Play Genshin in the Genshin World

Chapter 194 The Nine Articles of Filial Piety

Lu Shiyuan, Ying and others first found a secluded place and went into the location to rest for the night before continuing their journey early the next morning.

After going around and around for a whole day, they finally arrived at Inazuma City, the main city of the country of Inazuma!

"We're finally here. Is this Inazuma City! It's more prosperous than I imagined." Paimon couldn't help but sigh when he came to the bustling streets of the city.

"After all, the Eye Hunting Order only affects a small number of people with the Eye of God. It has no real impact on ordinary people. Even if there is a war in Inazuma recently, it will not affect the main city for the time being." Lu Shiyuan explained.

"I feel like the atmosphere here is pretty good. I thought Inazuma Castle was as depressing as the outlying islands." Paimon said with a smile.

"At the feet of the gods, no matter how greedy the heaven leaders are, they cannot openly attack the people." Lu Shiyuan said while looking at the people who were living and working in peace and contentment.

But he sighed in his heart. These are just superficial prosperity. If the war continues and the greed of Tianling and Kaifeng continues to spread, it won't be long before Daozuma City will become shabby.

"Let's send the letter to Kujo Kamaji first." Lu Shiyuan suggested, "He is also a celebrity after all. We might be able to find his location by asking passersby."

The two nodded, and then they started to ask passers-by separately. After a lot of effort, and even almost attracting the shogunate army due to suspicion, they finally found out from the proprietress of a grocery store where Kujo Kamaji usually hangs out. , and his physical features.

However, this information was paid for, and the money was naturally revealed, which made Paimeng feel distressed for a while.

After they arrived at the place where the second young master usually hung out, they happened to meet him and hurriedly greeted him and handed him the letter.

Kujo Kamaharu expressed his great gratitude for this, and in accordance with the content of the letter, he ordered his servants to apply for the pass, and he would give it to him directly after it is completed.

During the communication between him and Ying, Lu Shiyuan had been carefully observing Kujo Kamaji, trying to see whether this guy was as upright as Hiiragi Chisato said.

After some observation, he found that Kujo Kamaharu looked upright, spoke politely, and was very polite to the messenger, without any airs of a young master.

However, there was a hint of lingering worry in his expression.

"It seems that this person is indeed the type who cares about the country and the people." Lu Shiyuan nodded secretly.

After coming to this conclusion, he saw that there were no pedestrians around, so he whispered: "Mr. Kamaji, we learned from Miss Senri that your father seems to have deceived General Raiden?"

Kujo Kamaji was shocked when he heard this. He subconsciously took a step back, but said calmly: "Mr. Lu is joking. My father's admiration for the shogun is almost fanatical. How could he deceive the shogun?"

"Mr. Kamaji. Do you believe this?" Lu Shiyuan shook his head, "We are outsiders. We are only worried about the war in this country, so we want to help. Miss Qianli also thinks that we have the ability to change the current situation. Just told us these secrets.

If you don't want to cooperate with us, forget it. "

Lu Shiyuan's tone was calm, but his words made Kujo Kamaji a little shaken.

It's not that the other party's words are so believable, but that his sweetheart actually told these people the secret.

That meant that Qianli believed them. Qianli always had a good eye for judging people, so he decided to trust these outsiders for once.

"To tell you the truth, even though I don't want to admit it, judging from my father's various actions, he did hide a lot of things from the shogun." Kujo Kamaji said with a wry smile.

"Is there any evidence? If there is, please bring it to me. I will find a way to meet General Thunder in the near future." Lu Shiyuan said.

Kujo Kamaji hesitated for a while and nodded: "I know there is an official document on the seal, which contains evidence that my father concealed the war situation. I can give it to you."

He actually kept some evidence here. There were two pieces of evidence from his father that were enough to convict him. One of them was this official document.

And the other one is a letter to and from fools.

He planned to hand over only one of the evidences and keep the other evidence in his hands. If Lu Shiyuan failed, he still had the ability to turn around.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Lu Shiyuan nodded.

Kujo Kamaji looked at the sky and said, "Let's go to the evening. We will meet here after ten o'clock in the evening."

"Okay." Lu Shiyuan nodded.

Not long after talking about this matter, Kujo Kamaji's entourage also ran back, holding an all-Inazuma pass in his hand.

After handing the pass to Ying, Kujo Kamaharu was worried about being discovered, so he left in a hurry.

Then, Ying and Lu Shiyuan also prepared to say goodbye.

The former had an agreement with Thomas to go to the "Mu Le Tea Room" to find him. Lu Shiyuan was not invited, so naturally he would not take the initiative to go there.

"Shi Yuan, what are your plans next?" Paimon asked.

"I will wander around Inazuma City first, and after I get the official document from Kujo Takayuki in the evening, I will set off to the Evil Eye Factory to see if I can destroy it." Lu Shiyuan calmly stated his next plan.

"It sounds so dangerous." Pamon was a little worried, "Are you really okay on your own?"

"Don't worry, I'll be careful." Lu Shiyuan replied with a smile.

Think about the danger of the Evil Eye Factory, and you can know from the young master's words that the stragglers are also in Dao Wife, and he is most likely responsible for the operation of the Evil Eye Factory.

Then, the chance of bumping into an executive on this trip is quite high.

Although he has defeated the two executives, Lu Shiyuan is still very wary of the executives. Perhaps the skirmishers are no match for him in terms of combat power, but in terms of cunning and cunning, he is far behind him. If he is not careful, he may Got his way.

Therefore, Lu Shiyuan's trip to the Evil Eye Factory this time was mainly to cause damage, rather than to engage in head-on confrontation with stragglers.

He destroyed the Evil Eye Factory while avoiding him, and then walked away. Even if he was full of tricks, what else could he do to him?

Paimon tried to persuade him a few more times, but when he heard that Lu Shiyuan was determined to go, he had no choice but to tell him to be more careful.

After watching Ying and Paimon go to the Mu Le Teahouse, Lu Shiyuan turned around and started wandering on the street. He bought many beautiful and unique gifts along the way, intending to take them back as souvenirs to his family and friends.

Then, he came to the Naganohara Fireworks Shop and Wenxiao Palace bought a batch of fireworks, planning to set off fireworks to attract the attention of the guards at the Evil Eye Factory like in the game plot.

Xiao Gong is a very enthusiastic girl, but unfortunately, he knows Xiao Gong, but Xiao Gong does not know him and only treats him as an ordinary customer.

Finally, he went to a restaurant in the city to have a delicious meal, and played like this until the evening. After playing games for a while, it was time for the appointment with Kujo Kamaji.

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