Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 320, Choose Elf

After working for nothing for two months, which is a salary of 600,000 yuan, you can buy an ordinary Nidoran for free, which is still a bit of a profit.

The Nidoking that evolved from Nidoran is a ground-based elf. It is not popular on the Orange Islands, but it is very popular in the caves.

An ordinary elf egg only costs a few hundred thousand, and one million is impossible. Ordinary elf eggs with unknown talents are difficult to sell for more than one million. You can buy an elf egg for hundreds of thousands, but the potential is only I no longer know.

The big-mouthed bat sold for one million before. If it is a high-potential supersonic bat cub, it is impossible to deduct only 300,000 yuan from the salary. It will only be more expensive.

This is why he feels that there are no high-potential elves here, and there are no bad frogs here. Just one of them costs two to three million, which is directly different from the elves distributed here.

As for Nido King and Nido Queen, these two elves require moon stones. The stone is more expensive than the elves, and good evolution stones are even more expensive.

Without a good evolution stone, these two elves would be useless. Even if they could barely get a low-purity moon stone that could evolve, these two elves would still be useless, and the result would still be the same. They are both bad chickens.

When it was their turn to enter the tent to select, there were only three people in the tent. One was a member of the Poison Team who was guarding the elves. The two of them came to select the elves.

There are rows of Poké Balls on the shelves inside the tent. There are numbers underneath each red and white Poké Ball, from one to one hundred from bottom to top.

When the two of them came in, they saw the person guarding the elf ball smoking nearby and paying no attention to them.

Seeing this, Aping also chatted with Yuhai: "Ahai, there are more than ten kinds of elves. The top ones are Nidoran, Nidoran, and Supersonic Bat. Several of them have been picked out, and the remaining elves are all No one chooses..."

"Let's take a look first." Yuhai didn't think about which elf to choose, so he raised his hand and touched the elf balls one by one. When he opened the panel, he just hurriedly scanned the potential and opened another panel, covering the previous one. panel.

Looking down the rows, he found that the potential of these elves was very low, basically hovering in the teens and twenties. Even if there was one with a potential of over 30, he thought it was a bad guy.

There are eleven types of elves, and there are ten rows on the shelves, with ten elf balls in each row. Nidoran and Nidoran have ten in total, and the remaining elves have ten of each type.

He looked down five or six rows in a row and found that there was not even an elf with a potential of forty, let alone an elf with a potential of fifty.

His previous judgment was indeed correct. There are hundreds of thousands of elves. You can hatch them by buying eggs yourself, and they are cheaper. How can there be elves with high potential.

Until, he touched a Poké Ball numbered 66, and saw through the Poké Ball that there was a trumpet bud inside, with a potential of 51, dual characteristics, and abnormal poison-type moves.

This trumpet bud is very similar to his bad frog. It should be a stupor flower or a giant flower that was cultivated with poison. The offspring produced by it. According to the rigor of the experiment, it is impossible for this kind of elf to live here.

Then, he pretended as if nothing had happened and continued to select elves until all the elf balls were used up, and he found another pretty good elf. It is a super-sonic bat with a potential of fifty-four, dual characteristics, and the same abnormal poison-type moves.

Except for these two elves, the remaining elves have average potentials, including Nidoran and Nidoran. Most of these two elves have potentials in their twenties and thirties. If they are cultivated well, they will be the ultimate quasi-kings, and it is impossible to be kings. Unless you encounter something good.

However, the problem now is that the horn bud is number 66 and the supersonic bat is number 77. It can be seen from these two numbers that this thing seems to be deliberately arranged by someone. If he chooses it, it will Won't you get targeted for this?

But a trumpet bud with fifty-one potential and a supersonic bat with fifty-four potential, no matter who he chose, he didn't want to miss it... To be honest, he was moved.

Even if you don't cultivate it yourself, it's still a good idea to give it to others. The abnormality in poison talent can be changed the day after tomorrow.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but reach out and grab the Super Sonic Bat instead of choosing the trumpet bud.

The reason why we choose Supersonic Bats instead of Trumpet Buds is because Supersonic Bats are rarer than Trumpet Buds and harder to catch than Trumpet Buds.

That was the first reason, and the second reason was that the robber in the spider vest did not have a flying elf, so he needed a flying elf as a means of transportation.

In an environment like the sewer black market, it is a perfect match for the Sonic Bat. The Big-billed Gull is more suitable for the vast and boundless sea, but the sewers are really not suitable. Even the identity of the vest is not suitable for the Big-billed Gull.

