Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 175, small pendant

On the fourth day after arriving at Hasa Island, it was sunny.

Yuhai woke up from the soft big bed in the hotel and stretched out with satisfaction. He slept so comfortably last night.

When he got up, the Big-billed Gull and the Orb Silk Spider had woken up early, but neither of the two elves made any noise. The Big-billed Gull lay quietly on the bed pretending to sleep, and the Orb Silk Spider hung from the ceiling pretending to sleep.

He didn't know they were pretending to be asleep. He got up and went to the bathroom to wash up and take a shower. He cleaned up his body and put on yesterday's four-piece stab-proof suit, short-sleeved T-shirt, pants, and jacket.

This suit of clothes fits well and is very comfortable to wear. He didn't pay much attention to it last night, but today he found that this suit of clothes is not bad and he is very satisfied.

If there was only one set of stab-proof clothing, it would be inconvenient to change and wash it. Later, he would use the giant tooth shark skin in his backpack to go to the owner of the outdoor goods store in the department store to make another set of stab-proof clothing.

That was in the afternoon too. This morning he slept all day long and didn't get up until noon. He said he had to have lunch before leaving.

The hotel also had free breakfast, which he could eat as lunch. He also asked the waiter to bring a few more elf bowls, which were rice bowls for the elves to eat for lunch. They would also have to buy their rice bowls later.

When he got dressed and opened the curtains, it was sunny weather again outside the window.

Bang bang bang——

He also took out the elf ball and released the mosquito-repellent frog, big butterfly, giant crab, and Slowpoke. Counting the big-mouthed gull and the orb silk spider, there were six elves.

There were also armored rhinoceros, carp king, weak tench, and green onion duck, but he didn't release them.

This place is too narrow and is not suitable for releasing a big beast like the armored rhinoceros. If the furniture is damaged, you will have to pay for it.

There is no water and it is not suitable to release the Carp King, Tench, and the rebellious Green Onion Duck. They will definitely damage the furniture if released, so they cannot be released.

After releasing the other four guys, there were six elves in the room, and the waiter's breakfast was also delivered.

He opened the door and brought breakfast into the room, as well as the extra elf bowls he asked for, before calling all the elves to gather around.

"Everyone is here for dinner. Let's have lunch first and then go." Yuhai placed twelve elf bowls on the ground, took out three bottles of moo milk from his backpack, and poured half a pound of moo milk into the six elf bowls.

He also opened a box of high-quality emerald green energy cubes and a box of high-quality water crystal energy cubes, and gave one emerald green energy cube to Bada Die and Orb Silk Spider respectively.

There were also mosquito-repellent frogs, giant claw crabs, Slowpoke, and Big-billed Gulls, all of which received a water crystal energy cube.

Looking at the fragrant elf food in front of them, the six elves could not help but swallow their saliva. They all looked up at Yu Hai, asking with their eyes if they could eat it? They couldn't stand it any longer.

"Everyone can eat," Yuhai did not whet everyone's appetite and asked the six elves to eat lunch quickly.

In addition to energy cubes, he also took out elves' exclusive food, including insect-type and water-type granular foods, and poured them into the elves' rice bowls, letting them eat them with moo milk.

"Bah, bah, bah," Bada Die just stretched out his little paws to pick up the energy cube, and saw that the rice bowl was filled with delicious snacks. He immediately felt so happy. He had never eaten so many delicious foods. food.

Moreover, this energy cube is even more beautiful than the one last night, and it should taste better. As soon as it put the energy cube in its mouth, it couldn't help but hum.

"Easy, carey, caress," the Orb Silk Spider also ate happily. It seemed that following this human was a conscious choice. Not only did it include food and accommodation, but it was also filled with delicious and delicious food.

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog picked up the Shuiying Energy Cube. Seeing that the other friends were eating it so deliciously, it put it on the tip of its nose and sniffed it, then put the whole energy cube into its mouth and chewed it carefully.

"Hey, woo," the mosquito-repellent frog felt that the energy cube in its mouth was very brittle. Once it chewed the energy cube, it would melt and turn into a warm current flowing into its stomach, then its limbs. It felt that its whole body was full of energy and could not finish it. If you have enough strength, you should be able to train twice as much next.

"Kuo bang, kuo bang," the big claw crab saw that the mosquito-repellent frog had eaten the energy cube, so it also picked up the energy cube with its small pliers and put it into its mouth to chew.

As soon as the energy cube entered its mouth, the giant claw crab felt a large burst of rich water energy exploding in its mouth. It hurriedly closed its mouth to prevent this energy from spewing out.

The energy cube slowly melted in the mouth and turned into a warm current flowing into the body, gradually spreading to the limbs. The giant crab also lay comfortably on the carpet, closing its eyes and enjoying the warm current.

"Bah, bah, bah," when the big-mouthed gull saw the Shuiying energy cube, it felt like he had returned to a deserted island and discovered the water gem.

A small energy cube can actually give it this feeling, and it can't wait to pick up the energy cube with its mouth and put it into its big mouth.

Suddenly he felt the same warmth as his other companions, and the whole bird lay on the carpet, enjoying the delicious food that was even better than the water gem.

