Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 894: Coulson on a mission

Although I haven't witnessed the Inhumans display their abilities with my own eyes, I can't be sure how much damage they can cause, but out of prudence, SHIELD arranged some people to guard the vicinity of the Inhumans without showing any traces.

It is worth mentioning that the one who secretly led the team to carry out the mission was another old acquaintance, Coulson.

It's not that Nick Fury's subordinates are the only one who is capable and trustworthy. The reason why he sent Coulson over was because the Inhumans had a relationship with Shi Xiaolei, and he was an acquaintance of Shi Xiaolei.

As long as there is a contingency, there is a real situation... Whether it is to support the situation or solve the funeral, from Shi Xiaolei's position, there is a good chance that he will stand up for the different people. At that time, with Coulson present, not only can we avoid misunderstandings between the agents who had to reveal their identities because of the need to control the scene and the Inhumans, but also can cooperate more tacitly with Shi Xiaolei who arrived temporarily, quickly and effectively. The situation is in order.

Ability is second, the key is to take a fancy to the familiarity between Coulson and Shi Xiaolei. Will send Coulson over to town, Nick Fury has his own intentions.

It was Coulson who suffered.

Originally, I was thinking of taking the opportunity of the festival to stay with my girlfriend and relax. In order to create a more intimate atmosphere, Coulson even bought some decorations in advance to decorate his "home" a little.

Unexpectedly, just when he was going to call his girlfriend and ask her to spend the holiday with him, Nick Fury's order came first.

As a last resort, Coulson had to find an excuse of 'temporary business trip', and sent an apology text message full of regret to his girlfriend from the bottom of his heart.

It's bad enough not to be able to spend the holidays with your girlfriend. What makes Coulson more depressing is still to come.

When a situation occurs, he must stand up and control the field as soon as possible. Therefore, as the leader of the 'Guardian Squad', Coulson must stay near the Inhumans all the time. But in today's situation where "the flow of people is so large that water can't get in, and most people have changed their clothes", it is not an ordinary trouble to do this without showing any traces.

Can't wear the usual black suit, even casual clothes don't fit... The best way to hide a drop of water is to put it in the sea, trying to hide yourself when 'there are drag players everywhere' , Coulson has to give himself a drag package like those people.

The extent to which you can dress up is also a question.

Certainly you can't dress yourself up like Stark as the prettiest cub in the audience, and conversely, it's too casual. Because of the overly perfunctory shape, it is also easy to be despised by Cosplay fans, which attracts the attention of some people more or less. Simply considering the concealment, it is best to choose a grade that is not slippery.

The convenience of movement must also be considered. After all, disguising and hiding is only a means, and ensuring that the aliens are safe is the ultimate goal.

As a counter-example, doll costumes like those most commonly used in amusement parks are not a good choice.

Colson's choice was...

Captain America suit.

When I was a child, I admired the US team very much. If I had to choose a style to change clothes, Coulson would rather try the US team's style. For Coulson, who doesn't like this kind of thing, it's a little bit of hard work to disguise as Team America. It's barely a small comfort, and it's easier to accept it psychologically.

In addition, it is also because dressing up like this makes it easier to hide yourself.

The thematic museum is nearby. For Americans in this world, the image of Captain America has long been reflected in their hearts and has become a symbolic symbol. Just as children in China often think of the Monkey King first when they play drag games, in the United States, when it comes to drag games, many people will first think of the image of Team America.

Exquisite and rough, fat, thin, tall, short, and even women. On the street, many people also dressed up as Team America, and Coulson was not the only one.

"Hey, buddy, did you make this outfit yourself?"

Focusing on Skye and others not far away, Coulson oversighted for a while and didn't even notice that someone came to him.

"No, I bought it online."

While secretly screaming 'mistake' in his heart, he had already noticed the strong smell of alcohol on the bodies of the people who were approaching in front of him.

Then, thinking 'If you say it was bought in the store, you will be inquired about the location of the store, and if you say it is made by yourself, it will also lead to more follow-up conversations', Coulson had an idea and chose the one that was the worst to continue. answer.

"Bought it online?" No one could guess what the drunk was thinking, including Coulson. No, a few people didn't hear his perfunctory and resistance at all, but continued to ask: "Which one? Let me introduce, I wanted to buy a set like yours, but I couldn't find it for a long time. Found it. You know, the ones sold in the store are of poor quality, and you can fool a child..."

As we all know, the US team's portrait rights have always been in the hands of the military. From the end of World War II to the present, over the years, those guys have made a lot of money by selling US team-related souvenirs.

Just like there are countless model toys in the warehouse of Bandai Company, there are also many ready-made souvenirs and peripherals of the Captain America series in the warehouses of the military and its related institutions.

The suit that Coulson was wearing was taken from the warehouse.

It saved some things and time, but what he didn't take into account was that the set he took from the warehouse was the so-called 'genuine' The material is very solid, from leather to fabric, Basically all military supplies. The version is also very standard. It is copied from the special equipment of the US team in the same proportion. Compared with the authorized listed products on the market, the quality of the genuine version on Coulson's body is indeed better.

No wonder he was entangled by the people in front of him.

"Unfortunately, I didn't write down the URL." Not wanting to continue entanglement, Coulson shook his head and decided to end the conversation: "Sorry, can I let you go, I have something else to do."

"Are you leaving? Don't play anymore?" Not only did he not move away, but he grabbed Coulson's arm. Then, I heard this guy happily make a suggestion: "Then sell me this set of yours~. How about 20% off the original price?"


"Is it because you gave me no clothes to wear? Then add this one I wear. Anyway, we are about the same height, so you can definitely wear this one."

"That's not the reason. Sorry, I have to go."

"Don't. The original price~, how much did you buy it? I'll buy it at the original price, right? I want to be a superhero too, buddy, just do it for me. You're leaving anyway, aren't you?"

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