Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 127, Bobo gets it

With this king-level elf, the elf hunter can use this elf as a springboard to slowly cultivate his own king-level elf and become a king-level trainer.

Although the King-level trainer is inferior to the Champion and the Four Heavenly Kings, he is a King-level trainer and is always a guest no matter where he is.

The alliance will not force a trainer with the strength of a king into the hostile camp for no reason.

You must try your best to win over someone if you can. If you can't win over someone, you should still give them preferential treatment. If you can't tie yourself to a chariot, you should also let the other party know that you have the best treatment.

At the very least, it is better to be a high-level fighter and have his own gym than to go to the opposite side and only be a captain.

I really thought that the Heavenly King would not need to be involved. There are only four seats among the Four Heavenly Kings in the alliance, and there are so many people fighting for them.

The villain also has four major cadres, and a group of people are staring at these four positions. Even if they have strength, it is the law of the jungle where the strong are superior to the weak.

The desert island is also the law of the jungle. The elf hunter runs from morning to night, and from night to midnight. The elf hunter keeps spinning in circles and never stops.

He didn't dare to stop. Once he stopped, Overlord Bi Diao would warn him of the storm, which had been blowing him all day.

Now he can only run a certain distance before he has time to rest. When Overlord Bi Diao notices that he stops to rest, this is his precious rest time and he doesn't want to miss it.

When the thunder ball accumulates strength again and recovers its physical strength and injuries, he will set a trap again and use it as a trap.

Except for the Overlord BiDiao, there are three other BiDiaos left. They are getting closer and faster, and he is about to win.

But now he needs to squint for a while, just for a while, so that he can recover a little bit of his energy and physical strength in order to face Bi Diao's pursuit: "Electric Beast, I want to sleep for a while, wake me up if you are attacked..."

"Hey, hey," the electric beast was also very tired, but it still managed to cheer up and responded to its trainer, staying by his trainer's side and not going anywhere.

The big-mouthed bat provides early warning of incoming attacks from the sky. Once there is an attack from the eagle, it will use guard to protect the trainer.

But the nocturnal elf Big-mouthed Bat in the sky is also very tired, and its flight is weak, barely able to fly.

Not only the elf hunters were tired, but also the Overlord BiDiao, some BiBiao and Bobo were also tired. Everyone was exhausted after a day of hunting.

In this way, no one attacked, but no one fell asleep. This storm warning was also a bit long.

It lasted so long that a lot of orange-yellow powder appeared on the horizon. These orange-yellow powder floated quietly in the wind, and no elves noticed anything strange.

Until many elves unknowingly inhaled the powder, suddenly felt unconscious, staggered from the tree, fell under the tree, and fell into a deep sleep.

Faced with the sudden attack of orange-yellow powder, only the overlord Bi Diao noticed it, but it was too late. It was also stunned and fell from the tree due to inhaling a large amount of sleeping powder and paralysis powder.

If it were in its prime, without injury or exhaustion, this hypnotic powder wouldn't be able to hypnotize it.

But it is not the heyday, and those who do it also know that they are not the heyday, and everyone is very tired.

Only the person who took action fell asleep after watching the chase scene all day long.

In Bi Diao's last vision, he only saw a pair of bare legs slowly walking towards it, before it completely lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

And this person is the masked Yu Hai and his elves.

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog wanted to step forward to check on Overlord Bi Diao, but Yu Hai reached out to stop him.

"Don't disturb it, let's finish our own thing first," Yuhai was now more than a hundred meters away from the elf hunter. He first hypnotized the elf hunter and then hypnotized the Bi Diao tribe.

If nothing else, the elf hunter should also be paralyzed by hypnosis.

And the overlord Bi Diao?

Yuhai glanced at the unconscious overlord Bi Diao on the ground. He had no intention of doing anything to the overlord Bi Diao. Although killing the overlord Bi Diao would cause the Bi Diao tribe to split into chaos, the Bi Diao tribe, which hated humans, would also kill him.

If there is an overlord Bi Diao to suppress them, he can restrain his own group. The purpose of the overlord Bi Diao is the cubs from the beginning to the end. He only needs to rescue the cubs, and there is no need to cause more trouble.


Just then, Bada Die came back.

"Ba Dadie, has the elf hunter been hypnotized? And where are his elves?" Yuhai saw Ba Dadie and asked hurriedly.

"咒咒咒," Badadie nodded slightly and spoke very quietly.

Yuhai asked him to hypnotize the elf hunter first, and checked whether the elf hunter was hypnotized and the elf hunter's elf.

The final check result was that he slept like a dead pig and snored loudly.

