Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 189: not so easy

The portal opened by the player in the game has a duration of 'one round trip'.

What's the meaning?

Briefly explain. If you go back to the town through the portal, after the supply is complete, go straight back through the portal, then when you return to the place where you left, the portal will disappear. On the other hand, if you return to the city and don't think about continuing the previous adventure, but go to other places on foot or through the small station, then, unless you open the second portal in another place, otherwise, the previous one. A portal will remain there until the end of time.

Maybe not quite right, but from a certain angle, it's really kind of like a round-trip ticket.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, to be precise, after 'rationalization', the situation has changed slightly - this thing not only continues the game's 'one back and forth will disappear' setting, but also more There is a 'only last 10 minutes' limit.

9 minutes 53 seconds, 9 minutes 59 seconds, 10 minutes 07 seconds, 10 minutes 02 seconds... When testing the efficacy of this thing, Shi Xiaolei made a set of statistics. The final conclusion is that the duration of this thing is bound to be more than 9 minutes and 30 seconds, and less than 10 minutes and 30 seconds. Taking the average value is 'about 10 minutes'.

Thinking about it carefully, it is reasonable to have such a change.

After all, a teleportation scroll is not a rare item. Similar to a potion, it is also a mass-produced item that can be picked up everywhere. That is to say, the materials for making this kind of props are definitely not precious, and the performance of the scroll itself is definitely not exaggerated... To put it bluntly, there is absolutely no possibility of 'self-charging' attached to the portal opened by the scroll. Features.

The game can persist for so long, and it all depends on the support of the underlying rules. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the underlying rules have become different. Without this support, the portal will naturally not last as long as in the game. not scattered.

"Okay, we should go back." After chatting a few more words, Shi Xiaolei greeted Conna and 2B while saying goodbye to Stark and Coulson: "This thing can only last about ten minutes in total, if you don't leave, it will be a while. It should go away."

"Okay." After bumping his fist with Shi Xiaolei, Stark did not forget to remind: "Forget it now, when I go back, get me some scrolls. To be honest, I'm really curious about the principle of this thing... …”

"Okay, I wrote it down. I'll prepare it for you when I go back."

"Then we'll see you in New York."

"See you in New York."

I thought we would see each other in a few days, but surprisingly, Stark returned to New York much later than expected. Not one or two days, nor three or five days, on Nihow Island, Stark actually stayed for a whole month, and it was not until the beginning of May that he returned to New York again.

There are two reasons why it was delayed so late.

The first is to fight for the ownership of Nihao Island.

As I said before, Nihau Island does not belong to the United States Federation, and the United States Federation has coveted this island for a long time and has always wanted to take its sovereignty.

This operation was initiated by S.H.I.E.L.D., how could it be hidden from the Americans?

Although it is now affiliated with the World Security Council, its predecessor is the Strategic Science Corps established by the United States alone. Continuing this legacy, most of the staff within S.H.I.E.L.D. are Americans, or people who are related to the United States, and the activity funds mainly come from the support of the United States... Corresponding arrangements have been made, otherwise, the actions of S.H.I.E.L.D. will basically be known to the US government.

What's more, S.H.I.E.L.D. is in-depth cooperation with the U.S. government on the matter of 'killing vampires'.

All in all, when they learned that S.H.I.E.L.D. was about to take action against Nihau Island, the U.S. government was already thinking about it secretly-is it possible to get a 'U.S. Nihau Island' first as it did when it annexed Hawaii. Then, after a few years or more than ten years, after the attention of all countries in the world on this matter recedes, then...

I have to say, those politicians are really thieves.

He also hopes to get the ownership of Nihow Island. Of course, Stark will not sit idly by and let the U.S. government attack this island.

You know, taking the island from the natives or buying the island from the United States has completely different meanings.

If it is the former, then, no matter how the island is transformed in the future and what kind of results are obtained, it will be one's own, don't worry about being picked peaches... After all, you hold the sovereignty of the island in your hand and occupy the title.

But if the United States takes the sovereignty of the island, the nature will be different.

Let's put it this way, even if the U.S. government didn't charge a penny and directly handed over the island to Stark to use as he pleased, Stark wouldn't dare to really let go of his hands and make too many achievements on the island.

the reason is simple.

Because in that case, as long as the U.S. government makes a statement, in the name of the righteousness of 'the inseparability of the country', it can avoid the accusations of other countries... Maybe after tearing up the promise, the government's actions will not be so smooth. Under Stark's resistance and counterattack, it was as if he could not get the steel armor from his hands, and in the end, he was empty-handed and had nothing to gain. But if you look at the process aside from the ending, from Stark's standpoint, the coveted by the government is always a very troublesome More things are worse than less things.

If you don't want to give the U.S. government a chance to intervene in picking peaches, then you can only start at the root, take the island first, and win its ownership.

It's not that easy to get this done.

On the one hand, the team is organized to fight **** for tat at the negotiating table; on the other hand, at the cost of some benefits, he attracts S.H.I.E.L.D. to assist him; Their power puts pressure on the United States...

Not only multi-line operation, but also the operation on each line needs to be careful, and there can be no flaws. The difficulty can be imagined. Even if he is as smart as Stark, even if Stark's industry is huge and has a pivotal weight, it is impossible to easily handle this matter.

In fact, until Stark returned to New York, the matter was not finalized, only a verbal agreement acceptable to both parties was reached.

"Isn't it, it took so long, and it hasn't been finalized yet?"

"You bastard." Stark rolled his eyes and replied angrily: "You think this is going to the supermarket to buy snacks? This is a negotiation with the national government, how can it be that easy."

"...I always feel uneasy, Tony, there won't be any more troubles in the future, right?"

"No." Stark waved his hand, took the cup and drank it: "I mean, the main part has been settled, only some details are left. Even if there is any accident, it will not affect to the big picture."

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