Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 973: space station

There are more than 40 ship girls named by Missouri.

Squeezed a little, but fortunately, the Minerva's cabin space can still hold so many people.

Greet everyone to board the spaceship together, and arrange Lilima to sit in the co-pilot seat to help point the way. After all, it was less than ten minutes before the end of the call with Bonas, and Shi Xiaolei drove the spaceship into the sky.

"Over there~." Half an hour later, Lilima reminded him again, pointing to the giant space station that was vaguely showing its figure in front of her.

"OK." With a promise, Shi Xiaolei lowered his speed and leaned the spaceship up.

The entrance like a dock gate opened slowly. Although no sound could be heard in space, because the gate was so big and thick, it moved, and people couldn't help being shocked.

"This thing should be bigger than the asteroid that was transformed into a battle fortress, right?" While controlling the spacecraft to enter the gate, Shi Xiaolei turned his head unconsciously and looked at the starry sky on the other side.

It was invisible to the naked eye, but on the dashboard of the spacecraft, the location of the inspection checkpoint encountered a few days ago was clearly marked. At this moment, it was floating in the direction that Shi Xiaolei was staring at.

"It seems so, it's my first time here, I'm not very clear." The scene in front of her made Lilima quite shocked. However, as a tour guide, she did not forget her responsibilities: "Mr. Locke, it's time to turn around. Warehouse No. 7 is at the top right, over there~."


As a cargo distribution center, the space station is shaped like a giant sea urchin.

The channel set aside inside can only allow small spaceships to pass through. And those large spaceships that carry cargo cannot enter the interior of the space station.

It will be designed this way, as a result, to improve security.

After all, the larger the spaceship, the more suitable it is as a vehicle for large-scale weapons. On the contrary, the self-defense system installed on the small spaceship, even if the firepower is fully activated, the power is not much. The design of only letting the small spaceship enter the interior can prevent the high-power weapons from causing damage to the space station from the inside to a certain extent.

Second, it is also to improve the efficiency of transshipment of goods.

Those bulges like thorns on the surface of sea urchins are actually pipes connecting to various warehouses. As long as the corresponding pipeline is identified, the spacecraft is docked for docking, and the goods can be taken out from the warehouse immediately. Compared with letting the spacecraft enter the interior and queuing up to load and unload one by one, this design is obviously more efficient now.

After all, the space outside the space station is more spacious, and more transport ships can be docked.

The design of connecting the internal warehouse space with pipelines enables all warehouses to be activated at the same time, eliminating the cumbersome queuing.

"Number seven, number seven, found."

The markings on the warehouse doors are so conspicuous that they cannot be missed.

Leaning over to the spaceship, Shi Xiaolei noticed several other small spaceships parked at the door of the warehouse.

"It looks like Bonas and the others have arrived." Recognizing that one of them was Bonas' car, Shi Xiaolei smiled slightly and parked the spacecraft on the adjacent berth.

The oxygen inside the space station is plentiful, and there is no need to wear a breathing mask or a space suit.

"Hi, Bonas." Shi Xiaolei immediately noticed Bonas approaching here, and several other purchasers following him.

"Wait for a while. Come, come, let me introduce you. This is Locke, the owner of this transaction."

"This is Carrick, Bolton, Dembaba, Zulancha..."

Those who look closer to humans will only be half of them. Among the eight acquirers that Bonas recommended, four others, like himself, looked completely different from humans.

"First Evolution"

What made Shi Xiaolei a little concerned was that there was a rock man among them.

Regardless of his stature or appearance, he met Thor in the arena in Thor 3, and 'rebelled' with him. Later, he stayed with the Asgardians as a mercenary. The rock people together look alike.

"Guys, it's a pleasure to meet you." After greeting each other in turn, when it was the Rock Man's turn, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but ask one more question: "Well, I know a Rock Man named Krog, do you know him? "

The reason why I remember the name of the stone man in "Thor 3" is because when the word Krog is used as a noun, it also means electric piano and synthesizer - when the movie was released, Shi Xiaolei happened to have a music junkie beside him. Without food, I had to come to work as a construction worker. While huddled in the dormitory to watch the movie, the co-worker mentioned the subtitles, which caused another co-worker to ridicule, saying that he had not forgotten his original intention and was still thinking about making music... In short, it was quite lively when talking and laughing at the time. Yes, Shi Xiaolei unconsciously remembered the cause of the situation, that is, the name of the stone man in the film.

"Krog? Well, I have no impression." Shaking his head, the stone man named Bolton asked casually, "He is also in business?"

"As far as I know, he should be a warrior."

"Okay, that's reasonable." The stone man smiled: "There are not many people like me who make a living by doing business. Most people in our clan want to be warriors or mercenaries. After all Our bodies are stronger than others, and we can take advantage of them in battle."

When he spoke, he noticed Shi Xiaolei's figure.

"Well, looking at your physique, you should be very good at fighting, right?"

"Let you Shi Xiaolei laughed: "It's a little bit, so it's okay to protect yourself. "

Now that we have talked about topics related to combat power...

"..." I noticed the group of ship girls who followed Shi Xiaolei, and felt a military temperament that was forbidden by order from them. In addition, the girls were all empty-handed, not like maids or servants, the buyer named Zulancha guessed to himself: "Boss Locke, are they your guards?"

"Guards?" Turning his head to glance at the ship girls behind him, Shi Xiaolei smiled and shook his head: "You misunderstood, they are my family. This time, they came to help deliver goods, not guards. "

"Delivery?" Bonas suddenly reacted: "Yes, has Locke contacted the cargo ship, when will it come?"

"Don't worry, the goods have arrived."


"I'll explain it to you later." Shaking his head, he raised his finger and pointed to the warehouse door in front of him. Shi Xiaolei said with a smile, "Let me go inside the warehouse and have a look. After the formalities are completed, you can see the goods. Let's follow the procedure, don't worry, okay?"

"Well, you're right."

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