Achilles listened and did not quit, ordering the soldiers to remove a gift as a ransom in the King Priamos.

Most of the gifts are gold and bronze, as well as a few spices and rare treasures.

All the gifts were moved down and placed on the Achilles warship, leaving only a cape and a tights, which were used to cover Hector's body.

Only Primus was able to see his son. Hector had scratches on his ears and stroked the wound gently. Priamos could imagine how the body was treated after Hector's death. Tears crisscross.

Achilles called his friend's name: "Patroclus, if you heard in the Underworld that I returned Hector's body to his father, please don't be mad at me! He brought ransom. It's very generous, and it's yours too. "

"And Zeus gave me an order not to abuse Hector's body, and he was not allowed to keep him. I am now following the will of the gods and returning his body to him. father."

Achilles called to Patroclus, hoping that he could return Hector's body to Priamos's understanding.

Hermes () stood in private behind Priamos, watching him crying, and said secretly: "You old king, you have redeemed your son with heavy gold. But when Agamemnon and others The Greek prince and hero knew this and would detain you and demand three times the ransom from your son at home! "

Priamos heard a startle in his heart, hurriedly called his followers, put on Hector's tights, put on a cloak, and drove out of the Greek camp with his body.

And Hermes, like when he came, dropped the mist and made the Greeks invisible. Soon, he was far away from the Greek camp.

Priamos and his chariots drove towards Troy, chasing slowly along the way, and at dawn, they hurried outside Troy.

At dawn, everything was asleep, and only Kassandra, the daughter of Priamos, looked over the tower.

She couldn't help crying when she saw her father sitting on the chariot from a distance, and seeing the body of Hector on the chariot.

Hector was her eldest brother, and he took extra care of these younger brothers and sisters, and now seeing him lying on the chariot as if asleep on the body, Kassandra was as keen as a knife.

Pei Ziyun waited for a long time on the city wall. When he saw the car coming back, he ordered the soldiers to open the gate.

The chariot slowly came in at the gate. When Pei Ziyun waved his hand, some soldiers protected the chariot and drove the chariot at the same time to guide the chariot in which Priamos was riding towards the palace.

As soon as the team arrived at the gate of the palace, Andromema waited for a long time to welcome her. When she saw the body of her husband lying on the chariot, she supported Hector's head and cried to death.

Everyone heard the tears of Andromah's heartbreaking tears, and they could not help crying, and the king Priamos also cried.

Pei Ziyun was silent. Although he would not cry, he was infected by the atmosphere at the moment, and there was a trace of sadness in his heart.

"Dear husband, you have made me a poor widow, leaving me alone with my poor child."

"Well, your son may not be able to raise an adult. Introy will soon be destroyed. You will no longer be able to protect the city and the men, women and children of the city."

"Soon, we will be captured and put on Greek warships, and I will not be spared."

Andromah cried in tears towards her son Astyanax and said, "And you, my poor son Astyanax, will also serve a cruel master and share your mother. Shame. "

"Or you will be pushed and killed by a Greek from the tower, because your father has killed his brother, or his father, or his son!"

Pei Ziyun listened to Andama Locke's words, knowing that what she said was destiny, and sighed now: "Andromema, rest assured, I will protect you and your son."

"My husband, Hector, you see, in the end, Paris, who has always been hostile, protects me and your son, but Troy is about to be destroyed, and Paris is unable to protect us."

"Because your own destiny is uncontrollable, how can you protect us?" Andromah whispered, crying, and seemed to lose all hope.

Pei Ziyun shook her head slightly, knowing that no matter what she said, Andromah would not believe that she could protect them, and that she would not believe Troy if she was to be protected from destruction.

Pei Ziyun didn't intend to persuade. Everything was based on facts. He turned to face and was tired, and gray-haired Priamos said, "Father, you haven't slept all night. Go back to rest. The next thing is give it to me."

Said, Pei Ziyun called a herald: "Go and ask someone to prepare firewood, find a craftsman to build a wooden bed, and set up a crematorium in the open area of ​​the palace garden as quickly as possible."

"Okay, Prince Paris." The herald immediately ordered and bowed.

Pei Ziyun ordered people to move Hector's body into a room and wipe the body himself. The wounds and gaps dragged on his body were also stitched with needle and thread.

