Plug-in Player

Chapter 75: Journal

After a while, Su Mo quietly returned to the building where he was hiding, but he saw that the first floor was empty, only Qin Wang was alone.

"How about them?"

"They were in the attic, what did they find there. By the way, Big Brother Su Mo, is the situation outside okay?"

Qin Wang asked very respectfully, as long as you are a master these days, you can win the respect of others everywhere.


Su Mo replied lightly and walked towards the stairs.

Soon he came to the attic. In the corner of the attic, a mummified child curled up silently.

Lin Zinuo and the others gathered around, holding a yellowed diary in his hand.

But what surprised Su Mo was that Lin Zinuo and the others were all red-eyed and wiping tears.

"What happened?"

It was the first time he had seen such a situation.

Lin Zinuo snorted, closed the diary in his hand, and handed it to Su Mo.

"You see."

Su Mo took it over, opened the yellowed diary, and the tender handwriting came into his eyes.


"On January 3rd, I secretly cried again, but I didn't mean to, I really miss my dad so much. But I understand that my dad is a hero, he fought those monsters to protect us all... ..."


"February 4th, Dad, I have to eat obediently, listen to your words, and grow taller."

"On February 15th, grandma got sick, but I'm already a man. I will take good care of grandma. I made her favorite porridge..."


"On March 8, grandma became more and more ill and could no longer get out of bed. When will you come back, Dad? Grandma said you were watching us nearby, but you couldn't come back."

"On March 10, my grandma fell asleep, and I couldn't wake up no matter how I called. I ran to my neighbor's aunt. The aunt told me that my grandma was just too tired, and they wanted to send her out of here. The aunt asked me to live with them, I refused, I have to wait for my father at home."

"On March 13th, it was so dark at home at night, I just secretly cried a little bit."


"April 3, it was scary outside. There were crying and monster roars everywhere. But I'm not afraid. Dad will come back to save me."


"On April 7th, I was so hungry."

"On April 8th, I saw my father..."


After Su Mo finished flipping through the notebook, his mood was also a little heavy. He couldn't help but glance at the young mummy.

This scene further confirmed his thoughts, they really might have come to another parallel plane.

Before this, all the strange things made sense.

Of course, whether it is true or not is yet to be verified. After all, what we know now is speculation, and there is no substantive evidence.

At this time, Zhou Qian wiped away her tears and said sobbing.

"It's too pitiful, sister Zino, why don't we bury him..."


Zi Nuo took a deep breath and calmed down.

"If it is buried, it will only be dug up by those zombies. When we are about to leave, we will burn this place."

Su Mo said calmly.

Zhou Qian and the others looked at Su Mo in amazement.

"It's not more pitiful."

"Just do as Su Mo said."

Lin Zinuo said with a sigh.

"There is one more thing."

Su Mo suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Zinuo and the others.

"What's the matter? What are you going to do if it burns?"

Zhou Qian and the others looked at Su Mo with slightly moved expressions.

"I'm not talking about the corpse. If I'm not mistaken, there should be a military base nearby. According to the contents of the diary, it can be seen more or less that the child's father should have joined the army. And his grandmother He said that his father was watching them nearby, and the base must be nearby. In addition, the reason why this town is so rich is that it is very likely that the family members of the soldiers here enjoy better treatment. "

Su Mo said all his guesses.

After everyone heard Su Mo's words, they glanced at each other, their faces showing extreme surprise.

However, they thought about what Su Mo said, and it didn't seem to be completely unreasonable.

"Where will the base be?"

Lin Zinuo looked at Su Mo.

"If there is an area where family members are placed, it will definitely not be too far. It may be beneficial to look around. Of course, there is also a possibility that my prediction was wrong."

Su Mo replied after thinking for a while.

"Okay, let's rest for a while and then leave the town."

Lin Zinuo was about to give it a shot, but her mission this time was a complete failure. Although there is a reason for the incident, the above will not blame it, but she received equipment supplies from the twelfth group, and if she messed up, the loss was really her own.

If there is still a military base here, maybe you can find something, even if you can't attack it, you will find a land reclamation point, and you can call someone back.

Zhou Qian and the others glanced at each other, then said, "Let's find some oil, and we'll burn this place down later."


Lin Zinuo waved his hand.

A few hours later, Su Mo and the others rested. At this time, Zhou Qian and others took a bucket of cooking oil and poured it all over the room.

Lin Zinuo looked at the corpse in the attic for a long time in silence, and finally put the notebook lightly on his hand.

"Sister Zino, everything is ready, we should go."

Qin Wang came over to know.

"Let's Lin Zinuo didn't stop.

Soon after, Su Mo and the others left the house, and flames burst out behind them, and soon the whole house was on fire.

I don't know if it was unintentional or just luck. The fire gradually spread and spread to the surrounding houses.

The rest of the zombies in the town also gathered in the direction of the fire, and finally disappeared into the flames.

Maybe this is liberation.

A dozen people from Su Mo took the opportunity to quickly cross the town, and they walked forward along the coastline.

In fact, they don't know whether they will gain anything if they move forward, it's just a gamble.

Afterwards, Su Mo and the others walked for more than ten kilometers. Qin Wang excitedly pointed to the distance and shouted, "Look, there seems to be a seaport base ahead."

Lin Zinuo and the others were dying of joy, and they didn't have much hope.

Su Mo calmly reminded: "Don't be too happy, let's investigate and see if we can attack."


Lin Zinuo suppressed the joy in his heart.

So Su Mo and others quietly touched it. This is a small harbor base, and the walls around it are not very high.

The tin door was naked and open, and a gust of wind blew past, and the tin door kept making creaking sounds. It was very desolate.

In addition, there was a group of zombies in uniforms wandering around the base. They wandered around the base in a daze, with no intention of going far.

It looks like the soldiers who were originally stationed here, but the number is very sparse.

Seeing this scene, Su Mo became more and more silent. He was a little curious, what happened to them in this world now.

Or is this just a plot?

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