Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 562: noble? private? public?

Should I learn from Norman Osborn and arrange for Conner to go to high school in a noble school in Europe?

After returning from Norman Osborn's house, Shi Xiaolei pondered for a long time. In the end, he still felt that this routine was not very suitable for copying.

After all, the purpose of sending Kang Na to school was not to train her to be a scientist, or any other kind of social elite. After all, Kang Na is not an ordinary child. When she grows up, she doesn't have to rely on the knowledge she learned in school to find a job for herself. For Kang Na, the life lessons learned when getting along with classmates and making friends that she met during school are more important.

Therefore, the small but refined aristocratic education method is not very suitable for Kang Na. A school with more students, which can make her realize what is called social life, is the most suitable place for her.

Second, with Kang Na's character, if she were to be sent to Europe at one go...

Think back to the past six months.

Even though a portal has been built on Nihao Island, you can travel to and from the manor on Long Island at any time, and you can meet whenever you want. However, because of the time difference between the two places, and because Shi Xiaolei has to stay in the dock for a long time, The time he spends with Kona is still much less than before.

Once or twice is nothing, but many times, I always get Shi Xiaolei's response, even if she is as well-behaved as Kang Na, she has been angry with Shi Xiaolei several times because her wish for companionship has not been satisfied.

But it was only half a year old, and there was a portal connecting the two places, so the communication was very convenient, and this result was the result.

If this is to send Kang Na to a place where there is no portal connection, and then extend the time to six or seven years... If you think about it with your toes, the little girl will definitely be more dissatisfied, and may even be angry enough to drop out of school or leave school on her own. A home away from home. (In the new season of "The Dragon Maid of Xiaolin's House", Kang Na ran away from home because of a quarrel with Xiaolin.)

So, the idea of ​​arranging for Kang Na to go to a noble middle school in Europe doesn't actually fit her actual situation. Just cancel it directly, there is absolutely no need to think and tangle.

The only option left is 'stay on this side of New York'.

Going around, back to the old way.


"Huh?" Just after taking a mouthful of rice, Kang Na's raised little face was covered with two grains of rice, which was a little cute.

Reaching out to help the little girl pick off the rice grains from the corner of her mouth, she helped her pick up a piece of her favorite sweet and sour pork ribs from a plate a little far away. Looking at Kang Na who squinted her eyes happily, Shi Xiaolei said gently: "When the summer vacation is over, you should be in the fifth grade. Do the math, there is only one year left before entering junior high school, Kang Na, have you ever thought about it? Which middle school are you going to?"

"Junior high school?" How can children think so far. Kang Na looked confused, and shook her head ignorantly: "No."

"Haven't you talked to Harry and Peter?" Shi Xiaolei asked again, "When you were playing together, didn't you say that you would go to school together in the future?"

"Ah~." After being reminded by Shi Xiaolei, Kang Na recalled: "I said it! Peter said that he wanted to go to Dongfang Middle School. He also asked Harry and I if we wanted to go together~"

In many bilingual and multilingual families, children often speak a variety of languages ​​when speaking to adults at home.

The same goes for Shi Xiaolei's family. Kang Na sometimes speaks English and sometimes Chinese.

This answer is in Chinese, so...

"Dongfang Middle School?" Hearing this, Shi Xiaolei immediately thought of a certain institution famous for its English education. For a time, a big question mark popped up in his heart - could it be that there is a similar institution in this world, and it has also expanded to the United States?

"Yes." Not knowing why Shi Xiaolei frowned, Kang Na tilted her head curiously.

"What's your full name?" Shi Xiaolei asked again.

"Well, it seems to be called EastSideMiddleSchool~"

I don't remember what the full English name is, but because of a joke among friends, Shi Xiaolei vaguely remembered that the abbreviation of that institution should be NOS. And now, the East Side Middle School mentioned by Conna is called EastSideMiddleSchool, and the abbreviation is ESMS. Obviously, the two are not the same thing.

"Is that so..." Shaking his head and throwing his thoughts aside, Shi Xiaolei looked at Kang Na and gave her a chopstick dish: "What did Peter say? I mean why did he want to go there? , is that school good?"

"Well, it should be fine~." While blinking, she recalled, and a few seconds later, Kang Na replied, "I don't remember very well, but he said that the school charges very little."

"Low fees, so it's a public school?"

"Hmm~." Conna nodded vigorously: "I remembered what Peter said."

"Is that so..."

Hearing that it was a public school, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

It is different from the domestic environment. In European and American countries, the educational standard of private schools is often higher than that of public schools.

After all, this is a capitalist world where "everything looks at money". The original intention of many people to set up schools is not to teach and educate people, but to make money.

If the teaching level is worrying and it is impossible to attract enough students, then it is naturally impossible for a private school to be operated as a business by school managers. Therefore, in order to ensure that their business can make money, school managers often invest a lot of money in the development of the school. Over time, the average level of private schools has gradually surpassed that of public schools that need to live on official funding.

Although he has given up the idea of ​​sending the little girl to an aristocratic school, it doesn't mean that Shi Xiaolei doesn't care about the quality of the school's teaching.

No matter what, you have to choose a better private school.

As for public schools... There are indeed a group of good children who cannot attend private schools for financial reasons and have to go to public schools. Peter, for example, is a prime example.

But it cannot be denied that in public schools, the number of bad kids and gangsters is significantly higher than in private schools - either because the parents are too lazy and the family has no money to go to school, or because the parents are irresponsible and do not know how to discipline , so that the children's grades are not enough to go to a better school... Although most of the children are innocent, and the responsibility is basically on the parents, but if you look at the results regardless of the reasons, there are indeed many children who have already started under the influence of their parents. Going the wrong way, it has become a dead wood that cannot be carved.

As a parent, Shi Xiaolei hopes that Kang Na can meet more friends of the same age at school, but that is only limited to good children.

Like those **** who get caught sooner or later...

Shi Xiaolei had only one sentence in his heart: Go as far as you can to Lao Tzu.

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