Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 594: miscalculation

After going to Chromie's shop and listening to him introduce the prices, Shi Xiaolei suddenly noticed something.

When I was preparing the 'goods' before, I seemed to underestimate the elf egg in my heart.

Why do you say that? Calculate an account to know.

According to the price introduced by Chromie... that ornament that he priced at 200 crowns, if it is a perfect score, it can be given an 8 out of 10. And so on, if the standard is slightly lowered and the price is based on the pass line, the price of an ornament that is "ordinary" in the minds of Asgardians is just over a hundred crowns, and it will not be higher than one hundred and thirteen.

The materials are solid and the craftsmanship is exquisite. The ordinary things in the eyes of the Asgardians are real boutiques on the earth.

Before coming here...because what he thought was 'bring a few hundred pieces back', Shi Xiaolei didn't dare to think so beautiful, and set the standard too high.

To put it simply, when he set himself the bottom line of 'one elf egg for four or five accessories', the reference in his mind was the mid-end goods in the eyes of the Asgardians.

And according to this ratio to convert...

On Asgard's side, the market price of a mid-end product is in the early 100s, and four or five pieces together are only five or six hundred crowns. According to the consumption level, converted into the price on earth, it is equivalent to Shi Xiaolei setting an ultra-low price of 'less than ten thousand dollars' for each elf egg.

If it were on Earth, would Shi Xiaolei sell goods like elf eggs to ordinary people for seven or eight thousand, at most no more than ten thousand dollars?

The answer is obviously no.

A bottle of the original version of the potion that Shi Xiaolei personally took out was originally priced at more than 10,000 yuan, but as this thing became famous and accumulated word-of-mouth, its price has steadily increased, and the secret price has been hyped up several times, reaching An average of $70,000 a bottle.

Even if Shi Xiaolei deliberately chose some 'unpopular' elves, the little guys hatched from the eggs may not be able to provide much help to their owners, and they prefer pets for companionship and viewing. But no matter what, the benefits they bring to the owner are not comparable to a mere bottle of consumable medicine.

Besides, they are still alive...

Going back 10,000 steps, buying a purebred kitten and puppy may cost more than $10,000. Compared with those kittens and puppies, the elf is not only rarer in number, but also has a higher IQ... Even if the appearance is not scored, these two points alone are doomed that their worth should definitely not be lower than those of the little ones. cat puppy.

Selling these elf eggs for less than ten thousand dollars? Shi Xiaolei didn't know the price before, and Shi Xiaolei felt that the exchange ratio he set was quite good, and even felt that he was a little bit cheaper, but now looking back, he only felt that the price was too low.

At least ten times, and the price is about 100,000.

If you maintain the original price, let’s not talk about whether you can pass the test in your heart, and Xie Mi will not agree to it. Born in the world of “Pokemon”, Xie Mi has been used to seeing human beings sell and transfer elves as goods. Son, don't get mad about this. But as a beast-level elf, Xie Mi's love for ordinary elf is undeniable. If the elves are despised by humans and not respected accordingly, it must be very angry.

Selling elf at a low price is undoubtedly a form of contempt and disrespect.

Although Xie Mi's character is very innocent, he may not be able to understand the twists and turns in it, so notice this. But as its family, standing on Shi Xiaolei's standpoint, it has to be considered taboo.

'The price is increased tenfold, that is to say, one elf egg must be exchanged for at least forty or fifty pieces...'

'With the consumption habits of Asgardians, can you accept this price? ’

Gu 'Why don't you sell the eggs, hatch the elves first... Compared with the unidentified eggs, the live elves are obviously more attractive. ’

‘Hmm~, it doesn’t seem to be very suitable. If it’s like a chick, after hatching from an egg, it will take the first person it sees as its mother…’

‘Why don’t you still sell eggs. Don't hatch the little guys at that time, and they are reluctant to sell them. ’

‘The key is price. Even if the Asgardians approve of this price, who can exchange so many things at one time? And not everyone has as much stock as Chromie. ’

‘Why don’t you change your mind, give up exchanging with ordinary people, and trade with shopkeepers like Chromie? ’

'...I don't know if it will work or not, it's probably not enough. After all, people opened stores to support their families, and it was impossible to exchange all the inventory in the store for little elves that they didn't need. ’

The more he thought about it, the more chaotic the thoughts that emerged in his mind. Before he knew it, Shi Xiaolei was immersed in his own and forgot that there were other people around.

"Loke, what are you thinking?" I don't know how long it took, a rude shout dragged Shi Xiaolei back from his distraction.

"Come, have another drink." Looking up, it was a huge wine glass, and looking back around the wine glass, it was Vorstag's somewhat provocative eyes: "Isn't it afraid?"


Whether it was a wine fight or a duel two hours later, Shi Xiaolei didn't think he would lose to the opponent.

"You'd better take care of yourself." Picking up the cup in front of him and bumping it hard with Vorstag, Shi Xiaolei responded with one sentence: "Don't get too drunk to go out. Haha, others won't care. So much, just remember that you lost the duel because you missed the fight. Trust me, you won't..."

"Hahaha~!" Before Shi Xiaolei could finish speaking, Vorstag interrupted him with a big laugh: "I'm a dwarf! The more I drink, the more powerful I will be!"

"Really?" Raising his eyebrows, Shi Xiaolei just smiled and didn't answer.

If you have that kung fu to fight with dwarves, it is better to care more about your family. Taking his attention away from Vorstag, Shi Xiaolei turned to look at Kang Na, Ramiris, and Shemi.

Asgard's diet is mostly meat-based, but for Kona, it's just right.

But for Ramiris and Shemi, who are accustomed to vegetarianism, this eating style is not so considerate.

"Ramiris, Xie Mi." Shi Xiaolei smiled in concern while turning over a few fruits from his backpack and handing them over: "Is it not enough to eat? Come on, I still have it here, just say if it's not enough. Oh."



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