Bang bang bang bang bang!

When all the members of the white group failed to solve the problem after a quarter of an hour of hard work, and Dak solved it at an average speed of ten seconds to solve a Pokémon, all members of the white group applauded with heartfelt admiration.

As expected of the King of Pokémon!

The leader of the alliance is really not for nothing.

too strong.

I'll never learn that in my lifetime.

Bi Bo Ran.

What the hell?

That's authority.

The members of the White Group were amazed.


Duck slapped himself on the forehead.

What he did was basically common sense that every new trainer in the Pokémon world knew what to do, and it wasn't even close to the cultivation ability of Level 1.

Didn't you buy a Pokédex and go back? Don't you know how to take pictures with that thing?

Dark glanced speechlessly at Marco and Sachi standing beside him.


Oh, that board, right? It seemed that Muir used it to pick his teeth before.


Duck had nothing to say.

The fishman named Namuel can use the Pokémon Pokédex to pick his teeth, and the gap between his teeth is also big enough.

After another fifteen minutes of instruction, the few smart people on the white group finally understood how to use the Pokémon Pokédex.

Hey, let me go, this thing is so powerful.

Yeah, if we had this, we wouldn't be in such a mess before.

Wow! I found it, the two evolved forms of Little Fudan. They are so fat.

No wonder Little Fudan likes to hold a stone in his arms so much.

Everyone gathered around again and kept discussing.

Dak, why are Darkrai and Giratina not found here?

Because they are so rare.

Dark didn't directly say that these two Pokémon were 'legendary Pokémon'.

He has no idea of ​​promoting the concept of 'Legendary Pokémon' in the pirate world yet.


There are still many undiscovered Pokémon races in this world. Currently, the only ones recorded in the Pokémon Pokédex are those that have been discovered.

Duck gave another explanation, but this explanation is not wrong either.

Huh? Don't you even know?

Yes, in the world where Pokémon were born, there are still new Pokémon being born. Therefore, the types of Pokémon can be said to be endless, and the same Pokémon may produce many more. It’s an evolved type, you can tell by looking at the Pokédex.”

Facing the surprised looks from everyone, Dak didn't feel guilty. In his opinion, this was not something that was hard to admit.

In the future, people will study Pokémon more and more until they surpass him. They will discover all this. Lying like this now is just to embarrass your future self.

Okay, by the way, Dak, come and see this kid. Why does he look like he's not in good spirits?

Thatch led Duck to the big man Joz.

At this moment, Qiaozi was holding a little guy who looked a little weak.

Dark looked at Jozi's tall body, used his superpower to float up, and then stretched out his head to look over.

This is the Pokémon with purple qualifications.

Coco Dora.

A little guy who looks like a silver-white body, with faint blue pupils that don't look very lively.


Duck recognized the problem with Cocodola at a glance.

Now he is no longer the new breeder. He is not a master breeder. However, his cultivation level has reached Lv. 4, and he can barely be regarded as an advanced breeder. He will probably be considered one by the time he reaches Lv. 7. He is a senior cultivator.

At level 10, you can call yourself a cultivation master.

Huh? But he doesn't eat anything I feed him.

Sachi was stunned, and he took out a piece of special cake from his arms and brought it to Cocodola.

The little guy tilted his head, showing a look of resistance.

Look more at the Pokédex. This little guy is made of steel. Of course he eats iron ore and the like.

Duck reached out and tapped the little guy's head.

It is not as hard as expected, it is the kind of hardness that can be pressed down with force.

This is because Kokodora is still in the infant stage, and her armor will become harder after leaving the infant stage.

How hard it becomes depends on how much iron the little guy eats during infancy.

Duck told Saatchi and Jozi all these contents, and the two listened very seriously. As an old father, Newgate naturally wanted to come and listen. He attached great importance to the growth of these sons.


As soon as Newgate finished listening, he called Blenheim over.


A big question mark flashed over Blenheim's head, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

What happens after that is not Dak's responsibility. Maybe this is Blenheim's fate.

When Dak returned to the breeding house, he remembered something because of this incident.

Find a companion for Perona, and for Robin, if you only have a big milk jug, it may be difficult to teach later.

Duck held his chin and opened the Magic Mall, and started rummaging through the Pokémon column.

