Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 160, Flying Mantis

The reason why there are so few people in electric breeding houses is simply because they are more expensive.

It can be seen from the selling price of elf eggs that electric elf eggs are more expensive than grass elf eggs.

Elf eggs don’t cost more than 100,000 yuan, and blind box eggs start with 500,000 alliance coins.

Most of the eggshell patterns are light yellow and dark yellow.

There are also many popular electric elf cubs in the breeding house, such as Pichu, Electric Shock Monster, Meili Sheep, Thunder Beast, Positive and Negative Electric Paipai...

Except for Magnemite, all the ordinary electric elves on the market are very popular here.

There is no thunder ball here, because this guy is prone to self-destruction and is an unstable factor.

The branches here don't sell them, only the main store's training base has this type of electric elves.

The layout of the electric-type breeding house is similar to the previous two. Electric-type elf cubs with potentials of more than 20 to 30 are placed together.

Put together those with inherited moves that have over 40 potentials, and put together the treasures that have over 50 potentials.

After all, there are not many high-potential elf cubs. Their parents are those quasi-kings, so the cubs produced are easy to distinguish.

However, the electric elf cubs here are much more expensive than those of the grass type.

The selling price of each ecological zone is more than one million yuan more than the grass elf cubs, and the store's treasure has exceeded the ten million mark.

He felt that it could be more expensive, but the third stage of evolution of the electric shock monster has not yet been discovered, as well as the super evolution of the Meili Sheep and the Thunder Beast.

If they were all studied out, it would be impossible for him to buy the high-potential cubs of these three types of elves for ten million. Meili Sheep's super evolution also has dragon attributes and is an electric dragon.

There are also Electric Shock Beast and Super Thunder Beast, especially the Electric Shock Beast. You can tell just by looking at its size that it is a very powerful electric elf.

After casually strolling around the electric-type breeding house, he left the electric-type breeding house and came to the fighting-type breeding house.

Entering here, he felt that it didn't feel like a breeding house, but more like a gym with many arenas.

The price of fighting type elf eggs here is comparable to that of electric type elf eggs.

Just because there is another battle culture besides elf battles here, fighting battles and fighting competitions.

Whether it is an underground fighting arena or a fighting arena on the ground, the residents and trainers of this city are very enthusiastic about fighting competitions, which is why the price of fighting elves' cubs has increased.

As a result, the fighting type does not have the attribute restraint advantage of the electric type, but the price is the same as, or even exceeds, that of the electric type elf cubs.

It seems that in order to develop the city and drain the elf fighting culture, the city managers actually moved the fighting competition into the city.

I don’t know if the glamorous competition has arisen yet, and it will probably be moved here by then.

After wandering around the fighting breeding house, Ukai left. Fighting type elf cubs are very expensive, and the most expensive one is an elf with fighting type and super power type, Mashana.

The remaining fighting type elf pups are Monkey, Armstrength, Fearless Boy, and Dou Li Mushroom.

The evolved types in the store are: Fiery Monkey, Fast Swimming Frog, Hao Li, Flying Leg Lang, Fast Fist Lang, Cobolang, Flame Chicken, and Charem.

There is no fighting type Heracross here, probably because this fighting type elf is more like an insect type!

And he actually saw the swimming frog and the flame chicken here, two fighting elves that had evolved to have fighting attributes.

It turns out that it's not that mosquito tadpoles are incompetent, but that water stones are too expensive. There is only one fast-swimming frog here, and it still takes the fighting route.

If it was just for the fighting type, some people would still be willing to evolve a mosquito-repellent frog using water stones to fight in the ring.

He actually didn't see Brother Monkey, Lucario, Poison Skull Frog, and Elledor. These are all very powerful fighting elves.

It's probably not spread yet. These elves are all elves from the Sinnoh region. Wait for these fighting elves to come over, especially Monkey's fierce fire, Lucario's waveguide, Eluredo's super power, and Poison Skull. Poisonous properties of frogs.

It can really push all the fighting elves here to the ground and rub them.

