Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 113, Evolution Tomorrow

It’s sunny on the thirty-first day of survival on a desert island.

The day's plan begins in the morning, and it's another day to make honey.

Today, giant claw crabs and long-winged gulls are still looking after the house. Yuhai takes mosquito-repellent tadpoles and big butterflies to steal honey. They are all experienced and recidivist criminals.

When they arrived at the edge of the Needle Bee's territory, they didn't hear the beast's roar, and the Needle Bees were all at home, so things would be easier to handle.

Badadie opened the way ahead, and after Badadie hypnotized and paralyzed all the needle queens, Yuhai took the mosquito-repellent tadpoles to steal the honey.

It’s still the familiar formula and the same taste. Yuhai lets the mosquito tadpoles go up the tree to cut honey, and Badadie brings them down. The two tadpoles are already very skilled in the division of labor.

After stealing the honey, they returned to the tree house and woke up the giant needle bee.

This swarm of bees has made no progress at all, and they succeed every time. If this continues, they will lose their vigilance, and they may overturn in the future.

As the saying goes, if you often walk by the river, your shoes will not get wet...

"Everyone come here and eat honey," Ukai returned to the tree house, released the silly thing and the orb silk spider, and began to distribute the honey.

After all, honey is so easy to get, so everyone has a share, and every elf has honey to eat.

As for the car overturning, let’s not worry about it until the car overturns.

"Easy, caress, caress..."

"Kalu kalu..."

The happiest ones among them are the Silly Thing, the Orb Silk Spider, the Tench, and the Mosquito Tadpole. They can often eat honey, and they have all been eaten for breakfast.

After distributing the honey to the seven elves, Yuhai also made himself a cup of honey water and hid the bee bucket in the tree house. The honey in the bucket was enough for a dessert.

Drinking honey water, Yuhai listened to the sound of water flowing over the pool. Since they had this stream, they no longer lacked fresh water, and they could take a luxurious bath.

Although the stream is not big enough, he has a reservoir four meters wide and two meters deep, which stores enough fresh water.

This damn weather, the scorching sun has lasted for several days. Before, when I was short of water, I just wiped my body, but now I can take a shower.

After the elves finished their breakfast, morning exercises began again.

Tadpole's morning exercise is still running around the tree house.

Baddie returned to telekinesis training.

The Winged Gull is back at water gun training.

The giant claw crab gave up its high-speed movement and continued to exercise by lifting its pincers. Now the giant claw crab can last for half an hour.

If you can persist for an hour, you can start the next step of training, lifting the pliers and running around the tree house, like a mosquito-repellent tadpole.

However, the training intensity is much greater than that of mosquito-repellent tadpoles, which is why he let the giant claw crab practice lifting its claws first.

The remaining silly things were doing nothing, spitting bubbles in the bucket, and the Orb Silk Spider also had no training plan, so they just lay on the tree to guard the surroundings and help the four elves being trained observe the environment.

Always pay attention to the direction of the beach. If a crab comes to eat honey, sneak attack the crab, tie it up, and hang it up.

After eating the honey, Yuhai opened the honey that tempted the crabs. It was honey in a small plastic bottle, which would be covered by a large plastic bottle at night.

As for hunting crabs, he allowed the Orb Silk Spider to catch as many crabs as it wanted. He also started his morning exercise, jogging.

Running is a full-body aerobic exercise. If you are just exercising, there is no need to do all the bells and whistles. If you want to build muscles, you can consider lifting weights.

After two hours of morning exercise, Ukai went to the lower reaches of the pool to take a shower and began to prepare lunch for the elves.

Lunch was crabs caught by orb silk spiders in their silk nets. There were six crabs, and he cooked them all, as well as some fish.

Lunch was quickly prepared, and the elves gathered around to start eating.

While having lunch, Ukai opened the proficiency panel of Long-Winged Gull. He hadn't looked at this guy's proficiency panel for three days.

【Long-winged Gull】

[Attribute: Water + Flying]

[Gender: Female]

[Potential: 57%]

[Level: 20.37%]

[Characteristics: Moist body/6.39%]

[Mastery of moves: (Wind/7.59%) (Feathering/8.01%) (Water Ring/5.23%) (Water Gun/13.49%) (Lightning Flash/9.29%) (Wing Attack/4.58%) (Water Wave /0.87%) (High-speed movement/1.37%)]

The Winged Gull's level has reached level 20, and it will evolve in five levels.

When the long-winged gull evolves into the large-billed gull, they can leave the desert island, which only takes four or five days.

I don't know why, but when it came to leaving the desert island, he didn't feel excited at all, and he was even a little scared.

He knows this situation is called social fear.

In fact, it is not a social fear, but interpersonal communication is too troublesome and maintaining interpersonal relationships is too tiring. Over time, I fell in love with fishing and living alone.

