Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 353, everywhere

On the east coast of Sweet Orange Island, there is a wooden boat docked here. It is the wooden boat of the poaching group. The escaped leader was brought to the boat by the stinging jellyfish.

When escaping at that time, the little leader was very smart and jumped directly into the river. The stinging jellyfish carried him down the current into the sea. He narrowly escaped with his life and returned to the poaching group's boat.

"Ali, what's going on? Didn't I ask you to catch that kid? Why are you so embarrassed?"

As soon as the little boss came back, he went to the captain's cabin to meet with the boss of the poaching group. The boss of the poaching group frowned in dissatisfaction when he saw his men in such a mess. They actually dared to dirty his favorite ring bear carpet. These useless men It's really useless.

"Boss, everything was going smoothly. Just when we were about to catch that kid, a very strong trainer suddenly appeared and defeated all five of us in just one round..."

The little boss lay on the carpet, not daring to look at the angry face of the boss. He knew that the boss was very angry now. After all, the boss was famous for his bad temper. He would either beat or scold his subordinates like them.

"Defeat you in just one meeting?" The boss of the poaching group looked at the little leader again. Seeing that the little leader was so embarrassed, it shouldn't be a lie.

"Yes, boss, I lost three elves in that battle, and only one stinging jellyfish was left. Only two of the five brothers I brought back came back, and there was one person outside the door..."

The little boss thought that the boss didn't believe it, so he quickly raised his hand and pointed to the other survivor outside the door, trying his best to prove that he was not lying.

"Let him in," the boss of the poaching group waved his hand, and the door to the captain's room opened. An equally embarrassed member of the poaching group walked into the captain's room and lay down on the carpet.

"Boss, what Brother Li said is true. I only came back with one sharp-toothed fish. As soon as we met, we were defeated by that man's four elves..."

"Which four elves?" The boss of the poaching group licked his lips secretly when he heard that there were only four elves and defeated his group of men. He was a little moved by such a powerful elf.

If possible, you can set a trap to get it and use it for yourself.

"Boss, it's the mosquito-repellent frog, the flying mantis, the giant claw crab, and the armored rhinoceros..."

"That's it?" The leader of the poaching group heard four very common elves. The rarest of these elves were the Flying Mantis and the Armored Rhino, which were only worth a few million.

But these elves defeated five of his men in an instant, and the boss of the poaching group became suspicious of their failure.

You must know that these are all common elves, and he doesn't care about conquering them. He uses all superpower elves, coconut egg trees, gem starfish, dragon-type desert dragonflies, sea spiny dragons, water-type megalodon sharks and violent monsters. carp dragon

Only these powerful elves are worthy of his status. The opponents are some spicy chicken elves, mosquito-repellent frogs and giant claw crabs. They are all eaten as food. These elves are worthy of being subdued and become elves, and they are worthy of such Strong, he doesn't believe it.

He just needs one dragon scale to evolve his Sea Thorn Dragon. I heard that the Thorn Dragon King also has dragon attributes, but I don't know if it's true or not. Anyway, dragon elves are very powerful elves.

However, the opponent was able to defeat five of his subordinates in an instant, and there was also an elite-level mini-boss. He was no ordinary rookie trainer, he was probably at least a senior trainer.

He is not afraid of senior trainers, but the purpose of coming here is to make money. Otherwise, how would he get these rare elves in his hands?

He also earns money to buy dragon scales for the sea spiny dragon to evolve. He cannot afford expensive dragon scales, but he can still buy cheap dragon scales. As long as the sea spiny dragon can evolve, it is enough.

Even so, he didn't want to provoke the alliance's senior trainers. He was not afraid of the opponent's strength, but that he was afraid that the opponent would overwhelm him.

After all, these alliance trainers have many powerful trainers standing behind them. What if they escape and report, and the alliance sends masters to destroy them?

The poaching group he finally managed to pull together will be eliminated by the alliance as a money-making tool. Although these subordinates are all useless, they are still useful tools. Being eliminated will not be worth the gain.

Anyway, the poaching group is also a tool, but it is not as important as your own life and future. As long as you are still alive, the poaching group can pull it up at any time.

This time he was lucky and caught a good product. He has already found a buyer. There is no room for error in this matter. I believe that the big shot will definitely like this good product. After all, the big shot's organization is planning the Orange Islands.

