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Chapter 303 303 Urgent Syrup

Chapter 303 303. Urgent Syrup

Let the drone plan the route, and Qiao Mu and Qianyun's plan will be simple.

Qiao Mu asked Qianyun to go to the village first, while he jumped out.

The sludge monster with countless eyes was still tearing at the squirming flesh of the beast, and even Qiao Mu's appearance didn't make it react much.

Under the erosion of long time, this monster has lost all human reason and has become blind and stupid. It only knows how to eat and survive. It is like a beast with low intelligence. As long as it bites something in its mouth, it will not let go until it is completely swallowed. It may even choke to death due to the size of the prey.

"Hey grandson!"

Qiao Mu mocked.

But the monster remained unmoved and continued to swallow the struggling beast in its arms.

Qiao Mu had no choice but to walk over.

He grabbed the still-living beast and began to chew on it.

Since this sludge monster won't move until it eats what's in its mouth, Qiao Mu will help it.

Three times five divided by two.

Qiao Mu and the sludge monster gnawed the beast clean.

He and the monster looked at each other in confusion.

The monster had so many eyes that Qiao Mu didn't even know which one to look at.

The surging stench of mud quietly surrounded Qiao Mu.

"Elbow, follow me into the village."

Qiao Mu said something, but he didn't know if the other party understood it.

The next moment, the silt was like a python, trying to wrap around Qiao Mu's body, but Qiao Mu had already used his powerful body explosive force to knock it out and run wildly down the mountain.

Looking back, the sludge monster squirmed and followed.

"I don't have emergency syrup!"

Qiao Mu shouted, but the monster still pursued him.

After emerging from the weeds, Qiao Mu saw that the village was bustling and on fire.

It was probably Qian Yun who set the fire.

At this time, the villagers noticed something strange on the mountain.

"Tai Sui is coming down the mountain!"

Qiao Mu ran all the way and saw several villagers in front of him trying to block him.

He stepped on the ground and curled up as if sleeping, contracting all the muscles in his body to the extreme.

Suddenly, Qiao Mu kicked the ground hard, transferring all the strength of his body to his feet, causing a shock wave filled with white mist, causing ripples in the soil, and he jumped.

Jumping five stories into the air, he nimbly jumped over the blockers.

The sludge monster was not so lucky.

It hit the guardrail outside the village and hit the villagers.

With almost no time to struggle, the villagers were instantly controlled by the sludge monster. The sticky flesh and blood tentacles cut off their throats, and the wriggling flesh and blood slowly swallowed them up.

"Step aside."

At this time, the village chief Jian Jia arrived with people. She asked the villagers who were trying to save people to retreat while she stepped forward with a basket.

The basket was filled with white, egg-sized meat pieces that looked like insect eggs. Jian Jia threw these meat pieces together with the basket to the mud monster.


The sludge monster didn't show any politeness and just swallowed the basket, immediately becoming quiet.

"Don't go near it."

Jian Jia gave instructions and took two steps forward.

"Yishan, you shouldn't come here. After eating these, go back."

She said to the sludge monster.

The sludge monster that was ready to move twitched, and a pale and trembling sound came out from between the sticky and broken flesh.

"Sister Jianjia, I am Xiaohuang."

"It hurts so much, Boss Jianjia, it hurts so much."

"What's wrong with me? Don't want it, don't want it."

Various voices came and went, some male and female, like countless thoughts mixed together.

Obviously, the villagers who had just been swallowed up had been absorbed by the sludge monster and became part of it.

"Be good, go back when you're full, I'll go visit you."

Jian Jia's voice was soft, like a mother coaxing her child to sleep.

The movement of the sludge monster became quiet, as if it was preparing to leave.

"Wait a minute, friend."

Qiao Mu suddenly spoke, not to Jian Jia, but to the mud monster.

The movement of the sludge monster stopped.

Jian Jia glanced at Qiao Mu.

"You and Miss Qianyun can leave, I won't stop you."

She said, as if she had given up on catching the two of them.

"You were once a death judge?"

Qiao Mu asked.

"Haha, that was already an unknown number of years ago."

Jian Jia chuckled like a self-mockery.

"I'm curious."

Qiao Mu said that although he could find a way to get Tai Sui and run away, he still wanted to find out the ins and outs of the matter from Jian Jia, mainly to lay the foundation for [Dark Ghost].

"Yes, we used to be the death judges of the Palace of Eternal Life. We were a group of five people and some porters, transporting Tai Sui from Fengcheng back to the capital. The danger of this job mainly came from the attacks of strange beasts along the way. The fragrance of Tai Sui will attract those monsters to flock to you."

Jian Jia did not reject Qiao Mu's curiosity. She was silent for a moment before speaking in a deep voice.

"We were also attacked several times by alien beasts. We were successfully repelled the first few times, but the last time we encountered a natural disaster, a flash flood washed us and the alien beasts off the cliff."

"My companions and I were seriously injured and it will take a long time to recover. However, the strange beasts from the bottom of the mountain heard the news and ate up several survivors. The remaining people are also in danger and may die at any time."

"At this time, we saw Tai Sui falling out of the dumped cargo. At that time, if we didn't struggle, we would just be swallowed by those strange beasts, and we wouldn't care about legal punishment and poison. The rest of us ate the Tai Sui and recovered quickly."

"After killing the incoming alien beasts, we also discovered the truth about Tai Sui."

"Since we have eaten Tai Sui, we have committed a serious crime, and we will never recover if we come back to our senses, so we found this quiet place to hide in seclusion."

"It's funny to say that the elixir we worked so hard for in the past was actually made by those people who had expired their lifespans that we personally sent to death. And those people sitting in the court just moved their fingers. It makes us kill each other. If you and Miss Qianyun go back like this, you will definitely be tortured by the Changsheng Palace, and all the information will be dug out of your brain and sentenced to death."

"If you stay, I can let you join us. Although eating Tai Sui directly has side effects, as time goes by, everything will fade away. Now we are all one, sharing our thoughts, regardless of each other. Compared with being full of suspicion and deceit, Isn’t the court more perfect?”

She once again recruited Qiao Mu and Qianyun, and her words were very reasonable and heartwarming.

Of course, Qiao Mu knew very well that they just wanted new Penglai people to create Tai Sui. If Qiao Mu and Qian Yun agreed, they would probably be eaten up and wiped out in minutes. As for becoming part of them later, that is, by the way It's just a function.

However, what Jian Jia said about Qian Yun did inspire Qiao Mu.

He could just leave, but Qianyun would still have to deal with errands more or less.

While thinking, Qiao Mu had an idea.

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