There are also two guardian elves of the elf hunter, the big-mouthed bat and the electric shock beast. The big-mouthed bat fell asleep in the tree, and the electric shock beast fell asleep at the feet of the elf hunter.

"Let's go over now, Baddie, mosquito-repellent frog, orb silk spider," Yuhai brought three elves with him this time. The other elves stayed in the tree house.

This was a decision he had thought about for a long time. Baddie could hypnotize and paralyze tired elf hunters and their guardian elves.

The orb silk spider stayed by his side to protect him and prevent emergencies. The mosquito-repellent frog had the highest level. If there was danger, he could only rely on the mosquito-repellent frog.

When they were less than ten meters away from the elf hunter, Yuhai waved to Ba Dadie again, asking Ba Dadie to take another stab, and continued to face the two elves who had been hypnotized, the elf hunter and the electric beast, and released the hypnotic powder. and numbing powder.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, making sure that the two elves in front of him had inhaled a large amount of sleeping powder and paralysis powder, Ukai walked out, holding a folding knife in his hand, the blade shining with an icy cold light in the moonlight.

He came to the elf hunter and looked down at the elf hunter who was sleeping soundly and snoring loudly against the tree trunk. The shadow of his whole body shrouded the elf hunter. The shadow covered the elf hunter's whole body.

Then he quietly squatted down, held the folding knife in his hand, pointed it at the elf hunter's throat, and then gently pushed the folding knife towards the elf hunter's throat.


The moment the tip of the folding knife penetrated his throat, he pulled hard with his wrist. The folding knife brought out a large amount of scarlet blood from his throat. He quickly pulled away and retreated away from the elf hunter.

"I, I, you, it's you," the elf hunter felt the severe pain and woke up instantly, raising his hands to hold his neck.

The elf hunter wanted to speak, but couldn't say anything. He could only stare at Ukai, who was standing ten meters away with his gradually blurred eyes, clearly visible in the moonlight.

The hot blood flowing from his neck was like a fountain that could not be stopped. No matter how hard he blocked it with his hands, he could not stop the blood that kept flowing out.

When the elf hunter's hot blood flowed to the tip of the electric beast's nose at his feet, it also woke up the sleeping electric beast.

Seeing the miserable condition of his trainer, Electric Beast wanted to struggle to get up and protect his trainer.

But it couldn't get up, so it could only crawl over slowly with its hands. There were tears in the corners of its eyes, and it lay weakly on the ground and roared: "Hey, hey..."

"Mosquito-repellent frog, use the waterfall to knock out the electric beast." When Yuhai saw the electric beast waking up, he called the mosquito-repellent frog to go up and beat the electric beast unconscious.

Don't pretend to be pitiful at this time, things like bonds seem so pale and weak at this time.

Compared to the bond between elf hunters and electric beasts, there are not a few flying elves who have been electrocuted by electric beasts, and there are even more wild elves who have been burned to death by them.

We are all villains with blood on our hands. "I don't have any righteous words to say to you. The only difference between us is who is more evil. I still have a bottom line when it comes to the purity of evil."

"Hey," when the mosquito-repellent frog heard Yu Hai's order, his bent knees suddenly straightened, and his legs exploded with huge force, crushing the ground. At the same time as the explosion, his body was ejected at an extremely fast speed. go out.

The mosquito-repellent frog appeared in front of the electric beast in an instant, raised his white fist and hit the electric beast's head hard.

This punch directly knocked out the electric beast, causing the ground to dent, and also knocked down the big-mouthed bat sleeping in the tree.

"Badadie, use the electric grid to seal the big-mouthed bat." Yuhai woke up when he saw the big-mouthed bat falling, and immediately asked Badadie to deal with the big-mouthed bat.

An exhausted, hypnotized and paralyzed Big Mouth Bat was not easy to handle.


The moment the big-mouthed bat landed on the ground, Badadie fired up an electric grid, then the second, and the third shot. Badadie didn't stop until the big-mouthed bat was stunned.

This is what Ukai told it, regarding the importance of last-hitting, if the enemy is not stunned, continue to shock until he is stunned.

After seeing both elves being physically knocked unconscious, Ukai once again came to the elf hunter who was staring at him with unwillingness in his eyes, and reached out to touch the elf hunter's elf ball.

He locked all the elf hunter's elf balls, and sealed the other three elves sleeping in the elf balls, the three-in-one magnet, Naughty Bullet, and Gyarados.

He had seen the ferocity of the Gyarados during the day. If the Tyrannosaurus went crazy, it would be difficult for the Overlord to deal with it, so he had better be careful.