If this deal can be negotiated, he might be able to join this organization and become a captain. The little bosses under him will also be the first group of people he joins that organization.

Before joining the organization, he would try his best to avoid any unnecessary accidents. He did not want his future prospects to be ruined because of the troubles caused by his subordinates.

Regardless of whether what the two little bosses said was true or false, he would treat them as true. He was not prepared to provoke the young man, the old man, or the alliance trainer, and would even avoid their activity areas.

The boy who ran away was just an ordinary boy who was originally planned to be trained as a sailor. Unexpectedly, he dared to deceive him and pretended to be doing chores on the ship in order to take the opportunity to escape.

Since he ran away, he ran away, with or without that boy, the result would be the same, they were all unimportant waste.

As long as the valuable meat ticket in your hand is not lost, it is not difficult to exchange for a dragon scale. The value of this meat ticket is much more valuable than the ran away boy.

"Okay, you all go down, and don't go to the place where the trainer is active from now on. We will capture our wild elves, and they will play with them. You can go to the warehouse to collect the lost elves..."

"Yes, boss," the little boss was anxiously waiting for the boss to speak and to be punished. Unexpectedly, the boss didn't care about their failure at all. He suddenly breathed a secret sigh of relief and finally escaped.

As the two young leaders left the captain's cabin, the leader of the poaching group turned to look at the bright moon outside the window and the Sweet Orange Island under the bright moon.

I hope there won't be any more accidents. Once they catch valuable wild elves here, they will leave Sweet Orange Island and hand over the goods to that organization.

At that time, with the meat ticket in his hand, it will be his ticket to join that organization, and with his own strength, starting from the captain, he can become a cadre in a few years, and then he can enjoy life.

However, what he didn't notice was that all his conversations with his subordinates were eavesdropped by a dark shadow. After the conversation, the dark shadow left quietly without attracting anyone's attention.

Next to the waterfall on the lower reaches of the Tiangan River, Ukai's campsite is here. He hasn't gone to bed so early tonight.

After the group of human traffickers were dispersed, he left a few alive and asked Darkrai to follow them quietly. He believed that it would not be long before Darkrai could bring back what he wanted.

"You are right, the captain on that ship does not want to pursue this matter further," Darkrai's voice also sounded in Ukai's heart after he returned.

After getting along with Ukai for so long, it found that Ukai really understands people's hearts. Many things were said by Ukai. In the past, it only further confirmed Ukai's guesses. From the face of the boss, it could see that the other party did not want to continue pursuing it. this matter.

"Just an ordinary child, not worth much," Yuhai knew that many underground organizations were cultivating orphans or children purchased from human traffickers.

These children are immature mentally and only need a little brainwashing to gain a large number of diehard loyalists who are loyal to the organization. This is also the history of the fortune of those underground organizations.

That's why he said that as long as he doesn't come to the stage, the rats in the underground will always be rats. They will never see the light of day, they will never be able to fight with the alliance, and they will always be their younger brothers.

Unless he had to, he couldn't leave the alliance and join these underground organizations instead, fearing that his head would be caught in the door.

"There is a child on that boat. Do you want to rescue that child?" Darkrai saw Ukai return to the tent and looked through the crack in the door at Green River, who was taking care of the child in the tent, and talked about what he found on the boat.

"Let me think about it," Yuhai returned to his tent after looking at the boy. He didn't need to think about Darkrai's problem at all.

This kind of thing should be a matter for Junsha of the Alliance. He is not even a trainer certified by the Alliance and has no obligation to fight poaching or crime.

The child was able to be saved because he couldn't run away at that time. The traffickers were very aggressive. If he gave in at that time and saw that he was easy to bully, the traffickers would really take advantage of him.

It's true that he doesn't like poaching, and he's not a passionate young man who won't rush forward when his head gets hot because of certain things.

As long as the group of human traffickers don't cause trouble, he can just call Luo Yan and ask Luo Yan to notify Miss Junsha to come over. Although he is not a trainer certified by the alliance, this is also the obligation of alliance citizens.


"I also saw they had a lot of money..."

This was also one of the purposes for him to let Darkrai pass.

First, eavesdrop on the poaching group’s next move against them.

Second, look at how many members of the poaching group are on board, how strong the members are, and how strong the captain is.