"Ah dong?" Slowpoke saw that the other elves had eaten the energy cube, so he stretched out his small paw and poked the Shuiying energy cube, then sniffed the energy cube with the tip of his nose, and then put the energy cube to his mouth to bite. Take a bite.

The moment the energy cube entered the room, Slowpoke was stunned and stared blankly at the half energy cube in his hand.

It didn't expect that this human being would share such delicious food with it. This was something it didn't dare to ask for.

Originally following this human being, it just wanted to stop having its tail cut off and survive beside humans. It didn't expect that this human being would be so kind to it.

As the energy cube in its mouth slowly melted, Slowpoke noticed the other elves, all of whom were quietly eating the food in their own bowls. There was also a bowl of such food in its bowl.

It can clearly feel that everyone is happy, happy to have a lot of delicious food, and happy to follow this human being.

It seems that it is very good to continue to stay here. It also eats food and drinks moo milk with peace of mind. It completely puts down its guard against the humans and elves around it, and gradually integrates into this big family.

After pouring the food for the elves, Yuhai also ate the lunch sent by the hotel, which was some light food, a bowl of porridge, a piece of bread, and a glass of juice, which was his lunch.

After lunch, while the elves were still eating snacks, he packed up the things on the bed and put away the red and white Poké Balls for the elves.

What I took out were the diving ball and the catching ball. I will use these two kinds of elf balls to pack the elves later and give them a new, more comfortable home.

After the elves finished their lunch, he had almost finished cleaning up. He also took out the fairy pendants of mosquito-repellent frogs and Bada Dies, and hung them on the newly purchased backpack again.

This scene happened to be seen by Badadie. The red compound eyes were all filled with the mini Badadie pendant in Yuhai's hand. It immediately flew up, poked the pendant with its small claws, and shouted to Yuhai: "Hey Bah, bah, bah, bah..."

"This is a gift for buying a backpack. Isn't the pendant between you and the mosquito-repellent frog very cute?" Yuhai smiled and rubbed Badadie's little head, letting Badadie's little claws play with the pendant.

"Hey, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh," the mosquito-repellent frog was also attracted by Baddie's cry. It got up and came to the bedside to look at the small pendant of the mosquito-repellent frog. It saw all the small pendants in its eyes. It also reached out and poked the small pendant. The frog's The small pendant is soft.

"Bah," the big-billed gull was attracted to look at the backpack, but unfortunately it didn't have its own small pendant. It couldn't help but shouted to Yuhai: "Bah, bah, bah, bah..."

"There are only two given away. I have no choice but to choose them first. I'll choose you next time when I buy a backpack." Yuhai hugged the big-billed gull that rushed towards him. This guy was actually jealous. .

He immediately stretched out his hand to comfort the big-billed gull on his body. If the big-billed gull flew away without him, wouldn't he be in a big loss?

After being comforted for a while, the big-billed gull felt much better even if he didn't see his pendant.

"Okay, okay, look, there are no giant claw crabs, either! There are no orb silk spiders either. I'll pick up your little pendant next time..."

"Bah, bah," the big-billed gull looked at the other elves, as if they really didn't have them, only the mosquito-repellent frogs and the big butterflies did. It stopped making noises, got off Yuhai, and continued to eat lunch.

"Hey, oh, oh, oh, oh," the mosquito-repellent frog turned its attention to Yuhai from the small pendant. It was the only one that understood the meaning of Yuhai's choice of these two pendants first.

It and Badadie are Yuhai's first partners, family members who depend on each other on a desert island.

"By the way, mosquito-repellent frogs and Badadie, are you still comfortable in these two pokeballs?" Yukai put down the big-mouthed gull, took out the diving ball and the catching ball, and asked these two guys how they felt.

Baddie and mosquito-repellent frog did not respond. One was playing with small pendants and the other was in a daze.

Seeing this, he stretched out his hand and gently patted the mosquito-repellent frog on the shoulder and asked: "mosquito-repellent frog, what are you thinking about? Didn't you hear me?"

"Yobo?" The mosquito-repellent frog was patted, and it came to its senses instantly. It blinked its big black eyes and scratched its head in embarrassment. It was distracted just now and really didn't hear what Yuhai said.

"Mosquito-repellent incense frog, are you comfortable in this kind of elf ball?" Ukai saw the mosquito-repellent incense frog regaining consciousness, took out the diving ball and asked the mosquito-repellent incense frog again.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey," the mosquito-repellent frog nodded and raised his hand to point to the diving ball, indicating that it was very comfortable inside.

"Okay, everyone, come here. From now on, I will use these Poké Balls to dazzle everyone." Yukai took out three diving balls and a tennis ball, and took back the Big Butterfly, Slowpoke, Big Claw Crab, and Big Mouth Gull respectively.

There were still mosquito-repellent frogs and orb-silk spiders, but he did not take them back. Instead, he let the orb-repellent frogs lie on his shoulders and let the mosquito-repellent frogs follow him. He then opened the hotel room door and went to the hotel front desk to check out.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, let's go," Yuhai carried three space backpacks and asked mosquito-repellent frog to carry one space backpack. He put on the towel again, left the hotel and headed to the department store.

He had to get rid of his backpack first, and then go to the elf center to give the elf a full physical examination. Otherwise, carrying four space backpacks would be too conspicuous and he would easily be targeted by robbers.

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