“Guys! This vicious woman has been dead for a long time! Are you still afraid of her? Before Luo Chen could get closer, a shout entered Luo Chen’s ears.

Although he didn’t understand what was going on, Luo Chen always thought it should be very interesting.

Looking closer, I saw several fish people in the crowd holding something similar to a bounty list to show the surrounding fish people, shouting loudly while looking at it: “The fish people have been oppressed for many years!” Humans have committed unforgivable crimes against fishmen! What did Boss Tiger climb the Red Earth Continent for when he was alone? He was there to free the slaves! Whether it is a human slave or a fish-man slave, the eldest brother is treated equally! But… Humanity betrayed Big Brother! Isn’t it ridiculous to harm Boss Tiger like this, and when this kind of thing happens, Princess Otohime still wants fish people to get along with humans? ”

The leading fishman shouted tears, and Luo Chen also sighed helplessly, although what he said was not entirely right, but in a sense, it was true, Tiger was hurt because of humans, and the rest of the fishmen were the same, humans regarded fishmen as inferior races, and fishmen were not so?

“So, Princess Otohime is our enemy! We’re going to bring her down! The more the fish man spoke, the more excited he became, and threw the portrait of Princess Otohime in his hand on the ground: “Down with Princess Otohime!” Everyone comes to her portrait! It is because she has always wanted to make fish people and humans friendly that she has caused so many tragedies! It is because of her Tiger boss that she will be harmed by humans! ”

“Huh?” Luo Chen had just turned around and was about to leave, but the fishman’s shout made him stop.

Step on the portrait of Princess Otohime?

Luo Chen always thought that this would only happen more than ten years later, but he didn’t expect that he would see it here, that woman had not died for a few years, and these fish people had already treated her like this?

“This…” The fish people hesitated and did not dare to step forward, after all, most of Princess Otohime was very respectful, although they almost did not agree with Princess Ottohime’s ideas, but they did not hate that person.

“Hmph! Whoever does not pay attention will die! Seeing that no one had the idea of stepping on, the leading fishman’s eyes couldn’t help but chill, and the long sword in his hand was aimed at the fishman civilians: “Go and step on!” Die or else! ”

“I… I’ll go! I’ll go! The fishman pointed at by the sword was full of horror, and the sharp blade cut through a little skin.

“Snap!” Stepping on the portrait of Princess Otohime, the fish man did not dare to look at it more and turned around and retreated, Princess Otohime… You shouldn’t blame him, right?

“Hahahaha! Next! Hurry up! Seeing the fishman stepping on, the leading fishman couldn’t help laughing twice and continued to threaten the rest of the people, and the rest of the fishmen also lined up after hesitating for a while, stepping on the portrait of Princess Otohime one by one.

This kind of thing, after having a leader, everyone will become at ease, although they know that it is not right, but Princess Otohime is already a dead person, and they do not want to die.

Therefore, Princess Otohime, who once contributed to Fishman Island, they will not care,

“Alas…” Looking at one fish man after another leaving his dirty footprints on the portrait of Princess Otohime, Luo Chen sighed in his heart, is this really worth it?

He had never met Princess Otohime, but he knew what a noble guy this woman was.

In order to make the fishman understand her mistake, she will hit the fishman’s face with her fragile palm, even if her bones will crack more seriously with each slap, even if she doesn’t have a little strength, hitting it will only make her painful, even if the blood stains the fishman’s cheeks, she has no intention of stopping.

Luo Chen has never considered himself a noble person, and he has never thought that noble people have anything to respect, but there is one point, very important!

A noble person may not be worthy of his admiration, but he will never allow others to insult such a person, this is for the enemy of the person who can give his life, she should not get an insult from her own people!

“You bastards!” The figure flashed and appeared in the middle of everyone to pick up the portrait of Princess Otohime, Luo Chen looked at the countless fish people present with fierce eyes: “It’s really inferior to disgusting!” ”

“You… Are you…” All the fish people took two steps back and looked at Luo Chen in fear, if it weren’t for Luo Chen being able to control the overlord color domineering, I’m afraid that no one present would be able to stay awake.

However, even so, the fish people looked at Luo Chen’s gaze as if they saw a king, and they didn’t even dare to speak loudly.

“This woman is a fool!” Glancing around the fish people present, Luo Chen suddenly pointed to the portrait in his hand and said, “That’s right! This woman! Princess Otohime is a fool! She has always wanted the fish people to live under warm eyes like humans, and even worked hard for this all her life, she will not be sad even if she is revenged, even if she knows that she has been hurt, she will not cry out in pain! What are you staring at me for? Everything this woman does is for you lowly garbage, it’s just stupid and can’t be stupid anymore! ”

“B… Princess Otohime…” The fish present looked at Luo Chen blankly, they all knew this in their hearts, but no one wanted to say it.

Princess Otohime has been trying to make their lives better, hoping that they can live on the ground like humans, and they have not supported it because of their hatred of humans, and have imposed all the hatred that the fish people get from humans on Princess Otohime.

What they did before… Is it really correct?

“Hmph, who is this guy of yours?” The mermaid parted a road, and then saw a big-bellied guy come out of it, white skin, like a beer belly, all revealing the identity of this fish man.

Hody. Jones, the fishman who grew up with hatred of humans.

“This guy… Has it begun to incite the people so early? Luo Chen was quite surprised to see this villain of Fishman Island come out, he didn’t expect that he could solve so many troubles at once when he came to Fishman Island.

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