Chapter 183 Inside the car yard, each has its own divine powers.

The Forbidden Paper Man’s muffled voice attracted the attention of Fang Ming and Brother Qi.

The two followed the sound and looked into the Forbidden Paper Man’s line of sight, and saw hundreds of cars under black pressure piled up in a parking lot.

These cars should be in the state they were in before they were turned off.

It looked like a major car accident had occurred in a panic. Some cars even have dried up blood.

The scene can be said to be extremely tragic.

Fang Ming walked over to the Forbidden Paper Man and reached out and patted his shoulder: “It’s all right, let’s go in, after today, it’s all over.” ”

Today he came to help the forbidden paper man to be liberated.

This road has experienced dangers and obstacles, and now it is finally to the destination. As long as the last step is completed, it is considered a complete merit.

Forbidden paper men can be separated from corpses.

And he can complete the “outing mission” to get a lot of rewards, but also get the friendship of the Forbidden Paper Man. For both sides, it is a mutually beneficial and win-win thing.

The only thing that has nothing to gain here should be the seventh brother, and the reason why he came here is only because Fang Ming promised to take 01 to the welfare home as soon as possible, look for dolls, and activate the consciousness of peaches.

At last… The last affection of the infatuated lover.

The Forbidden Paper Man turned his head to look at Fang Ming, and seeing that Fang Ming looked indifferent, he nodded with some relief: “Okay, then let’s go in, friend.” ”

After saying that, the three of them walked side by side toward the inside of the parking lot.

At the entrance of the parking lot, it has long been blocked by more than a dozen cars.

Most of these cars were crashed into scrap, the front and body of the car were many dented, and even some cars with poor treatment were directly torn apart.

The ground is littered with broken parts, quite in the style of a wasteland.

Because they didn’t want to cause too much movement, Fang Ming’s three people could only keep climbing on these vehicles, fortunately, all three of them were in good shape, even compared to wild cats.

Crossing this kind of pediatric obstacle is naturally no longer a problem. In almost a few seconds, the three of them flipped in.

It was a bit of a hassle for the coffin bearer behind to carry the blood coffin, but fortunately the strength was great enough, although it could not be as flat as Fang Ming’s, but it was also a thrilling way to enter.

Just a few steps into the crowd, Fang Ming suddenly frowned and stopped.

He looked at the forbidden paper and said, “Friend, have you ever come back after you went out from here?” ”

The Forbidden Paper Man was slightly stunned, then shook his head, “No, I hate this place.” ”

Fang Ming looked around, “Do you feel as if something is watching us?” ”

After coming in, Fang Ming felt uncomfortable.

It felt like being in the fog of a crematorium. It was as if someone was always hiding in the shadows and peeping.

At Fang Ming’s current realm, the five senses can be said to be extremely acute. This undisguised peeping in the dark made his hair stand upside down. Not because of fear, but because of nausea.

Sure enough, the Forbidden Paper Man and the Seventh Brother had similar feelings.

The two nodded, “Yes, there must be something hiding in the shadows.” ”

Fang Ming’s heart was frozen when he heard this, and he immediately became vigilant.

Being able to survive in the gap between the crematorium and the cemetery is certainly not a good thing.

He quickly reminded: “Everyone be careful, we have all arrived here, and we must not overturn the ship in the gutter.” ”

As he spoke, he had begun to constantly glance around.

With night vision and the eye of information, he believed that if he saw anything unusual, he would be able to find it at the first time, just as he had found the little black in the darkness of 106.

The Forbidden Paper Man and the Seven Brothers responded one after another, and then each used their own means to start a carpet search.


The Forbidden Paper Man stomped on the ground, and countless white paper coins immediately flew out above his body. After the paper money landed, it became four paper people who sprinkled money.

The paper man giggled and jumped out like a monkey. While jumping, countless paper money was spilled from his hand.

Paper money fluttered in the sky like snowflakes.

Every piece of paper money that falls to the ground will immediately become a small paper man. As soon as these little paper people slapped their arms, they flew up.

Just like the original forbidden paper man from the outside into the inside of the happy community residential building. Hundreds of small paper men kept flying from the ground.

Sweeping all around.

“It’s amazing.”

Seeing this scene, Fang Ming was a little envious.

His daily player templates are easy to use, but: Not so crazy and cool at all.

When he first read the novel, he always thought that he could also spark all the way with lightning, engage in some kind of imperial sword flight, and descend the dragon eighteen palms.

Who knows if it really crosses over, it is still similar to living an ordinary life.

Although he experienced the warmth and emotion that many other traversers could not experience, he still had some envy for the players of that battle template.

It is said that when the fire glass casts spells, it is cool and cool.

The Red Plover estimate is not bad. Unfortunately, he hadn’t seen it.

“I hope that in the future, I can also have this cool skill.”

Fang Ming sighed, and the seventh brother also took action.

Only to see the seventh brother find a car, sit on the car cover, and the black fog above his body suddenly rose wildly.

A stream of eerie and illusory breath continued to emanate from his body, turning into a wisp of black mist and beginning to spread around.

“It turns out that the seventh brother is also so powerful.”

Fang Ming’s eyes were a little surprised, after he went up to the seventh floor, he entered the memory world of the seventh brother, and after staying for five days, he came out to see the appearance of the seventh brother in the black fog, and he had never seen him shoot.

600 now looks, can live on the seventh floor of the existence, sure enough, not only the memory of the world so simple. The raging black mist continued to rise from Brother Qi’s body, and in the blink of an eye, it enveloped the nearby area of tens of meters. Standing in the black fog, Fang Ming even felt a feeling of being in the fog of the crematorium.

It was as if these black mists were the eyes of Brother Seven’s eyes. As long as what is inside the black fog, it cannot escape the observation of the black fog.

“It seems that I have to work harder, but I can’t be compared to two friends.”

Fang Ming had a smile on his face. Then take a step and patrol the inside of the parking lot.

The three of them each used their own means, as if because the sound was too frightening, it directly frightened the existence that was observed in the dark to reduce the sense of existence.

The original all-time, aggressive line of sight instantly became much weaker. The three of them sensed this, and did not let down their vigilance, but instead accelerated the speed of the search.

Tens of thousands of small white paper people flew in the parking lot, and the thick black fog gradually enveloped the entire parking lot. And Fang Ming was also in the sight of the Forbidden Paper Man and the Seventh Brother, like a gust of wind quickly skimming through every corner.

And just as Fang Ming was exploring the last inch of the entire parking lot. An irrepressible sense of terror rose from the ground.


Just like the ground shakes, the whole ground directly collapses!

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