After executing Lu Yang, he put the corpse into the game backpack, and prepared to throw it into the sea to feed the fish at a suitable time.

Such a person does not deserve to be buried at all.

"We have finally avenged our parents." Lu Qianzhi's expression was somewhat relieved, but more confused.

A large part of her goals in life were taken up by revenge. Now that the big revenge has been avenged, many plans do not need to be carried out at all. Such a gap made her lose her mind for a while.

Lu Shiyuan patted his younger sister's shoulder lightly, and said with a smile, "Now that revenge is complete, let's say goodbye to the past."

"Farewell? What do you mean?" Lu Qianzhi was confused.

"It means to start a new life and pursue new goals." Lu Shiyuan explained, "Revenge is just a small episode in our life. After the grievances are over, we should be more active and focus on the career we love. "

"..." Lu Qianzhi was silent for a while, then nodded vigorously, "Brother is right, I want to face life with a better attitude, and my parents must expect the same."

"I understand quickly." Lu Shiyuan patted his sister's head, "Then let's go shopping and change our mood."

"Yes." Lu Qianzhi agreed without thinking, "Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I went shopping with my brother."

Lu Shiyuan smiled, and the ring flashed slightly, and he and his sister reappeared in the outside world. The young master and Toke obediently waited for them.

Ekaterina probably went back to work, so she has already left.

"Finally came out." The young master hurried up, "How is it, has the matter been resolved?"

"It's solved." Lu Shiyuan nodded, and asked a little strangely, "Why are you still here?"

"Of course I'm waiting for you." The young master said as a matter of course.

"That's just right, let's go shopping together." Lu Shiyuan said with a smile without further questioning.

"Of course, if you want." The young master agreed without hesitation. "It just so happens that Toke likes novelty things the most. With you as guides, he will definitely have fun."

"Toke, my brother and these two older brothers and sisters will take you to Liyue Port to have fun." The young master turned his head and asked his younger brother, "When you see something later, just tell my brother, and my brother will buy it all for you.

Do you feel good? "

"Okay." Toke nodded happily, and then he asked a little strangely, "By the way, where is that uncle?"

"He, he still has work to do, so let's rush to the "next stop" of life. " Lu Shiyuan said with a smile.

"It's a promotion." Toke looked innocent.

"Haha, it can be understood in this way." Lu Shiyuan is in a good mood now, and he is especially willing to chat with children.

"You see, everyone has been promoted, brother, you have to work hard." Toke Tong said without restraint, encouraging the young master.

The expression of the unfortunate son who was stabbed suddenly froze.

Seeing this, Lu Shiyuan couldn't help laughing out loud, even Lu Qianzhi almost couldn't hold back.

After a short period of embarrassment, everyone came to the street.

"Where should we start shopping?" The young master was a little confused. Speaking of which, he had stayed in Liyue Port for so long, and he had never done a decent shopping.

"Let's go to the toy stall first." Lu Shiyuan suggested, "Ashanpo's kite is quite suitable. It is novel and fun for Toke."

"That's it." The young master's eyes lit up, and he nodded in agreement.

"Qianzhi, do you like kites?" Lu Shiyuan turned to look at his sister.

"Well, the history of kites is indeed long, but it's not like you like them." Lu Qianzhi said casually.

"That's not certain." Lu Shiyuan said, "When you were young, you often stared at other children's kites."

"No way." Lu Qianzhi blushed slightly.

"I'll pick one for you later." Lu Shiyuan already knew it in his heart.

"I said no more, things for children to play with..." Lu Qianzhi was still struggling.

But Lu Shiyuan didn't care, he took his sister and walked to the kite stand.

Soon, they came to the booth of Ah Shan Po.

"Hey, it's a guest who doesn't come often." Ah Shanpo looked at the crowd with a smile, "There is also a kid who came from Zhidong."

"Is this a kite? It's so colorful and beautiful." Toke was stunned, and quickly asked, "Grandma, how do you play with a kite?"

"When there is wind, the kite can fly high into the sky by holding the string." Ashanpo smiled and pointed to a few kites floating in the air in the distance, "It's like that."

"Really!" Toke turned his head to look, both surprised and envious, "I want to play, I want to play."

"What kind of kite does the little guest want?" Ah Shanpo asked.

"Is there any one-eyed little treasure's kite?" Toke asked with big innocent eyes blinking.

"One-eyed little treasure?" Ah Shan Po was stunned.

Not only her, but Lu Qianzhi was stunned. What is One-Eyed Little Treasure? Is it a special toy of Zhidong Kingdom?

"Actually, it's the guardian of the ruins." The son explained in a low voice, "I told Toke that it's a toy."

"Hehe..." Lu Qianzhi was a little speechless.

Comparing the killing machines scattered all over the Seven Kingdoms to toys, is it really worthy of being the people of Winter?

Thinking of this, Lu Qianzhi was stunned, yes, why did the young master make up such a naive lie to lie to his younger brother?

She couldn't help turning her inquiring gaze to her brother.

Lu Shiyuan understood, and explained in a low voice: "That guy, he is a brother who protects his brother's dream with heart, and he doesn't want to let his brother come into contact with the dark side of Zhidong Kingdom and the fools.

So he kept telling his younger brother that he was a toy salesman. After all, selling toys was the happiest job for children. "

"I see." Lu Qianzhi nodded, "I didn't expect this guy to do this for my brother's dream."

Lu Shiyuan didn't speak, and looked at his sister with complicated eyes. He remembered the time when he was a child, and after thinking about it carefully, he didn't protect the "dream" that belonged to his sister.

At the age of Toke, the younger sister was already sensible too early, and her childhood was over when she was six years old.

Thinking about it now, he was a little too incompetent in being an elder brother.

"We have to find a way to compensate Qian Zhi properly." Lu Shiyuan set a goal in his heart.

On the other side, under the son's explanation, please ask Ashanpo to customize a kite for Toke with one-eyed little treasure.

"Qianzhi, hurry up and pick a kite." Lu Shiyuan looked at his sister and encouraged her.

Seeing her brother's inexplicable enthusiasm suddenly, although Lu Qianzhi felt strange, she couldn't refuse, so she picked a crane kite.

"When I was young, when I took you past the kite shop, you always looked at these beautiful kites. I said I would buy them for you, but you didn't want them, saying you didn't like them." Lu Shiyuan sighed with some relief, "But How can you fool me with your small mind, it's just that you are afraid of spending money, you are just too sensible."

"I..." Lu Qianzhi was holding the kite, and hearing what his brother said, his face blushed again.

"It's been exposed." She thought.

"Young Master." Lu Shiyuan pouted towards the other party.

The young master understood, and readily settled Lu Shiyuan's account.

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