After leaving the fighting-type breeding house, there were three breeding houses left. Ukai went to the flying-type breeding house, which was full of flying-type elves.

Flying elves are also the fifth most popular type of elves in addition to electric, fighting, grass, and water types.

In an environment like the Orange Islands where there are many islands, flying elves are a fast and convenient means of transportation between islands.

The best flying elf cubs sold in the store are mainly Bobo, Long-winged Gull, and Togepi.

The first two types of flying elf cubs are vehicles and can be used in battle.

Bi Diao is the most popular flying elf cub, because Bi Diao is very handsome and very cool to sit on. Many young people like Bi Diao, a flying elf like him.

Bobo is also the most expensive elf in the store, especially Bobo, the treasure of the store.

Togepi is a pure pet. It’s not that it can’t fight, but that the person who bought it doesn’t like fighting.

Togepi is the elf that the noble lady likes, including other cute elves, such as Eevee, Pichu, Pandora, Pokedin, Slowpoke, Kodak...

There are also Spearow, Dark Crow, Arrogant Swallow, Gugu, there are also here...

In addition, there are no poisonous spirits like Sonic Bats in the store.

Elves like Scorpio, which can only glide and are restrained by the water element, Elves like Scallion Duck, which can only fly by themselves, and Elves like Dudu, which cannot fly, are all sold in the store.

Most of the trainers that can be purchased are not used for transportation, but for fighting.

The price of flying elf cubs is similar to that of water elf cubs. Most of the functions of flying elves are only transportation.

After leaving the flying type breeding house, there are also general type breeding houses and insect type breeding houses.

There are also many general elf cubs, such as Rattata, Meow Meow, Green Onion Duck, Dudu, Big Tongue, Kentero, Eevee, Baobao Ding, Tutu Dog, Xiangtail Cat...

The elves in the store can be roughly divided into two categories, the elves kept as pets, and the trainers' battle elves.

Ladies prefer Meow Meow, Big Tongue, Eevee, Baoding, Tutu Dog, and Xiangtail Cat.

These cute-looking elves are relatively expensive in stores, and can be sold for the price of grass-type elves.

The remaining Rattata, Green Onion Duck, Dudu, and Kentero can also be bought for the price of water-type elves.

Next to the general breeding house, there is also a breeding house that specializes in selling insect-type elf pups.

The most popular insect-type elf cubs in the store are Flying Mantis, Heracross, and Daji...

There is no other reason. These three insect elves are the most handsome, and the spiny tail worms and green caterpillars are also very beautiful.

Just because of the three insect types of Flying Mantis, the price of the insect type elf cubs has been brought down to the same level as that of the grass type.

Arthropods such as insects are men's eternal romance. Yuhai liked flying mantises in his previous life and wanted to conquer one.

I couldn't fulfill my wish in my previous life, but now that I've traveled through time, I must conquer a flying mantis, because it's really handsome.

Especially after evolving into the Giant Pincer Mantis, the handsome red shell is really cool.

Even if we want to conquer the Flying Mantis, it's not now, and it hasn't stabilized yet. Let's talk about it later.

There are no poisonous elves like unicorn beetles, orb silk spiders, or hairballs here, probably because they are afraid of poisoning children.

The grass-type walking weeds and trumpet buds are poisonous. They have probably been castrated and have no poison properties. They should not cause any harm, otherwise they would not be sold.

After leaving the insect breeding house, Yuhai visited the seven breeding houses before finding a place to sit down and take a breath.

After looking at the seven breeding houses, there was too much information and he needed to sort it out.

After visiting seven stores, he actually didn't see any elf cubs that were too ugly. After all, they were all elf cubs for sale. If they were too ugly, they wouldn't be sold.

Judging from the selling prices in these seven stores, he also roughly got the elf prices here.

If I have to put them in order, the most expensive ones are the electric type and the fighting type. The order is probably like this...

Electric type = Fighting type \u003e Grass type = Bug type = Normal type \u003e Water type = Flying type

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