Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 285: New skills for the maids


A few days later, Norman Osborn completed the delivery procedures and took over the farm for $540 million.

One thing to say, just looking at the size of the land and the location of the farm on Long Island, the price is somewhat inflated.

However, considering the amount of space hidden below ground level adds a lot to the usable area of ​​the property, the vampires' upholstery contains a lot of good quality antiques and can be worth a fortune, overall. , the price of 540 million is quite fair, and it cannot be regarded as a pit of Norman Osborn.

Well, it doesn't matter how much the price is, what matters is who gets the money.

According to the law, the farm left by the vampires should have been classified as confiscated assets. That is, after it is sold, the proceeds should go to the New York City government.

But from the actual situation...

In the battle to exterminate vampires, the New York City government did not do much, and even the police under the government's command arrived long after the battle was over. According to the principle of 'how much effort, how much benefit', if the city government took all the $540 million that Norman Osborn took out, whether it was Stark, Shi Xiaolei, or S.H.I.E.L.D. will not approve.

In short, for the attribution of this money, in the following week, a series of discussions were held between the "civil representatives" headed by Pepper and the city government.

In the end, the result of the negotiation is that the money will be divided into three parts and injected into different accounts. The city government will get 200 million US dollars by virtue of the advantage of 'holding property rights'; as an organization that participated in the battle, the same S.H.I.E.L.D., which has an official background, took away 140 million; the remaining 200 million was used to set up a fund to rescue innocent people who were persecuted by vampires.

That's right, neither Stark nor Shi Xiaolei had any advantage in this transaction.

He clearly occupied so much of the right to speak in this matter, so why didn't he get any benefits after the matter had come to an end? On the standpoint of Stark and Shi Xiaolei, wouldn't you feel wronged?

actually not.

From the beginning, the two never thought about making money from this matter.

After all, this is New York, the heartland of the United States. It is not as far away in the Pacific as Nihau Island, and its sovereignty does not belong to the United States.

If you only rely on your strength in the battle, you won't ask yourself to take ownership of the farm... Although it is reasonable, but from a legal point of view, it is a disregard of the US Constitution. Think about it and know that if the two really did that, they would definitely be troubled by the government afterwards.

Even if Stark has a wealth of wealth, he often ignores the opinions of government officials at all levels, and even makes a lot of moths to prevent government officials from stepping down, but that does not mean that Stark Industries already has the ability to fight against the entire United States. strength.

And the words of Shi Xiaolei's family...

Although everyone in the family has a force far beyond that of ordinary people, it is impossible to threaten their lives with the weapons and equipment currently available in the US military. , it should be a man's.

Every once in a while, I was picked on by the officials to find trouble. In order to have a stable daily life, I could not flip the table casually.

Thinking about it makes me sick.

With Shi Xiaolei's character, of course, it is impossible for him to ignore the trouble he caused by seizing sovereignty for the benefit of selling the farm.

Don't let the 'bad guys' take over the farm, just live next door to your house. In this matter, Shi Xiaolei had one and only one request.

In order to achieve the goal, there is no need to occupy the property rights. Therefore, from the beginning, he never had any idea of ​​the property rights. He just joined Stark to win the 'proposal rights' that can decide who will take over the farm and 'Supervisory power'.

Speaking of which, Shi Xiaolei and Stark were able to get 'proposal rights' and 'supervision rights' so easily, and the government's cooperation was quite active, all because the situation itself was in line with the national conditions of the United States. It’s not special—the inmates who are released from prison are resisted to move into their own community; if they see the neighbor’s house is dirty, they can call the police, or even file a public prosecution to ask the neighbor to move out of the community; the neighbor wants to build a house and think it might block their own Sunshine, you can raise objections and use legal means to block the plans of neighbors... In the so-called democratic United States, it is not only a precedent but also commonplace to point fingers at properties in the area that do not belong to you as a community resident.

Well, it is not accurate to say that there is no benefit.

To be precise, it should be 'not only did not take advantage of it, but also lost an additional cost'.

Here's the thing.

Maybe it was Stark who was talking about it, or maybe it was his own fault. In short, Shi Xiaolei didn't know where Cinderella and the others heard the news, and knew that two of the money from selling the farm would be divided. 100 million to build a charitable fund to help those injured by vampires.

Seeing that the girls from Cinderella also responded one after another, they found themselves while taking out the wages they had finally saved up, and expressed their desire to donate the money to the fund, and the rescue was the same as them. The victims... Seeing their eager faces with a bit of sadness, Shi Xiaolei's heart was greatly touched.

Regardless of how tough he is when dealing with the enemy, and he is never merciless in battle, but in front of his own people, Shi Xiaolei is easily soft-hearted.

Moved by Cinderella and the others, Shi Xiaolei paid out of his own pocket and injected another sum of money into the upcoming charity fund.

Not much, just one billion.

"Hey~~." Feeling the force on his back, Stark grinned and inhaled, but his face was relieved: "On the left, a little... right, right, right there."

"Mr. Stark, do you think this is okay?" He vigorously massaged the muscles on Stark's back, because the steaming heat in the's forehead had leaked out. Thin layers of sweat.

"Yes, yes, this strength is just right." Stark turned his head with a twisted face, and said to Shi Xiaolei enviously, "Loke, why didn't you tell me they would still do this? If If I had known, I would have gotten the fund up long ago."

"I just found out that it's only a few days." On the other massage table, Shi Xiaolei was also enjoying the same service.

The difference is that because his physique is stronger, his back is wider, and his muscles are more developed, only one girl will definitely not be able to handle it, so at this time, Fina and Lily are serving him at the same time.

"Actually, we've only just learned it." The two of us divided the work and made the work a little easier. Fenna casually took over the conversation and responded with a smile: "Thanks to Miss Yixian's guidance, by the way, Master, Would you like to try cupping?"

"Eh? Even cupping?" Shi Xiaolei couldn't help laughing: "Haha, this 100 million is really not for nothing. Okay, give it to me, I'll give it a try."

"Wait, pull... what is that? Give me one too~!"

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