Play Genshin in the Genshin World

Chapter 227 The past can be changed

Looking at this woman who he had never met before, but who was inexplicably familiar to him, Lu Shiyuan was stunned at first, and then suddenly realized that the other woman had just called him a "time stowaway". Could it be that she had discovered him? The origin of? !

Lu Shiyuan quickly sat up, suppressed the panic in his heart, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you? What do you want from me?"

"My name is Alice." The woman smiled, "I am an elf."

When Lu Shiyuan heard this, he couldn't help but look at the other person's ears. Sure enough, her ears, which were half hidden under the long pale blond hair, were pointed.

"You are Ms. Alice!" Lu Shiyuan blinked and finally realized that the woman in front of him was the one who led him to Daozhu to find opportunities. Of course, the Alice standing in front of him was her five hundred years ago.

And this super powerful witch is also the mother of the future little Keli.

But no matter what, Alice shouldn't appear in front of him at this time.

Before Lu Shiyuan could figure out the reason, Alice continued: "As for why I'm looking for you? It's not because you are too special.

I just conducted a simple divination, but you were like a dolphin jumping into the pool, and the splashing waves seriously affected my divination. It's hard not to notice. "

"Could it be that my situation has been exposed to a master of mysticism like you?" Lu Shiyuan blinked and asked in surprise.

"That's not necessarily true. My knowledge of mysticism is very powerful. Just because I can discover your existence doesn't mean that others can also discover it." Alice put her hands on her hips and said slightly proudly.

"Yes." Lu Shiyuan nodded.

He is not too afraid of his future person's identity being discovered by others. So what if his identity is exposed?

He just comes from the future. In terms of value, he is at most a magic stick who can see the future. Looking at the magical continent of Teyvat, he is nothing.

Even if someone wants to deal with him for some reason, judging from his current strength, there are not many people on the mainland who are stronger than him.

Speaking of Inazuma alone, the only one who can definitely beat him is Ying. As for the first-generation Thor, Yingying said that he was not particularly good at fighting, so he would not comment.

In other countries, the situation is generally the same. From this point of view, there are no more than twenty people in the entire continent who can suppress him. But how many of these people will find that they have stolen time, and how many of them will find themselves in trouble when they have nothing to do?

Well, Alice might count as one, but she's probably the only one. And it seems that they are not here to cause trouble for him.

However, the appearance of Alice aroused another worry in Lu Shiyuan. He was not afraid of the people or gods walking on the continent.

But what about those existences on Sky Island? Will they also discover themselves?

Those beings who seem to be responsible for maintaining world order, after becoming aware of his existence, will kill him in order to maintain the stability of the world?

Lu Shiyuan couldn't help but feel a little confused.

He decided to ask directly: "Ms. Alice... others may not be aware of my existence, but what about those existences?"

After hearing this, Alice showed an approving smile, "You are very perceptive. That's right. Other beings may be too lazy to pay attention to you, but the great being who controls time has definitely noticed you!"

"The...great being who controls time?!" Lu Shiyuan's heart trembled when he heard this. This title sounded so powerful and scary.

Moreover, he also specializes in managing time and is particularly professional in his profession.

Alice continued: "I am here to warn you - don't think that because you have the ability to travel through time, you are usurping God's authority!

That great existence can completely obliterate your existence from the time level at any time! "

Lu Shiyuan was shocked, stood up, corrected his posture, and asked seriously: "I do have the ability to travel through time, so I would like to ask, what should I do to not transgress?"

Alice raised her face slightly: "You have asked the right person about this. Not long ago, I just received divine enlightenment and knew the "limit". "

Lu Shiyuan's eyes lit up, and he humbly asked for advice and listened to what the other person said next.

"When traveling through time, you have to remember two principles." Alice stretched out a long white finger, "First, "At any time period on the continent of Teyvat, there can only be one person who can be intelligent. You who are biological observers!"

For example, you had a delicious lunch at Narukami Taisha Shrine yesterday, and you want to go back and eat again at that time.

But if you really do this, it means that there are two you in the same time and space.

If both of you are observed by humans or other intelligent creatures, something extremely terrifying will happen to you!

Because your actions have completely destroyed the stability of this continent.

Let’s take another example.

You think the sunshine at noon yesterday was very good, so you find a secluded place with good lighting, go back in time, and go back to the sun at noon yesterday. During this period, as long as you are not noticed by other intelligent creatures, you will not go out. question. "

Listening to Alice's story, Lu Shiyuan took a deep breath and felt a little lucky in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't rely on his time ability to act recklessly, otherwise he would probably be cold by now.

"The second principle -" Alice held out a second finger and said seriously, ""You and yourself must never meet!"

Although the second principle seems to conflict with the first principle, the point is that the consequences after being observed by oneself will be worse than after violating the first principle! "

After hearing the two principles, Lu Shiyuan nodded seriously: "I understand."

"Although I don't know which existence gave me divine inspiration, I feel that the existence that controls time has the greatest possibility of giving me divine inspiration." Alice said, "She is a God who loves people. Even if If someone touches her authority, she will tolerate it to a certain extent."

She looked at Lu Shiyuan, "You should be glad that the great existence that notices you is her and not other existences."

Lu Shiyuan nodded and couldn't help but ask: "Then what should I call her?"

"We mortals can't call her by her first name." Alice thought for a while and said, "I'll turn her name upside down and say it only once.

After you know her name, don't read it out, just keep it in your mind.

Her name is - Lutasyi! "

"Lutasyi, the other way around is...Istaru." Lu Shiyuan wrote down the correct name of this existence in his mind.

"Well, that existence also gave me a revelation." Alice stared at Lu Shiyuan, her eyes flashing with excitement, "That revelation was only a short sentence, but it gave me a lot of inspiration!

The content is - "The past can be changed"! "

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