Robin needs Pokémon who can help her teach. There are very few such Pokémon. The ones that can help are basically Pokémon with special abilities.

Between Porygon and Rotom, Darhk chose the latter.

(Prototype on the left, illustration form on the right)

Porygon's space is mainly in the virtual world and the electronic world. Although it can also appear in reality, allowing it to survive in reality is too much to put the cart before the horse.

Moreover, Robin likes to read books and is not that interested in electronics, so the two are not very compatible.

Rotom is more versatile.

Not only can you enter the illustrated book to assist in teaching and speak human language, but you can even enter various household appliances to control them to help.

Dak spent 4,000 magic coins in the magic mall to exchange for a blue-qualified Rotom, level Lv. 30, and about fifty years old.

He didn't pick and choose.

Because Rotom's job is to help Robin teach, there are no requirements for his combat power, qualifications, etc., only the knowledge content he possesses is required.

According to the description in the Magic Mall, this Rotom belongs to the type of Pokémon that likes to learn knowledge. It has lived for more than fifty years and has learned a lot of theoretical knowledge. It should be able to have many common topics with Robin. .


As soon as Lotto appeared, he glowed with blue lightning and greeted him.

Hello, Rotom, follow me.

Dark looked at the Rotom in front of him that was making a sizzling sound of electricity, and then he remembered that the reason why the Rotom in the original book could speak was because that Rotom entered the Pokédex.

It is the use of the Pokémon Pokédex to produce human voices, rather than Rotom itself being able to speak human speech.

Dark took Rotom to the production room, found a Pokédex, and let Rotom enter it.


Each Rotom's personality is different.

Most Rotoms like to play pranks. The Rotom owned by Ash is relatively simple and well-behaved, while the one exchanged by Dark is relatively calm and calm.

Although they all emit electronic sounds, the personal emotions in them are very strong, and it can be heard that Rotom has a scholar personality.

Hello, Rotom.

Are you my trainer?


Dark shook his head, led Rotom out of the production room, and then pointed at Robin who was reading the illustrated book in the store, She is the one.

Can I go say hello to her?

Of course, Robin likes to read and study. You two can be very good partners.

I like to study.

Rotom nodded and cautiously approached Robin.


Although Robin was very focused on reading, her years of experience had made it instinctive for her to pay attention to her surroundings.

Therefore, she immediately spotted Rotom approaching.

She looked at the strange-looking Pokémon with a curious look, then looked at Dark again.

Robin, this is Rotom. I will assist you in teaching from now on.


Robin was stunned, of course she knew this Pokémon.

However, Rotom's current form was different from what she saw in the book.

Now, Rotom is in Pokédex form.

Rotom waved his hand and greeted Robin.

I see, the ability to control electrical appliances. Hello, Rotom. My name is Nico Robin. Just call me Robin. This is a big milk jug, my good friend.

Robin reached out and grabbed Rotom's little hand, then held the big milk jug on his lap.


Big Milk Can waved his hand and said hello to this little friend with a smile.

Today's Big Milk Tank is no longer the same baby as before. Looking at Big Milk Tank's body that has obviously been fattened by feeding, Dark doesn't know if Robin's plump thighs can withstand the pressure.

Lord Leader~

At this time, Monet's voice sounded from the side, and Duck got goosebumps all over.

Dead clip.

Dak didn't know when Monet learned to speak between words. Anyway, since hanging out with Gardevoir, Monet has become a bit 'green tea'.

What are you doing?

I also want a helper Pokémon.

Monet looked at Robin and Rotom with some envy. Her research was also very hard.

Okay, I forgot, sorry.

Dark suddenly realized this.

Although Porygon can't help Robin, it can help Monet. Porygon's computing power is far superior to that of humans and Rotom, and its research is at the top of the Pokémon charts.

It will definitely be very hard for Monet to be responsible for the entire research department in the future. If Porygon comes to help, it can save a lot of calculation time.

So Hudak spent another 10,000 Baileys to buy a blue qualification level 30 polygon type B.

This Pokémon is not as easy to communicate with as Rotom.

Because Porygon Type B is too intelligent and too advanced in its thinking, most of its behaviors and languages ​​are incomprehensible to humans, and Monet can only slowly get along with it.

Afterwards, Dark went to ask Perona what kind of Pokémon she wanted.

Then got an answer.

I want a cute little bear.

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