Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 135 Arrangements for Sihai Branch

You must have some understanding of the basic situation on our side, but Stella may not have a good idea of ​​it yet. After all, Tezzolo just joined yesterday.

Dak looked at the two people in front of him and thought for a moment.

Then he took out two books and handed them to the two people in front of him.

What is it like to be a Pokémon Academy teacher who is loved by many students? 》

How can I become a friendly store manager who gets five-star reviews from customers? 》


The two people took a thick book comparable to four or five dictionaries from Duck's hands and fell into silence for a moment.

The Pokémon League is very short of manpower, but Pokémon Academy teachers and friendly store managers are very important positions for the Alliance, and they must be handed over to trustworthy people.

Dark coughed twice, and then continued, I hope Olvia can study as soon as possible before the start of the Pokémon Academy, and then serve as the vice principal, grade director, and teacher by then, assisting the principal Robin in managing the school. The entire Pokémon Academy, as well as Stella, also hope that you and Tezolo will learn more about business management, and the friendly store will open in a few days, and you will also need to take care of it.

This is the work arrangement for the two of them that Dak had already thought of last night.

Olvia herself is an archaeologist, knowledgeable and nurturing, so she is perfect for the position of teacher.

It’s not like Stella has any special skills, but with Tezzolo’s help, the friendly store won’t be run badly.

No problem Lord Dark, I will teach the students well.

Olvia nodded solemnly.

In the eyes of scholars, teaching and educating people is a very important thing, so she does not dare to slack off at all.

It's just that at this time, Olvia doesn't know what kind of students she wants to teach. Dark just hopes that she won't be too panicked when she sees those pirates and navy.

I will try my best, sir.

Stella nodded somewhat unconfidently.

She didn't know if she could do such a thing well, but after thinking that Tezzolo was by her side, she thought she could give it a try.

She didn't want to fail because it would make her feel like she'd failed Darhk.

Both Olvia and Stella have a kind of respect for Dak, which is the same as Monet, because they were both rescued by Dak, and such feelings cannot be digested in a short time.

So it's still a little difficult to get them to call him by his first name like Robin, Bingshan and the others.

Dak didn't bother to correct it anymore, at least it was much better now than before.

Afterwards, Dak spent another 20,000 magic coins to assign a Rotom to each of Olivia and Stella as an assistant Pokémon.

Rotom can help them teach and introduce products, which will allow them to complete their work better.

In the past, Feng Clay was in charge of the cargo statistics at the Friendly Store. Stella, you can go find him to learn more about it. Xiao Feng is more experienced in this area.

Duck gave Stella some advice.

He could see that Stella was still in the shadow of the Celestial Dragons, and it could be said that she had no confidence at all. This could only depend on Tezzolo's efforts.

Tezolo, follow me.

Afterwards, Dak called Tezolo away alone.

Now that Tezolo is the Minister of Finance, Dak is of course planning to hand over some work to Tezolo.

The two people came to the alliance base on Pokémon Island.

Dark placed a map of the pirate world on the table.

The next goal of our alliance is to open Pokémon stores all over the world. These are the four cities I chose before. Take a look and see if there are any better suggestions. Here are the four cities I chose. A branch manager.

Dak placed the information of four more people in front of Tezzolo.

They are Gardino, Mikita, Mr. Tanaka, and Baccarat.

How is the fighting ability of Gardino and Michita now?

Tezzolo looked at the information on the table in silence, and then frowned.

Well, Gardino is pretty average, pretty good. Mikita is weaker. She's not very good at fighting.

Beihai and Xihai, we cannot open branches on these two islands.

After thinking for a while, Tezzolo pointed to the two largest trading islands in the North Sea and the West Sea and drew a cross on them.

Because it's not strong enough?

Considering the question raised by Tezzolo just now, Dak seemed to have found the reason.

Yes, the West China Sea is full of killers and gangs, and this kind of trading island is the focus of these people's attention. It is said that there will be people to protect the transactions, but in fact this kind of trade is controlled by these gangs. We cultivate The products in the house will definitely receive some 'key care'. There are too many desperadoes in Xihai. With the strength of the four of them, some losses will inevitably occur.