After washing and cleaning, Pei Ziyun carefully applied the balm on his body and put on extravagant clothing. Everything was taken care of properly. Hector's body was renewed and no longer embarrassed. At this time it seemed to be lying asleep. On the bed.

"Prince Paris, the cremation station has been set up." A herald came in to confess.

"Well, go find some people and move Prince Hector's body to the wooden bed on the crematorium." Pei Ziyun ordered.

Everyone abruptly obeyed, and unknowingly shifted power to Paris.

In history, Paris had a bad reputation, so even if Hector died, it was not his turn, but now, Paris is good at ingenuity and great achievements. Hector's death is so popular.

Royal Palace Garden

A two-meter-high crematorium stands, and the palace craftsmen use wood to make this crematorium on top of it is an exquisite wooden bed, surrounded by many flammable firewood.

There is a temporary altar next to the cremation platform, and the middle altar of the altar is also two meters high, with statues of Zeus and Apollo on it.

Hector's body was transported over, and passed a ladder and placed on a high wooden bed.

In front of the altar, the princess Kassandra was standing quietly, and the servants came up with the bulls, carrying gold.

Cassandra took the tray, put the gold in the altar, and slaughtered the bull to sacrifice.

"The awesome **** of heaven Zeus, the **** of long-range shooting, Apollo, you are so noble, I hope you can give grace to let Hector's soul rest in the earth."

After the sacrifice was completed, the people stood in a circle around the cremation station, moved slowly, and watched Hector's quiet lying on the wooden bed for deep memory.

"My dear son, Hector, how cruel you are to leave us so early, the safety of Troy City, the safety of the Trojans are still on your shoulders, you go, what will Troy do? Why do you have the heart to watch Troy destroy in the hands of thugs? "

Priams was talking, and couldn't help crying, and the elders around him wiped the tears in his eyes.

Hector's mother, Hector, was crying and heartbreaking, and until now she could not accept the reality of Hector's departure.

Pei Ziyun held the torch in his hand and lighted the woodpile. The fire raged into the sky, and the blazing flames turned red around him.

"Hector, my son, my son!" Hecapus exclaimed, fainting.

"Queen, queen." A maid quickly caught her body.

"Take the queen to rest." Pei Ziyun ordered, and the fire burned for a long time, and everyone quietly remembered everything in Hector's life.

The gradual flame was getting smaller and smaller, and only a pile of ashes remained on the high cremation table, and everyone extinguished the remaining embers with sweet wine.

Picked up some ashes from the ashes, wrapped them in purple cloth, put them in a small gold box, and sent them to be buried.

Pei Ziyun then turned to Priamos: "Father, UU reading I want to talk to you."

Priamos was startled. As Paris passed through the flower gallery, he listened to his son and asked, "Father, Troy was destroyed by that person. What was your biggest difficulty in rebuilding it?"

Suddenly asked by Paris, Priamos was shocked. He never expected that Paris would ask this, thinking but realized, saying: "It is not easy to build a city-state, talents, materials, authority , Strength is indispensable. "

"But Paris, we are descendants of God, and the force and authority are there, and they are not lacking."

Pei Ziyun is the most important person. He is a politician and a strategist. Of course, he understands that the foundation of all political power is force, and the prince of this world is not Daxu World. Without people, he becomes a dwarf. The blood of God is not difficult to suppress mortals.

"With the use of force, money is not difficult. Only artisans, physicians, prophets, and scholars are relatively difficult. With them, even if the prince loses the city, it is not difficult to build another one."

Having said that, Priamos had realized that he was looking at his son with sad and tender eyes: "Paris, I will prepare these for you, and you will leave Ononey."

"Hey," Pei Ziyun laughed. Priamos was indeed a good father. He thought Hector was dead, and Paris wanted to escape, but he offered convenience.

At this time he said, "Father, you want to go bad, I want to prepare these, but this is prepared, don't wait for it to be too late."

"How can I leave myself and leave? I must kill Achilles before I leave."

Priamos listened, and was shocked in his heart, and wanted to speak, and saw Paris turning around and saying, "Moreover, can I go?"

After hearing this, Priamos was silent and gave a long sigh.

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