Lu Shiyuan blinked and tried hard to think about his identity, but couldn't remember anything for a while.

He looked around and noticed a small black square near his hand.

This thing gave him a very familiar feeling, so he took the phone in his hand, looked at it over and over, and accidentally touched the power button.

The screen of his phone lit up, and before he could continue his research, a video suddenly popped up.

In the video, there is a very familiar figure.

"This is..." Lu Shiyuan looked at the person in the video, then at his own reflection reflected on the screen, and nodded slightly, "It's me."

He didn't think there was anything wrong with his figure appearing on the phone, it gave him a natural feeling.

"You are Lu Shiyuan, you are me in the future." The figure in the video spoke seriously.

Lu Shiyuan was slightly startled, "Is this my name? Well, it does feel very familiar."

"This is a video I recorded three hundred years after I practiced immortality." The self on the screen continued, "As the time of cultivation increases, I feel that there is a problem with my memory.

This is a subtle thing, just like an old man forgetting things in the past. It's not necessarily because of poor memory, but because the time gap is too far. My memories of the first ten years are too small compared to the span of three hundred years.

But I know that I... no, it's us. Our memories and experiences are only meaningful in the first nearly twenty years, and the rest of the memories are of little value.

Although I understood this, unfortunately, by the time I discovered it, it was already a little too late. At this time, my practice had reached a critical moment and I could not escape. Therefore, I recorded this video to warn my future self. Something that must not be forgotten!

What I know is that our home is in World 0, and the method to return to World 0 is as follows...

There, there are our friends and family, but friends and family are not on the same timeline. The methods of backtracking and accelerating time, as well as the precautions are as follows...

In the calendar function of the mobile phone, there are those two important timeline nodes... I have forgotten a lot, and I can't tell you more. You have to go back to World 0 and go to those two points in time.

Although, you may not remember anything after watching the video, but as long as you go back and meet them again, you will definitely be able to remember everything!

Wear and tear is not terrible, I believe they can make us think of everything again. "

The video ends here. Lu Shiyuan stared at the phone screen blankly and couldn't help but said to himself: "So, the me in the past left a big trouble to me now?"

He pinched his brows lightly and said, "But forget it, after all, it's me, and I can't think of almost anything except the recent training content.

With or without this video, I would probably be on a journey of retrieving memories. "

He stood up, glanced at his naked body, waved his hand, and was wrapped in black clothes.

This is the clothing transformed by immortal power. As the saying goes, one method can be used to connect all methods. With the blessing of such a high level of cultivation, it is extremely easy to do such a thing.

After changing his clothes, Lu Shiyuan looked around. As his eyes glanced, debris flew up one by one and was thrown to the other side, revealing the ruins of the two closed rooms in the house.

After removing the wall and other things pressing on it, the contents inside were presented to Lu Shiyuan.

Those were girls' daily necessities. Although most of them had become fragile due to the corrosion of time and were crushed by the collapsed houses, Lu Shiyuan still rummaged through them and found some useful and intact things.

A stone bell and a diary. These were dug out from two rooms respectively. Whether they are stones or books, they are quite durable items. The bells are still crisp and the pages are only slightly yellowed.

"Are these things belonging to my family?" Lu Shiyuan looked at these two things, confused at first, and then nodded with certainty, "It must be, after all, they were found in this home."

He thought for a while, hung the bell on the hair next to his right ear, and opened the diary.

This diary is very thin, with only the first few pages containing text. It seems to only record some memorable things. I don’t know why it is placed in this room.

He flipped through it casually and quickly found his name on the note.

My name appears in a diary with soft writing and happy sentences.

This diary was written by the owner of the diary to celebrate his first official date with his lover.

In her diary, she described where she went with her lover that day, what gifts she bought, and she also complained that her lover found shopping troublesome. Then he said many good things about his lover and reflected on what he did wrong in this date.

The lover's name in this diary is "Shi Yuan", and there is no doubt that it refers to him.

Looking at the contents of the diary, Lu Shiyuan could feel the joy in the other person's heart, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raise a little.

He flipped through the diary again and found the name of the diary owner.

Astrologis Mona Megisthus.

"Mei Ji..." Lu Shiyuan read out this title subconsciously.

"Is her name Mei Ji?" He was very surprised that he suddenly called out this name.

After reading this diary, Lu Shiyuan finally got to know this girl again. Even if he didn't remember anything, he was still full of curiosity about Mona. He wanted to see Mona and his lover.

He wants to get his memory back, and he's going to do it now.


Accompanied by the clear ringing of stone bells, Lu Shiyuan left the cave and walked down the mountain.

Turning his head and looking at the somewhat short mountain, he tilted his head and asked, "Is the mountain where I live so small?

Should it be raised higher? "

Just do it, his feet suddenly hit the ground.

The majestic immortal power was instantly transformed into rich rock elemental power, pouring into the ground and rushing under the mountain like a torrent.

After the rock elemental power was injected into the ground, violent rumbling vibrations suddenly spread to the surroundings with Shiyuan Mountain as the center.

With the oscillations spreading in circles, the mountain actually began to gradually rise higher.

Fresh soil wraps the hard rock, rising inch by inch from the ground. The farther down, the higher the diameter of the mountain, making the hill continue to rise.

"The power I injected into you should be enough to lift you to the same height as those mountains in the distance." Lu Shiyuan stood on the ground that had become the mountainside, nodded with satisfaction, opened the game on the screen of his mobile phone, opened the world function, and selected 0 World number, start teleportation.

A rather powerful traction force appeared on the screen. Lu Shiyuan tried to struggle for a while and found that he could break free if he used all his strength.

But there was no need, he just waited quietly for ten seconds before being sucked into the screen.

When he opened his eyes again, he was standing in a completely new environment, also on a mountain. The difference was that the surrounding ground was very flat and planted with lush cherry trees.

He opened the calendar and looked at the current date. He was a little surprised to find that the year he was in now was very close to the second date marked on the calendar, with a time difference of less than ten years.

He looked at another marked date, which was five hundred years ago.

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