Now that he has to return to human society, his head hurts when he thinks of complex interpersonal relationships that require time and energy to maintain.

But it’s impossible not to return to human society. The uninhabited desert island is rich in natural resources.

But despite the abundant natural resources, there is also a shortage of many daily necessities, and it takes human society to obtain certain things.

For example, if he had injury medicine, his foot injury would not take more than ten days to heal. If he had a hemostatic spray, he could stop the bleeding immediately and recover within a week.

Therefore, he had to return to human society. Even if there was social fear, even if it was not for himself but for the better development of the elves, he could only bite the bullet and enter human society again.

He doesn't worry about the language problem, it's just a small problem, what if he travels through the Mandarin version of the elf world!

Moreover, he also has a proficiency panel. Even if it is the language of childhood, at worst, he can just pick up the language of childhood that he took as an elective in school and review it.

He still remembers some simple daily expressions.

There is no change in the proficiency panel behind the Winged Gull. The Moist Body can relieve the abnormal status. After evolution, it will turn into rain. There is no need for training at all.

Of the remaining moves, only the water gun's proficiency increased by two percent, and the lightning flash's proficiency increased by one percent.

The last move is high-speed movement, which Long-winged Gull has already learned.

The long-winged gull can learn to move at high speed so quickly, thanks to flight and the flash of lightning.

Lightning Flash is a preemptive move with a speed bonus at the start. Long-winged Gull has a foundation in this area, so it is easy to learn to move at high speed.

The chicken soup he feeds the giant claw crabs is not entirely chicken soup, it still contains chicken leg meat.

This is indeed the strength of the long-winged gull and the weakness of the giant claw crab. There is no comparison between the two.

After looking at Long-winged Ou's proficiency panel, Yuhai opened Badadie's proficiency panel. Badadie also hadn't looked at it for three days, and he didn't know if Badadie was lazy.

【Bada Die】

[Attribute: Insect + Flying]

[Gender: Female]

[Potential: 69.96%]

[Level: 20.96%]

[Characteristic: Compound Eyes/8.21%] [Hidden Characteristic: Colored Glasses/0.21%]

[Mastery of moves: (Psychic Power/12.14%) (Spinning Silk/8.15%) (Wind/5.13%) (Insect Bite/1.29%) (Ultrasonic Wave/2.11%) (Poison Powder/5.13%) (Paralysis Powder/10.52 %) (hypnotic powder/10.35%) (phantom light/2.11%) (grid/3.34%)]

Baddie's level has also reached level 20, which is not bad.

The compound eye trait increases proficiency by three percent, and the frequency of use increases.

The proficiency of telekinesis moves has increased by 2%, and the increase has not stopped.

Silk spinning has also increased by 2%, which is in line with the use of the power grid.

Both the hypnotic powder and the paralyzing powder have reached 10%. Recently, there have been many hypnotic sting bees, and the first achievement of stealing honey is the big butterfly.

The final power grid has a proficiency level of 3%. For this move, Badadie suffered a lot.

Yesterday, I was exposed to electric smoke more than ten times, and my mouth was numb, so I learned the power grid move.

It can also be used in conjunction with silk spinning. The power grid plus silk spinning has the toughness and stickiness of silk spinning. It can also block the opponent's movements, reduce the opponent's speed, and have the paralysis effect of electrical attacks.

This move is very good for electrocuting fish. If you have a chance another day, you can try it.

The electricity and the net are integrated. When the fish is caught in the net, the fish are stunned to prevent them from struggling, and then the net can be closed. It is perfect.

Satisfied, Yuhai turned off Baddie's proficiency panel. The elves had all finished their lunch, and it was lunch break next.

During this lunch break, he took out the Huazi that he had treasured for a long time. He remembered that the last time he smoked Huazi was half a month ago.

Another half month later, he lit another Huazi under the shade of a tree after lunch. There were still three Huazi in the box.

There was nothing worth celebrating today, but he still lit a huazi because he was leaving the desert island, so he took it out to reminisce about the taste of his previous life.

After all, Hua Zi left it alone. When he arrived in human society, there were plenty of cigarettes and they could be bought at any time.

But over the past month, he has been busy surviving. An old smoker has almost given up smoking, and cigarettes have become dispensable.

After smoking a cigarette, he fell asleep for a while. When he woke up, he took his old friend to go fishing. He didn't believe it. He was still in the Air Force today.

The elves' training in the afternoon was as usual. Everyone had very self-disciplined training habits. He didn't need to bother or supervise him at all. Even Baddie knew how to add water to the bowl to increase the difficulty of telekinesis.

The mosquito tadpole, giant claw crab, and long-winged gull are all practicing water guns on the beach.