Therefore, he chose the Super Sonic Bat, which perfectly complemented his vest identity and did not have the weaknesses of the flying elf.

"What did you choose?" Aping saw Yuhai take away number seventy-seven and looked at the elf at the beginning of seven. It turned out to be the flying elf Super Sonic Bat.

"Super Sonic Bat," Yuhai saw the other person looking at the shelf and said the elf's name.

"Super Sonic Bat, it feels pretty good," Aping had been watching how Yu Hai chose the elves. Although he couldn't see anything, he felt that it looked very powerful. He also wanted to choose Super Sonic Bat.

When he was about to reach for the Super Sonic Bat, Ukai spoke.

"Serial numbers are lucky numbers, you can also choose a serial number..."

When Aping heard this and felt confused, he suddenly saw out of the corner of his eye that Ukai was tapping his palm with a finger. He understood instantly and knew that Ukai was reminding him.

"Then I choose this serial number. This is my lucky number." The hand gesture A Ping saw was six, so the serial number was number sixty-six, which was a trumpet bud.

After selecting the elf, the two took the elf ball to the sole caretaker to register the elf they chose.

"Trumpet Bud will be deducted from fifteen days' salary, and Super Sonic Bat will be deducted from one month's salary." After looking at the elf ball, the guard looked up at the two of them and asked, "Put down your scarf and tell me your name and age..." "

"Ah Hai, sixteen," Yu Hai first reported his name and then a false age.

"Aping, sixteen," Aping also reported his name, and his age was also sixteen.

Both of them used fake names, and the guards also registered. They didn’t care about the authenticity of their names and ages. After the registration was completed, they reminded them: “You can’t leave the station until the deduction is over, unless you hand over the money.” …”

Regarding this, Yuhai was speechless. Considering that he had to go back to the villa, he had to pay to buy this elf. He immediately took out 320,000 yuan, put it on the guard's table, and bought this 54-year-old elf. Super Sonic Bat with potential.

"Three hundred and twenty thousand?" The guard didn't understand and thought Yuhai wanted to bribe him.

"Money for clothes," Ukai explained.

"Where are you?" The guard took the money and looked at A Ping. Seeing that the other party also paid, he accepted A Ping's 170,000 yuan.

Finally, the guard waved to the two of them, put his feet on the table, and said to the two of them: "You can leave. The next salary will be paid as usual..."

After Yu Hai and the two left, the guard looked at the shelf and wrote down the number of the elf that the two took away, and then handed it over to the Viper Boss for inspection.

After writing the number and putting down the notebook, he murmured to himself: "Let's survive the first month first and then talk about salary..."

The two people who left the tent were immediately glared at by other people waiting outside the tent because they had stayed inside for too long.

The two of them didn't pay attention to the glares of the group of people. Instead, they leaned against the rock wall, lit two more cigarettes, and smoked slowly.

They smoked quietly, and before Aping asked, Yuhai whispered: "If anyone asks, just say Lucky Number, and say it's your own idea, otherwise someone will die..."

"Is it that serious?" Aping frowned, weren't they just two elves? Hundreds of thousands of elves, will kill people?

"You'll know if you don't come and try tomorrow," Yuhai is here to be an undercover agent. There is no way he won't come. Once he doesn't come, he will definitely be hunted down. Never doubt the integrity of the gang, not to mention that he is suspected of being Team Rocket. of gangsters.

Just now, he asked Darkrai and learned that the elf ball had been tampered with. Not only the elf ball, but also the clothes had been tampered with. Once the signal disappeared, someone would find them.

There is no need to worry about these now. When he leaves, these will be nothing and can be solved easily, but not yet.

"I understand," Aping is also a smart person. Seeing how serious Yuhai is, he realizes the seriousness of the matter. He quickly goes through what he just said when choosing the elf and Yuhai's explanation in his heart, and he has it in his heart. end.

At this moment, Yuhai noticed that the newcomers who had chosen elves before had already released elves and needed to capture the elves on the spot. They also released their own elves here, his was Super Sonic Bat, and Aping's was Trumpet Bud.

【Supersonic bat】

[Attribute: Poison + Flying]

[Gender: Male]

[Potential: 54.12%]

[Level: 6.27%]

[Characteristics: Mental Power/1.53%] [Hidden Characteristics: Penetration/1.13%]

[Mastery of moves: (wing attack/3.31%) (flash of lightning/4.11%) (hypnosis/3.14%) (absorption/5.21%) (ultrasonic/7.22%) (poison fang/13.45%) (venom impact /14.74%) (Poisonous /16.82%)]

This is the panel of Super Sonic Bat. Apart from its abnormal proficiency in poison-type moves, it can be said to be a very good elf.