After locking the three elf balls, Yukai took out the elf ball from the elf hunter's waist, put the electric beast and the big mouth bat into the elf ball, and also locked the button in the middle of the elf ball.

These five elves should be all the elf hunters have.

He had watched it all day today and found that no elf hunter had sent out any other elves. He thought there should be no other elves.

After dealing with the elf hunter's elves, he took off the elf hunter's space backpack. He didn't rush to see what was in the backpack, but threw all the elf hunter's elves into the backpack.

Then he laid the elf hunter down flat, wiped out his eyes that were filled with resentment, and began to search him.

He touched from head to toe, from the front to the back, not even leaving any part untouched, including the inner layer of the clothes, the soles, insoles, and shoes were all cut.

After throwing everything he touched into his backpack and confirming that nothing was missing, Ukai returned to the tree house with the mosquito-repellent frog, Bada butterfly, and Orb Silk Spider.

As for the body of the elf hunter, it was left here for the elves to vent their anger.

The evil things this guy did on the island have long been outraged and cannot be forgiven.

Not only he, the human being, hates this thing, the wild elves on the desert island hate this thing even more. They want to twitch and skin the thing, drink its blood, eat its flesh, break the bones and suck out the marrow, crush the bones and swallow them in their stomachs. .

So he won't take the body away, letting the elves do whatever they want to do with it, vent their anger, take revenge...

Returning to the treehouse and letting the elves enter the treehouse, Ukai closed the wooden door.

Then he took out the elf hunter's flashlight from the elf hunter's backpack. After lighting up the tree house, he rummaged through the elf hunter's backpack.

The space backpack looks small on the outside, but it is very big on the inside. It is stated on the backpack that it is a 100 cubic meter space backpack.

It may not be intuitive to say this, but if you replace it with a space that is five meters long, five meters wide, and four meters high, it will probably be very clear, which is equivalent to a slightly larger living room in a building, or two bedrooms.

It's not too big, and it's not too small either. As long as you have such a backpack, you can bring all the daily necessities you need.

He fumbled around in the backpack for a long time and put out a lot of things, most of which were clothes and pants, as well as some food and water.

Now was not the time to look for these. What he was looking for was the Poké Ball. After rummaging through it for more than ten minutes, he took out a lot of things in his backpack, and also took out a lot of empty Poké Balls. Only then did he touch the Poké Ball that contained Bobo. elf ball.

After getting the smaller Pidgey Ball, he enlarged the Poke Ball and released the dying Pidgey in the Poke Ball.

"Boom, boom, boom," Bobo has not eaten for two days and two nights. He is almost starving and has little strength. Although he will not starve to death, the state of hunger is not comfortable.

This is also one of the functions of the elf ball. In the animation, there are many elves trapped in the elf ball, but they are not starved to death, but are just a little weak.

Among them are the two-hundred-year-old Nine-Tails that seduces Xiaogang, which becomes stronger and stronger as the passes pass, and there is also a pangolin that was forgotten in the school. It was forgotten for several years but did not starve to death.

He took out Bobo's elf ball just to increase Bobo's favorability, which was related to whether they could leave the desert island safely.

If they were returned directly to Overlord Bi Diao, they would probably be slapped to death by Overlord Bi Diao.

Don't doubt it, this is the easiest result.

Since he was trying to increase his favorability, Yuhai searched among the pile of things and saw honey in a glass jar.

He opened the glass jar, fed the elf's rice bowl with the elf hunter, and poured a bowl of honey for Bobo.

"Bobo, we saved you. Do you still remember when you were taken away? We will send you home tomorrow," Ukai explained to Bobo while pushing Honey over, and explained to Bobo that they did not mean any harm.

"Boom, boom, boom," Bobo raised his eyes and looked around. He saw Ukai and the elves of Ukai, mosquito-repellent frogs, big butterflies, orb silk spiders, giant claw crabs, and long-winged gulls. Everyone was friendly and not evil. look like.

"Yobo, we defeated the bad guys and rescued you," the mosquito-repellent frog quickly translated.

"Hey, we will take you home tomorrow," Bada Die also added.

"Bobo," Bobo felt that everyone was friendly, but his weak self was still very scared when facing a group of strangers like Yu Hai.

"Bobo, who do you think this is?" Yukai had no other choice but to take out the Armored Rhino's Poke Ball and ask the Armored Rhino to greet Bobo. These two guys should know each other.

"Boobo? Why are you here?" When Bobo saw the armored rhinoceros, the whole bird was shocked. It thought the armored rhinoceros had also been captured.

