining Tian Qi up and down, he immediately flung his lips and said, "It's ugly."

The blue lips, gray-blue skin, and the appearance of Apocalypse really looked very ugly. However, this vomiting of fast silver still made Apocalypse's eyes flash a deep look of anger.

The tragic experience of Apocalypse in his youth was mainly due to his ugly appearance. How many years have he not commented on his appearance?

"Look for death!", The angel next to him, after he heard Kuaiyin's words, said with an angry face.

While talking, the metal wings spread out, and then, many sharp blades shot at Kuaiyin like raindrops.

However, in the face of these sharp blades, Quicksilver's rapid ability was launched, and it was easy to avoid these slow blades, which seemed to be standing still, and then punched the angel's face heavily. .

With a slam, the angel was directly blown out, landed on the ground, and a tooth spit out in his mouth.

"Hmm ...", looking at the knight under his seat, he was blown out, Tianqi's mouth snorted coldly, and his palm was raised slightly immediately.

As his ability was activated, the land was deserted, and then, as if in an arm, he grabbed Kuaiyin's legs tightly.

Almost at the same time, the angel's wings were shocked again, and a sharp blade turned by a metal feather shot at the fast silver.

The Wanci King next to him lifted his palm. With the launch of his ability, the sharpened blade of this metal feather was directly controlled by the Wanci King.

At the same time, Wanci Wang quickly pressed the communicator they used to communicate with Professor X.

"No, boy, you are not my opponent ..." Apocalypse's eyes fell on Wanci Wang and shook his head.

Although Magneto's ability is powerful, Tianqi is confident in his own strength.

"Indeed, I may not be your opponent, but Wu Yan must be ...", Wanci Wang did not have the mind to fight with the Apocalypse, or even after a few years of birth, Wanci Wang did not have the mind to fight, after all This battle is not good for yourself.

"Wu Yan? Who is that?" Seeing Wanci Wang's self-confident look, Tian Qi's brow raised slightly, his face said with a surprised look.

In addition, he just woke up, but the nearby Quicksilver was able to break his identity, which made Tian Qi feel a bit wrong.

It seems that there is a big net in the vague space, which is opening up waiting for itself.


However, before Apocalypse asked, suddenly, in the void, a small, small Mars appeared.

Immediately afterwards, Professor X and Wu Yan walked out of the magic transmitted in this space.

"It turned out that this guy from the Apocalypse actively found the X Academy. I thought you couldn't solve even some minor troubles." Looking at Stryker lying on the ground, Wu Yan's last look was naturally Falling on the body of Apocalypse, his look was stunned.

"Is this the Apocalypse? What a powerful power!" Professor X's gaze fell on Apocalypse's body, and he said with a startled expression on his face.

Professor X can clearly feel the powerful power of Apocalypse.

"Ah? These people ..." Of course, after seeing Wu Yan appearing, Tian Qi's heart was even more shocked.

The goal of Apocalypse is to destroy all the current civilization systems and build a brand-new civilization, and the ability of Wanci King, from the perspective of Apocalypse, can easily help himself to destroy the entire world. His role is very great.

However, when Tian Qi's eyes fell on Professor X, Tian Qi discovered that Professor X's power seemed more important.

As long as he has his power, he can become a ubiquitous god. All people on the planet can know what they think and even control their words and deeds ...

After seeing Professor X, Apocalypse's heart was hot, and he felt that he should shift his consciousness to Professor X in order to gain his ability.

However, when Tian Qi's eyes finally fell on Wu Yan's body, his face changed even more.

With his eyes widened, Apocalypse looked at Wu Yan with disbelief and said, "Who are you? What is your ability? Why can I feel two kinds of power from you?".

Although Wu Yan has many ability systems, there are only two kinds of mutant human powers, that is, the abilities of two people, Wanciwang and Kuaiyin. Tianqi can only feel the power of the mutants. Therefore, he can clearly feel Wan The power of Magnetic King and Quicksilver appeared on Wu Yan's body at the same time.

And, more importantly, he has personally seen the power of Wanciwang and Kuaiyin.

"Two powers? Is he wrong? He has more than two powers?" For the words of Apocalypse, Professor X and Wanci Wang secretly murmured in his heart.

Wu Yan's power has been shown to them before, so much that he can't count it himself.

Looking at Wu Yan earnestly, Apocalypse's look was so dignified that he could have the power of two mutants at the same time, but the power of Wanciwang and Kuaiyin. Apocalypse has seen it with his own eyes. The two powers on Wu Yan are exactly the same as them.

You must transfer your consciousness to others to gain the power of others.

However, both Wanciwang and Kuaiyin live well. So how did Wu Yan get the power of both of them? This makes Tianqi very curious.

Originally thought that Professor X's strength was the most suitable for himself, but after seeing Wu Yan, Tian Qi felt that if Wu Yan's ability was really strong enough, he seemed to be the most suitable for himself?

"How? You have a lot of people's power, so you can't allow others to have more power?" Wu Yan shook his head and said to the words of Apocalypse.

"Go and test his power ..." After staring seriously at Wu Yan, Tian Qi turned back and said to the storm woman beside him.

Wu Yan's ability is not clear, so Apocalypse didn't mean to shoot first for the sake of caution.

"Okay!", Apocalypse, let Storm Girl nod his head seriously, and immediately, Storm Girl's eyes seemed to turn gray.

Immediately afterwards, Stormwind raised her hands, and her fingertips seemed to be able to see fine white lightning, and then, between heaven and earth, countless violent whirlwinds followed.

"The power of the wind?" However, looking at the storm female's tricks, Wu Yan's face had a smile on her face, and she also raised her palm.

Then, the wild wind of wild hunting also gathered in the palm of Wu Yan.

Wind 遁-Spiral Shuriken!

The power of the wind collided with the power of the wind. Although the strength of the storm woman is good, her crystal point number is only 1500. How is Wu Yan's opponent?

From the perspective of the number of crystal points, Wuyan is three times as much as the Stormwind Woman.

Under the attack of the spiral shuriken, the wind of the Storm Girl was directly shattered, and the unstoppable ninjutsu continued to blast towards the Storm Girl.

Seeing that Stormwind was in danger, Apocalypse's figure moved and blocked in front of her. At the same time, a translucent energy barrier appeared, completely enveloping Apocalypse.

The attack of the Spiral Shuriken collided with the energy barrier of the Apocalypse, and a strong impact erupted. Then, the strength of both sides was eliminated.

"You power, not the power of mutants!" After blocking the attack of the Spiral Shuriken, Apocalypse's eyes fell on Wu Yan's body and said solemnly.

"I didn't say that my power is all the power of mutants." Wu Yan answered with a smile to the words of Apocalypse.

"Sure enough, went to the deepest part of the universe. Did he not only copy the power of the mutant ~ ~ but also other powers?" Hearing the conversation between Tianqi and Wu Yan, Professor X and Although the king of Wanci was surprised in their hearts, it is conceivable that Wu Yan was not on the earth these years, but it was acceptable.

"Let ’s all step back. His strength is strong, let me deal with it!" Apocalypse's face, as solemn as ever, said to the three knights behind him.

While talking, Apocalypse took a few steps forward.

"I have been asleep for thousands of years. I didn't expect to meet someone like you after this wake up. I'm curious. With your strength, you can completely rule the whole world." Staring at Wu Yan, asked strangely.

He has no doubt that Wu Yan has absolutely no less than his own power. In that case, why does he not mean to rule the whole world?

(Ps: I recommend a lot of text, "I'm Really Immortal", if you are interested, you can check it out ...)

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