Third, see how much property the poaching group has and whether it is worth their while. If it is a pauper poaching group, notify Junsha to handle it. If it is a very rich poaching group, you can do it quietly.

"Go and see how many members of the poaching group are on the ship, what are their strengths, and how strong is the captain? Then we will decide whether to kill them or not..." Ukai was about to go to sleep, but unexpectedly, Daklei appeared again. Such a word made him unable to sleep again.

Who doesn't know that he is short of money now? If the poaching group had money, he would definitely not notify Junsha. He would keep the property for himself and use it to cultivate his elves.

There is no way, grassroots trainers are like this. Extraordinary times require extraordinary thinking, and extraordinary means should be used...

If his family had a mine and his father was a high-level member of the alliance, there would be no need to go to so much trouble. As a second-generation trainer, if you want the Yusan family, you can't get it easily.

Becoming an alliance certified trainer is not an easy task, and relying on the resources of your father's generation, it is not impossible to sit on the throne of king.

The strength can be accumulated with resources, and coupled with the careful mind of the time traveler, it is still very easy to become a king.

There is no need to work so hard like now, and earn extra money by yourself, which is not enough for the elf.

This is also the purpose of his establishment of a force, to let his subordinates develop independently, and when they generate income, they will receive dividends directly without having to manage a bunch of messy things, so why not do it!

Let Darkrai continue to stare at the poaching group, and he fell into a deep sleep. There were other elves in Vigil, and the poaching group would no longer pursue the case, so there was no need to worry about being attacked by surprise.

Old Man He and the young man, who didn't know this, spent the night in fear, and the young man also woke up.

"Um...where is this?" The boy murmured to himself, slowly opening his eyes and seeing the Green River he met by the river.

"Kid, you're safe, don't worry, the poaching group has been repulsed," Green River saw the boy waking up and quickly brought a bowl of warm milk for the boy to drink slowly.

Feeling the sweetness in his throat, after his throat was moistened by milk, the boy's voice was no longer so hoarse.

"Grandpa, did you save me?"

"No, it was the trainer who camped here who saved us. He defeated the poaching group," Green River explained to the boy what happened after meeting the boy.

The boy listened to Midorika's story and couldn't help but let out a loud sigh of admiration when he heard that Ukai defeated the group of people who captured him in just a moment.

"Yes, he is a very powerful trainer," Green River was dumbfounded at the time. Looking back now, it was not that the poaching group was not good, but that Ukai was too strong and that group of people had no power to fight back.

"Since you're awake, there's bread and milk here. Eat and have a rest early. It'll be fine to rest here. The poaching group doesn't dare to come over. I will notify Junsha to take you back tomorrow..."

Green River was unsure whether the poaching group would come back, but the powerful Ukai also gave him some sense of security, at least much safer than his own wooden house.

"Grandpa, I don't want to go back." When the boy heard that he was going back, his eyes showed unwillingness. His elf companion was gone and was killed by those bad guys. How could he just go back like this? He wanted to seek revenge from the poaching group. .

"Why?" Green River was lying next to him and couldn't help but look at the boy curiously. It would be safe to return to the big city. Why didn't the boy go back? If it wasn't for the return period of the Magikarp King, he would have gone back.

"My elf companions were killed by that group of people, and I don't want to go back." When the boy said this, tears fell down heavily and wet the bread in his hand.

"Just let Junsha punish those bad guys. You'd better not take risks. You can't beat them." Green River sighed. It's very common for trainers' elves to die. Several of them died tonight. .

Although they are all elves in the poaching group, those elves are also elves. Elves have no concept of good and evil. They will basically act according to the will of the trainer. If the trainer does good things, the elves will do good things. If the trainer does bad things, the elves will do bad things...

He didn't mean to blame Yu Hai. He was already a lot older, but he was not that holy. He just felt sorry for those elves who followed the wrong trainer. Sooner or later, following the poaching group would lead to this day.

"Child, go to bed early. I can't help you with this matter. Maybe Ah Hai next door can. I can help you ask tomorrow..."

"The trainer next door?" When the boy heard about the trainer who rescued them, he secretly felt a glimmer of hope. He must be a very powerful trainer because he could defeat the poaching group that captured him so easily.

He can definitely take revenge and will never let the bad guys of the poaching group go.

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