Tezzolo is not just running away these days after getting the Golden Fruit. He is also constantly studying the economic map of the world and thinking about how to make money. And the trading market in Beihai has basically been taken over by the Don Quixote family. It’s under control. On the surface, this is the island with the most economic circulation, but in fact it’s all gray transactions, and basically no normal ordinary people come here.”

What Tezzolo said was something that Dak had never considered.

After all, he has never gone to these places to conduct serious investigations, so how can he possibly know the true situation of these islands.

Behind closed doors.

Dark nodded, thinking that what Tezolo said made sense.

Although the Pokémon Alliance is very powerful, there are countless people in the pirate world who are not afraid of death. If there are too many ants, the alliance's men will definitely suffer losses, and they may all die in a week or two.

There are only three max-level Pokémon. One is stationed at the Paradise branch, one is secretly guarding Dak, and one is staying on Pokémon Island. There is no time to run around to protect stores all over the world.

The average strength of the four seas itself is not strong, and it is too wasteful to sort out the full-level Pokémon to visit the store.

The number of Pokémon guarding the branch in the Chambord Islands is not yet accurate. If a place like that is not guarded by full-level Pokémon, Dak would be worried.

Moreover, the real management of these four islands is not the local countries, but the world government. They will definitely profit secretly in this kind of place. Many gray transactions are even initiated by them. The navy only acts as a role on these four islands. It plays the role of decoration.”

Tezzolo knew it.

Now that the Pokémon Alliance and the World Government are at odds with each other, if Dark doesn't plan to eliminate the World Government for a while, then of course it's better not to go to such a place.

The World Government cannot be defeated head-on, but it has eight hundred years of experience in making various small moves. Even Tezzolo will have a headache.

What about the East China Sea and South China Sea?

It can be said that most of these two places are the territory of the navy, because Garp and Sengoku were born in two places respectively, and the economy of these two sea areas is relatively poor, so the World Government does not have many people arranged there.

Tezzolo explained, The World Government's manpower is also limited, especially after a force called the Gechu Army emerged. Their manpower around the world has been gathered on a large scale, which is extremely beneficial to us. of.

With the ambiguous relationship between the Pokémon League and the navy, it must be where the navy is most likely to go.

The navy still pays more attention to civilians, so it dispatches a large number of troops to guard such commercial islands. It is very safe and ordinary people are willing to run to such places.

Afterwards, Tezzolo chose two more islands in the North Sea and the West Sea.

How to arrange personnel?

According to what you said, Michita should be the weakest, so let her go to the East China Sea, and Baccarat is not strong enough to go to the South China Sea. The strongest one should be Galdino. Send her to the North Sea, Tanaka Sir, go to the West Sea.

Tezzolo made arrangements after thinking about it for a while, How many people from our alliance can we send to the world now?

About 1,500 people.

It's not very safe. An island must have at least 500 people, and each person must have a Pokémon. The four seas require at least 2,000 people. Two hundred or four hundred people from the East China Sea and South China Sea can be transferred to the North Sea and the West Sea. .”

Tezzolo shook his head.

He didn't expect that the Pokémon Alliance, which seemed to be such a powerful force, only had so few people, and there were so many people with no fighting ability.

Then I'll ask Xiao Feng to recruit some more people, mainly because the requirements for his subordinates were relatively high before.

Dark sighed.

In the past, the alliance's manpower was basically required to have a special skill and a decent character, but now the former requirement seems to have been reduced.

When will our branch probably open?

I haven't decided yet. When we have enough manpower, we will start construction.

Then don't worry. There are a lot of talents in the world. At worst, we will recruit when the branch opens. And there should be many people on their way to the City of Seven Waters now. We can see if there are suitable people in a few days. Would love to join.”

Tezzolo really has nothing to say in terms of business. He is completely different from the person he was when he was in love, very steady and calm.

No problem, I'll leave it to you.

After some exchanges with Tezolo, Dak almost had an understanding of Tezolo's business talents.

Anyway, it’s definitely better than yourself.

In this case, Dak doesn't want to worry about things here anymore, he can feel more relaxed now.


Suddenly, Galdino hurried in from outside, panting.

What's wrong?

The World Government. The World Government has placed a bounty on you and the Lizard King!!!

Oh ho?

Duck was not surprised at all, even a little excited.

Now that Tezzolo has joined, Dak can be said to have relieved 70% of his burden, and he is in a very good mood.

He planned to pull a big one.

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