Mosquito-repellent tadpoles are still four floating balls and are familiar with the state of moisture sensing.

Both the giant claw crab and the long-winged gull consolidate the training of three floating balls, but the long-winged gull is trying the training of four floating balls.

As for the silly things, it’s okay not to mention them. The most useless ones are the two silly fishes. Even the newly added Orb Silk Spider is more useful than the silly fishes.

The Orb Silk Spider is a real expert when it comes to hunting, and he left all the dinner tasks to the Orb Silk Spider.

Anyway, the honey that tempts the crabs has always been placed under the tree, and there are traps under the trees. Crabs that cannot resist the temptation will still come when they are supposed to.

Just like the temptation of the waistline in the previous life, you can't make money in the land of the world's second largest economy. How can a small place that is not the world's third largest economy offer high salaries?

Anyway, he would rather lie down and fish than believe it. In the end, it turned out that it was all a trick, and only a few people could come back alive.

But that's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he is in the Air Force again...

Why is there no fish? Even if there is a fish biting the hook, the snail meat is quietly taken away, leaving an empty hook for him.

It's strange. Could it be that the fish on this beach have become smarter and know that the bait is a trap.

If there could be such a smart fish in the previous life, he didn't believe it.

But this is the world of elves, and anything can happen. He couldn't help but believe that the fish might recite the multiplication table.

In the end, Ukai had no choice but to put away his work and go back to make dinner.

The food for dinner was the crabs caught by the orb silk spider in the afternoon. There were only five crabs.

After covering the honey, he took away five crabs. Today's crabs also learned the lesson, and almost no crabs were fooled later. These five crabs were caught after lunch.

Dinner was quickly prepared, and he also called back the three elves who were training at the beach, "Tadpoles, long-winged gulls, giant claw crabs, dinner is ready..."

When the elves started having dinner, he also started to eat dinner. He also opened the Tadpole's proficiency panel and watched it while eating.

【Mosquito-repellent tadpoles】

[Attribute: Water]

[Gender: Male]

[Potential: 34.31%]

[Level: 23.94%]

[Characteristics: Moisture/7.13%] [Hidden Characteristics: Traveling freely/3.13%]

[Mastery of moves: (Heart's Eye/6.21%) (Ice Hockey/0.31%) (Renewal/5.11%) (Hypnosis/0.82%) (Serial Slap/10.12%) (Water Gun/17.14%) (Water Play/9.21% )(Bubble Light/1.21%)】

He hadn't looked at the mosquito-repellent tadpole's proficiency panel for two days. The potential of the mosquito-repellent tadpole had increased by 0.1, just like a turtle crawling.

In terms of level... He's a good guy. He's a good guy. You won't know it until you look at it, but you'll be shocked when you look at it.

The tadpole's level is almost twenty-four, which means that if nothing unexpected happens, the tadpole will be able to evolve tomorrow.

"Tomorrow? Tomorrow!" Yuhai thought of the water gem. He must prepare it tomorrow, as well as highly nutritious food, honey.

Tomorrow I will steal more honey to prepare for the evolution of the tadpole. We will know tomorrow whether the water gem can increase its potential.

He couldn't stop the tadpole from evolving because he was afraid of failure. He could only prepare for failure. He also had to accept failure. He had experience in this kind of thing.

The more expectations there are, the more disappointments there will be. Adults must learn to let go... what a fart!

The fishing guy who was lying flat had already given up looking forward to life.

Now my appetite has been whetted by the evolution of mosquito-repellent tadpoles. It’s so painful!

He really wanted to see the tadpole evolve as soon as possible. The special cat was so torturous that he couldn't wait for a moment.

But the proficiency panel cannot add points. If he could add points, he would definitely press the plus sign for the level.

In the end, I can only think about it. If I go to bed earlier, it might be faster. After all, sleep time flies by quickly.

Continue reading below for the mosquito-repellent tadpole's proficiency panel...

The humidity increased by two percent.

The heart's eye is also two percent.

There are also water-playing moves that are also 2%.

The new look increased by one percent.

The serial slap went up by one percent.

The water gun went up one percent.

These are the changes in the Tadpole's proficiency panel. When training moisture perception, the Eye of the Heart, water play, and water gun are all trained together.

Refreshing was to recover from the injury to his tail and the burn to his mouth, which was why he wanted to relieve the elf from the heat.

The serial slaps are caused by slaps, and the injuries are also caused by this.

Finally, after the elves finished their dinner, he moved out the honey bucket, distributed the honey to the elves, and washed the bucket.

After the elves finished eating the honey, they used the elf balls to take back the silly things and the orb silk spiders, and then went back to the house to sleep.

Go to bed early and get up early, continue to steal honey tomorrow, and prepare for the evolution of mosquito-repellent tadpoles...

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