Pocket Data Master

Chapter 551 Who goes up and who goes down?

His Majesty came back much earlier than expected. Many people, including Chinami, thought that it would take him a whole day to explore the site, but in fact, he completed the investigation in less than half an hour.

Sometimes strength means time and convenience.

"Who was the person who was crushed away just now?" Qianami looked at the depressed old man who was being sent away by the police car. His hands and feet were all locked, and the person escorting him was the strange force, Charem.

Wei Li is responsible for solving combat problems, while Chalem is responsible for solving super power problems.

This service, even if she couldn't think about it and prepared to go in to drink tea, she couldn't do it.

For a moment, Qianami didn't know what was wrong, but she was a little envious. Maybe the other party would come in and provide them with delicious food and drinks, and it would be free of charge.

It's sad that people are worse than prisoners.

"One of the Seven Sages of the Plasma Regiment." Dian yawned. It was too late to call yesterday, especially when there were so many people and he had to change the channel... Otherwise, they were all looking for death in the same mold.

Thinking of this, he said sadly, "Alas~". Singles envied those who spread dog food, but they didn't know that it was not easy for those who spread dog food. They felt heartbroken.

Sitting in Qianami's car, Dian was transmitting Jirachi's energy information while thinking about how to get free researchers.

Dream Demon was also eagerly waiting for the trainer to finish his work so that he could snatch away the computer. She suddenly looked curiously at a vendor pushing a cart outside the window. The flag on the cart was engraved with "??", which was vivid and vivid. It aroused the dream demon's curiosity and desire.

"Dream!" The dream demon quickly grabbed the hair below and motioned for it!

Dian looked at it twice and felt a little nostalgic. In his memory, he once chased this kind of car to buy ice cream, red bean flavored.


He glanced at Qianami, who was playing a mobile game and stacking blocks next to him, and said in a gentle tone, "Qianami, do you want some ice cream?"

"I don't want to." Qianami was obsessed with the game without even raising her eyelids.

"I think so does Meng Yao. My cream and her Anko. Since you don't want it, forget it." Dian took out 10 yuan and stuffed it into Qianami's arms. "No need to look for the rest, tip."

"I said I don't want to." Qianami's cell phone buzzed, indicating she lost. But she waved her hand with a proud look on her face... She was just trying to trick herself.

If she said "I want to" just now and the other party said "Thank you, I want it too.", wouldn't this mean that she has to buy it?

Buying an ice cream isn't a problem, the question is whether she wants it or not.

She, Kimisa Chinami, is also a flower in the police force, so how can she buy ice cream for a man in such a dishonorable manner.

I would rather not eat it myself than be reduced to buying ice cream.

"I'll take the money. Thank you. It'll be used as the electricity bill." Qianami smiled and took the ten-yuan note and sniffed it gently. No matter when, the smell is so intoxicating. This is money. smell.

His face was calm, and he comforted the dream monster above him, "Qianami, I'm not trying to trick you..." He paused, took out the illustrated book, opened the communication record from last night, then flipped through two pages, pointing at the densely packed lines. Contacts with the prefix 'Junsha'...

Some of them lasted for a few minutes, and some lasted for an hour. They were all different and made people breathless. Anyone who wanted to marry Junsha had to think about how many cousins, seven aunts and eight aunts the other party had. What? Not to mention gifts for the holidays, let’s talk about whether you can hold on to the phone bill for January.

Dian spoke slowly, "Qianami, I'm threatening you, do you understand? Huh?"

In the past, these cousins, seven aunts and eight aunts must have been annoying Qianami. Even if it were the reincarnation, thirty days in a month would not be enough, and I am afraid that a year would be enough.

Besides, Qianami is at a young age when it’s time to go on a blind date and get married.

"Qianami, do you believe that one phone call from me will make you never have peace in the future? Huh?"

You don't need to say anything more, you just need to reveal the matter of pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend to a cousin, haha.

Qianami's face suddenly turned pale, sweat appeared on her forehead, her chest was heaving, and her white shirt seemed to be bursting. Only then did she remember the horror of being dominated by relatives.

She used to be a member of a group that tortured others, and countless sisters were waiting for her to come back with harsh revenge when she got old enough.

As for tit for tat, it is not her turn to say when will the injustice be repaid.

"Who will buy the ice cream?" Dian You kept banging on the armrest. Are you kidding me? I spent the whole night on the phone yesterday. My hands are sore, my mouth hurts, and my heart is tired. There is not even any service now. How can I bear it?

"...I...I buy..." Na Na's voice sounded unwillingly.

"Creamy, it must be smooth, silky and sweet. If it's not up to standard, you can figure it out on your own."




"Go ahead, baby Junsha." Dian waved his hand, and then looked at Qianami who was biting her lips with an unwilling look on her face, "By the way, I will let you have a taste when I bring it back. If you plan to add ingredients, prepare it in advance. "

"...Creak..." Qian Nami walked towards the vendor angrily, and then bought three ice cream sticks under the frightened eyes of the other person, one cream, one red bean, one mung bean... The mung bean made her angry, and she was afraid that she would explode.

Forbearance, endure the calm for a while, retreat, take a step back and the sea and sky will be brighter.

In addition, she changed her mind and thought that the other party would only suffer more. The longer she endured it, the longer the other party would suffer.

After thinking about it, Qianami suddenly felt comfortable all over. She walked into the car with a smile on her face as if she had eaten honey, "Here, ice cream."

"Dream~" The dream demon immediately took the red bean flavor and licked it happily. As for whether it was poisonous or not, she would be considerate if she didn't poison others. Who would dare to poison her.

At this time, Dian took over the cream flavor and the mung bean flavor together, "Not bad, not bad, I know how to draw inferences from one example."

He prepared to eat two without any hesitation.

"You eat, you eat." Qianami smiled brightly on her face, but felt stabbed in her heart.

"The mung bean one is okay, the cream one is not too sweet." Dian finally felt that last night's sin was not in vain.

Hearing this, Qian Nami wanted to cut someone with a knife, and said angrily: "One and a half cents, what else do you want?!"

For fifty cents a pop of ice cream, what else do you want? When you get to big cities, you’ll need one or two pieces of sugar-water ice cream.

"Hmm -" Dian didn't say anything, and pointed with his eyes at the communication records that contained more than two pages in the illustrated book.

Qianami's chest was heaving up and down, and she took a deep breath and exhaled, her little face burst into a smile, "Darling, it's my milk that's not working..."

Hate it! Now let you be proud and arrogant, sooner or later I will create a little ancestor that will make you kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Are you dissatisfied? It's okay to be dissatisfied. Let's break up and go back to our respective homes. Isn't it just about dating and laughing all year round? Don't be afraid!"

"...I...I'm afraid..."

"Hmm~ Who's going up and who's going down?"

"I'll go up...you go up and I'll go down..."

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