The potential is fifty-four, and it has dual characteristics. The move pool is also very impressive, but the poison talent is too strong, which makes this thing a bit troublesome.

It seems that I need to use detoxification therapy again. The venom excreted is just cheaper for Guisi. I don't know if Guisi will exit the abnormal state if he doesn't eat the venom.

He can't control so much now. He has to subdue this supersonic bat. It's easy to subdue this supersonic bat. "Orb Silk Spider, I will release the supersonic bat. You have to spin the silk to control the supersonic bat." , we can’t let it fly…”

"Ee-to-eee-to," the Orb Silk Spider nodded, indicating that it was no problem. It had almost recovered.

As long as there is no problem with the Orb Silk Spider, the next thing will be simple. Ukai turned around and looked around. Even Aping was subduing the elves ten meters away. He asked in a low voice: "Dakrai, wait a minute. He will help me scare the super-sonic bat, I want to conquer this super-sound bat..."

"No problem, leave it to me," Darkrai responded to Ukai's request in the shadow.

Then, Ukai turned his back to the light and faced the rock wall, and released the Super Sonic Bat in the Poké Ball. The Super Sonic Bat wanted to fly away the moment it came out, but the Orb Silk Spider on his shoulder immediately spun silk to stick to the Super Sonic Bat, and the Super Sonic Bat was Nailed on the wall.

"Supersonic Bat, I will be your trainer from now on. Follow me and you will have food and accommodation included." Yuhai tried to convince Supersonic Bat. If it still doesn't work, then he will win.

"Bah, bah, bah," Supersonic Bat was dissatisfied, saying that this round did not count, and Yuhai actually attacked it sneakily.

Then, Darkrai appeared, stood in Ukai's shadow, and translated to Ukai: "It refuses to accept it and says you attacked it sneakily..."

"Haha, you're not convinced, are you? Are you convinced now?" Ukai stared at the Super Sonic Bat with a smile, and Darkrai also showed his sharp black claws and wiped the Super Sonic Bat's neck.

"Bah, bah," Super Sound Bat nodded repeatedly, expressing his submission and willing to become Ukai's elf and obey Ukai's orders.

There was no way, Darkrai's aura was so strong that it couldn't breathe. After all, it was the aura of a divine beast. It was just a level six supersonic bat. What about this human being? As for using a mythical beast to suppress it?

It's so scared, it's still a baby...

Seeing that the supersonic bat surrendered, Yuhai asked the orb silk spider to untie the spider silk and took the supersonic bat to the square to gather. Newcomers who had conquered the elves would come here to gather.

When he came here, the Super Sonic Bat stood obediently on his shoulder, and an elf stood aside. He did not make a fuss or be disobedient.

Seeing the tall and thin team leader on the stage nodding, he used the elf ball to take back the Super Sonic Bat, and continued to carry the Orb Silk Spider on his shoulder. The Orb Silk Spider was his battle elf and he would not take it back.

He put away Supersonic Bat's Poké Ball, turned around and saw Aping walking over, with Trumpet Bud following him, and he had obviously conquered Trumpet Bud as well.

After all the thirteen newcomers had subdued the elves, they all gathered in the square and waited for the examiner to assign tasks to them.

As groups of newcomers were assigned tasks, there were still three people left in the square, namely Yuhai and Aping, and an unlucky guy who had no one to form a team with.

In the end, the unlucky guy was arranged to go to the black market, and he will continue to recruit people tomorrow. When there are people, he will be organized.

The remaining Yuhai and Aping had to follow the tall and thin team leader to leave for the largest tent in the middle.

Yuhai knew it was not that simple. After all, among the hundred elves, these two had the highest potential. It was impossible for the leader here not to make a mark.

Now they have two choices, either rely on acting skills to get through, or break out directly and fight their way out.

In the end, they chose acting.

There was no way, so many people were looking at them. The leader was still a quasi-King trainer, and the rest were at least elite trainers. What could they use to kill them.

A single Darkrai is not enough to fight against a would-be king trainer.

What's more, Darkrai is the trump card, so there's no way anyone could reveal their trump card from the beginning.

When they entered the leader's tent, the examiner did not follow them. There was only one person in the tent, a strong man wearing a black combat uniform with a purple comb hair style.

The moment he saw this person, Yuhai took a breath of air and said secretly: "Team Rocket leader, Viper instructor..."

This person appeared in the animation of the previous life. He was the instructor who trained Kojiro and several others. Unexpectedly, he was here. It seems that this is the base of Team Rocket.

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