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Chapter 357 357 Because they can fly, they can fly

Chapter 357 357. Because they can fly, they can fly

Kiriyama originally thought it was because the cans were poisonous or the origins of the cans were unknown, but he didn't expect Aguang's reason for not eating in the canteen to be so simple.

"Is that why?"

Kiriyama asked further.

"Don't you find it strange that you can have something to eat without doing anything? You see, those birds have to fly to catch mice to fill their stomachs, but we don't have to worry about food at all."

Aguang expressed his thoughts.

"Why is this?"

"What's the reason for this?"

Qianyun thinks this is a matter of course and doesn't quite understand Aguang's thinking.

"Tell me, why do birds fly?"

Aguang suddenly asked.

"Because they can fly, that's why they can fly?"

Qianyun felt that the person in front of him was thinking a bit abstractly.

"Because the flightless birds are dead."

Aguang lowered his eyes.

"I've seen birds with injured wings before. It can't fly anymore. If no one feeds it, it will starve to death very quickly."


Qian Yun asked back.

"So, if we have been eating only from the canteen and living off what is in the warehouse, what if one day the warehouse is empty?"

Aguang answered.

"According to the people in the town, it seems that you have been eating in the canteen for hundreds of years, and the warehouse has never been empty."

Wushan said coldly from the side.

"But there are gods in the sky, and they may cause disasters. What if one day a fireball falls from the sky and collapses the warehouse?"

A Guang does seem to have his own set of logic.

"So you make these yourself?"

Wushan pointed to the vegetable patch outside.

"I found that many grasses growing on the ground are edible. You only need to provide them with water and land to grow, and the animals will grow up. They are also delicious after being roasted over fire."

Aguang said seriously.

"When I talked to her just now, she said this is agriculture."

The young man pointed to Qiao Mu's cell phone. He had chatted a lot with the artificial intelligence before.

"I found that many of the doubts and things I had thought about actually had answers. I don't know where you came from or who got these answers, but I am very satisfied because it means that my thinking is not meaningless. of."

It is obvious that Aguang is in a state of constantly thinking about the laws behind things, but many times, he can only see the surface operation, but it is difficult to extract abstract concepts from it.

This is an ancient and simple philosophical speculation.

In many ancient and ignorant civilizations, people always tried to explain phenomena, so they had gods, and attributed all transcendent things to the power of gods.

Aguang, on the other hand, took another path, using reason to inquire into reality, and using mortal thinking to try to gain insight into the trajectory of the sky.

Originally, a person like A Guang, without any external force, might have fallen to death during a test flight, or eaten some poisonous mushrooms that should not be eaten, or become one of the victims in a certain natural disaster. .

If he is lucky enough to survive, and meets someone who believes in everything he has done, and passes on this thinking, it will take many years before a rational civilization can truly be formed.

However, the arrival of the Chosen One obviously changed everything.

"this is delicious."

Qiao Mu tore off a roast chicken leg and stuffed it into his mouth.

Although there was no salt, the aroma emitted by the fat roasted by the flame was very attractive. Qiao Mu mixed it with the paste in the can and ate it, feeling that the door to a new world had opened.

As for the vegetables, they were boiled with water from the stream to make vegetable soup. There was also no salt and the taste was bland.

"Don't just eat it."

Kiriyama didn't eat Aguang's food. He complained and looked at the scholar who studied aircraft.

"So, you don't think that the thing you were born with is an omnipotent god?"

"Well, don't tell the mayor this, he will scold me."

Aguang nodded.

"Although in the legends in the town, the God in the sky seems to be able to do anything, after my observation, I found that in fact, many times those natural disasters have nothing to do with Him."

"Just like a flood, the water level of this river will rise regularly. If there is heavy rain, it will overflow. Therefore, the flood is not caused by His wrath, but by heavy rain in the upper reaches of the river."

He pointed outside to the river.

"On the contrary, fireballs falling from the sky may really be his doing."

"You don't seem to be afraid of the gods at all."

Qianyun said with interest.

"Because I can think."

Ah Guang spread his hands.

“Just like birds can fly and look for food in the forest to survive, if they are like those birds in the fence and lose the ability to fly because of being fed by others, they will eventually become food on the table one day. "

He looked at the chicken drumstick in Qiao Mu's hand.

"If we don't think and only look at the food in front of us, then gods will always be gods."

"Your ideas are dangerous in this place."

Kiriyama commented.

Although the ancient city has become a large-scale city, the theory of gods and ghosts is still prevalent. In some dilapidated mountain villages, there is even the habit of human sacrifice. In the past, a small detachment of warlords went deep into the barren mountains and was killed by the locals. The villagers treated him as a monster and captured him one by one for sacrifice, but no one survived.

In this town in the school city, the entire town believed in gods, and Aguang's words and actions were undoubtedly blasphemous.

It can only be said that the mayor is still a good person, Aguang himself is far away from the town, and the people here are still in the simple rural emotional stage.

Otherwise, people from other foreign lands who know a little bit more, or people who want to reap benefits, will use their belief in gods to consolidate power and control the entire village. And people like A Guang will only He became a heretic and was burned at the stake.

"I don't know what the danger is. I only know that if only gods can fly into the sky, then if I can make a machine that can fly, can I also become a god?"

Aguang said slightly arrogant words.

"I'm afraid God doesn't just fly."

Kiriyama reminded.

"This is just a metaphor. I think the so-called God is just made up by people to deceive themselves. Even if there really is such a great existence, why would He cast his sight on this small world."

Aguang questioned.

"In the forest outside the town, there are some strange things, just like the one I installed on the iron bird. In your words, it is the engine. I feel that there may be a wider space outside this forest. ”


Qiao Mu gnawed the chicken legs clean.

"You haven't taken us to where you picked up that engine yet."

"I'll take you there tomorrow. There should be something else there, but I don't know it and I can't carry it."

Aguang nodded and looked at the starry sky outside the house.

"Do you think there are other people living on the stars in the sky?"

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