"Huhu, aren't you here?" The armored rhinoceros saw the surprised expression on Bobo's face and felt a little baffled. There is honey here. Isn't it normal for it to be here? Are you so surprised?

"Bo? Have you been arrested too?" Bobo asked in a low voice.

"Huh, uh..." The armored rhinoceros was embarrassed by Bobo's question and blushed. It couldn't say that it wanted to eat honey and didn't want to leave!

"Hey, it doesn't want to leave. It has been driven away several times, but it is shameless and refuses to leave," the mosquito-repellent frog hurriedly explained, fearing that Bobo would misunderstand.

"Boom? Bobo?" Bobo was even more surprised when he heard this, and quickly asked: "You really weren't arrested? Why don't you want to leave?"

"Huhu, there is honey here," the armored rhinoceros didn't want to answer Bobo. He just mumbled softly and turned to sleep.

The embarrassing incident was exposed by the mosquito-repellent frog. How will it meet people in the future, especially acquaintances? Are rhinos shameless?

"Honey," Bobo heard the armored rhinoceros say, and smelled the scent of flowers on the tip of his nose. He was immediately attracted by the floral scent of honey in front of him.

It had eaten honey before, and the overlord Bi Diao gave it to it. The sweet feeling was still fresh in its memory.

He immediately leaned over and started to devour it. He had been locked up for two days and was really starving.

There is also a good brother, the armored rhinoceros, here, so he is even less panicked. If his good brothers are fine, he must be fine too.

Seeing Bobo eating honey, there was no resistance. Ukai also breathed a long sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Bobo would scream and attract the overlord to compete. He didn't know what to do then.

As long as Bobo can still eat, he will try his best to be satisfied. The mosquito-repellent frogs he watched kept drooling. They had not eaten honey for two days and wanted to eat honey very much.

Finally, Yuhai gave all the honey in the glass jar to the elves.

However, there is no Armored Rhino, Magikarp, or Tench. There is no space for Armored Rhino in the tree house, and there is no water.

As the elves ate the honey, he also began to pack up the things he had just dug out and put them back into his backpack.

It was already very late today, and he was going to deal with the elf hunter's stuff tomorrow. So he wouldn't read it today, so he might as well go to bed early.

"Bobo, you have to go back to this ball after eating. We will take you home tomorrow, okay? It's getting dark now," Ukai asked Bobo to look out the window, still holding the elf ball in his hand.

If Bobo resists, take it back by force. If Bobo doesn't resist, that's even better.

"Boo, boom," Bobo looked out the window. It was indeed dark.

But it didn't know whether this human being could be trusted. The appearance of the armored rhinoceros just made it feel that it was in the same boat, but at this time it could only trust this human being.

After all, he is not the same person as the human who caught him, and this human's elves are very friendly.

After obtaining Bobo's consent, Ukai used the Poke Ball to take back Bobo and opened Bobo's proficiency panel.


[Attribute: General + Flying]

[Gender: Female]

[Potential: 57%]

[Level: 14.63%]

[Characteristic: Sharp Gaze/11.13%]

[Mastery of moves: (See through/5.21%) (Steel Wing/9.31%) (Air Blade/7.71%) (Bird Attack/5.22%) (Clear Fog/2.14%) (Impact/6.53%) (Sand Splash /6.91%) (Fengqi/4.83%) (Lightning flash/10.21%) (Feather Qi/8.48%)]

"Bobo has fifty-seven points of potential, and he is undoubtedly the cub of the overlord." The only high-potential elves Yuhai has encountered so far are the only ones without owners: Big Butterfly, Big Claw Crab, and Long-winged Gull.

Although Armored Rhino and Bobo have high potential, their parents are also very scary, and he doesn't dare to subdue them at all.

Feed him a breakfast tomorrow morning and let Bobo go!

After doing so much, even killing an elf hunter with his own hands, he really just wanted to be safe.

As for what it feels like to kill someone? Why was it so skillful the first time?

To be honest, he didn't feel anything. He was ready to kill the other party without any psychological burden or hesitation at all. This bastard deserved to die, it was that simple.

Before killing this bastard, he had simulated it many times in his mind, just so that he could kill this bastard anytime and anywhere.

No matter what position the bastard sleeps in, he can erase the bastard with one blow and kill him with one blow without giving the opponent a chance to counterattack.

He doesn't have the eloquence of a decent person, nor the long-windedness of a villain. He is just so direct, never talks nonsense, and kills first before talking.

After packing his things, Ukai lay down to sleep, and the elves also lay down to sleep.

What a wonderful day today, don’t come here again next time.

His small body can't stand such stimulation...

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