Players please close your eyes

Chapter 388 388 free games, full score!

Chapter 388 388. Free game, full score!

In just over 20 minutes of video, He He seemed to have read a novel.

Although the barrage and comments were accusing the video author of out-of-context behavior, He He saw another concern.

[You guys think, is it possible that Affan in the game has really ascended, that he took away the author from the game, and that he even made this video? 】

[Damn it, when you say that, it’s a bit scary! 】

[When the video reaches the last episode, the camera turns and Affan appears in front of the computer to say hello to everyone. 】

[Is UP still alive? If so, can you give me an electronic signature? 】

[Maybe this game is not a simulated NPC at all, but another real world, and they are coming to invade us! 】

However, this kind of worry is more like random thinking than unfounded worry. No one took it seriously and only thought it was a joke.

He He checked his phone for a while and found that in addition to the video just now, there were many sex videos.

Because everyone is playing the basic mode, but some players got started quickly, perhaps because they had played in He He’s live broadcast room before. They did not choose the basic mode, but directly entered the survival mode and story mode.

Survival mode, as the name suggests, will randomly refresh the world with some unchangeable major events that can destroy the planet. The player's goal is to try their best to keep civilization alive. In this mode, the player is a soft-hearted god who must try his best to help mankind.

However, He He saw many players who uploaded videos. In addition to facing the coming disaster, they also had to battle wits and courage with these unscrupulous people.

In many movies, after human civilization knows that a disaster is coming, they will form an alliance to fight the disaster together. But in the game, even if the sun is about to explode in a few thousand years, humans will not think of building a planetary engine to propel it. Instead of running away, the earth will start throwing nuclear bombs at each other, and it will have entered the world line of nuclear war before the real end.

If you think about it carefully, it is quite science fiction in itself for all mankind to unite to fight against disaster.

The story mode has more tricks.

Players can create a character and enter an adventure in a world generated by the game. It is more like a Sims game than an RPG game.

As for the generated world, it is diverse.

There are worlds full of insect swarms where humans struggle to survive, there are cyberpunk worlds controlled by large corporations, there are serious philosophical speculations in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and there is also the labor of picking up garbage in space in the cosmic age.

At this point, videos related to "My Civilization Simulator" are very popular. Almost any video related to it will get tens of thousands of views in ten minutes.

“This game feels like it’s going to be really popular.”

As an old gamer, He He knows very well that for a game to be popular, the gameplay, topicality, and enjoyment must all be taken into consideration.

If you want to remain popular, you must rely on continuous updates from manufacturers, PVP and balance patches, or MODs created by players themselves.

As for Qiao Mu's game, it has a gameplay, a buzz, and it looks very interesting. Now it is no problem to become popular.

Coupled with survival mode and story mode, these two alone are enough for players to toss around for a long time, and this does not include the various MODs made by players.

The most important thing is that this game is free and can be downloaded with one click. Unless you don't like this type of game at all, there is no reason to refuse it.

It even has a mobile version.

He He watched the relevant videos and found that the mobile version was also very smooth and not too demanding on configurations. Even a 2,000 yuan mobile phone that was just released last year and used a low-end processor three years ago to reduce inventory can run it. You know, the phone will freeze even when swiping the desktop, but it can actually play "My Civilization Simulator".

There are also people who have downloaded and run games on smart watches and smart refrigerators, which is really unbearable.

He He saw another video, which was about the rating of "My Civilization Simulator" on the rating website. Unexpectedly, in just one day, this website had hundreds of thousands of ratings. Overall, it was a good review, and high Some of Liang's comments are even more hilarious.

[Large-scale human sociology experiment posing as a game, dimensionality reduction attack. 】

【Free game, full score! 】

[After playing this game, I discovered that the only lesson humans can learn from history is that humans can never learn lessons from history. 】

[Gameplay, content, graphics, scalability, and price have all blocked the way of all friends and merchants in various aspects. 】

"Indeed, the main thing is that it's free, which beats everything else."

He He agreed.

If a funeral company suddenly appeared, with various services much better than his own company, free of charge, sufficient labor, and ready to come to your door at any time, then He He would definitely make a decision that went against the teachings of his ancestors and quit the funeral industry. I really can’t afford to be a UP boss and tell jokes about the funeral industry every day.

"Thinking about it this way, it's time for others to take action."

He He came to his senses.

Even she can think of it, and so can her friend and businessman.

She estimated that, among other things, some rival companies with overlapping game types or similar tracks should start to exert their efforts.

Normally, if it is a new work from a well-known company, during the pre-publicity stage, friends should start buying black manuscripts to follow the lead.

In the end, it all depends on the quality of the game itself. If the quality is not good enough, it will easily be swayed by public opinion and ultimately fail. If the game is of good quality, players will vote with their feet, and sales and income will determine everything.

But Qiao Mu’s game has not been announced at all, and he was not even in this industry before.

It's just like what he said, it's like three college students who had nothing to do in their spare time, casually made it and put it on the Internet for free download, and it became popular.

Friends and businessmen may still be in a state of confusion and have no time to study.

He He's idea was not wrong.

In Jiangcheng, there is a game company called Quartz Network. It is obviously already off work time, but the lights are bright here. In the office, the project leader, chief planner, chief artist and other managers looked embarrassed until the boss of the company walked in. .

"How's your research going?"

The boss was asking about the status of "My Civilization Simulator". Because their company's next project is also a business simulation and historical development type, they rounded it up. This is their competing product. Faced with a sudden and explosive competition, Naturally, I have to work overtime and research.

"To be honest, boss, I played all night long."

The chief planner looked at the others and spoke hesitantly.

"I think our project may be difficult."

"What's the meaning?"

The boss's movements stopped.

"What he means is that we can't beat this game at all, and it's not too late to stop now."

The project leader made it clear.

“It’s all MyCiv Simulator out there!”

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