Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 185 Alliance Yujiu Family (Part 1)

You are planning to turn the backyard of the Vegapunk Research Institute into a breeding base.

Dark saw what Darkrai meant.

This structure is somewhat similar to the Oak Research Institute, which is indeed a good idea.

But Vegapunk is not someone who specializes in Pokémon, but is obsessed with his technological weapons.

In this regard, Monet is completely different.

Monet's attainments in the field of technology are definitely far inferior to Vegapunk, but he knows a lot more about Pokémon than Vegapunk.

For some technologies that Vegapunk cannot connect with Pokémon, Monet can find a good combination.

Therefore, Dak prefers to build this breeding base behind Monet's research institute.

Monet also has a research institute on the outskirts of Pokémon Island, but she prefers to stay in the production room of the breeding house most of the time.

In fact, these two are both alliance research institutes, but Vegapunk and Monet like to stay in different places to avoid disturbing each other. Occasionally, they will change research institutes to change their mood.

This is it.

After a slight hesitation, Duck decided.

The estimated consumption funds for building an alliance cultivation base are guaranteed to be 5 million magic coins.

This amount was definitely unimaginable in the past, but now it's just a drop in the bucket.

Nowadays, the main consumption of people in the pirate world is still on purchasing Pokémon eggs. People who originally did not intend to buy Pokémon eggs will not be able to help themselves after seeing the power and life of those trainers.

Especially due to the two psychological factors of conformity and comparison, everyone basically cannot refuse to have their own Pokémon.

The people of Pokémon Island, to be more precise, are only the people of League City.

They have withdrawn from the life of buying Pokémon eggs, and now everyone goes to friendly stores to buy more Pokémon-related props.

As for Pokémon.

Everyone prefers to go to the wild or hunting areas to find their favorite partner.

Instead of buying Pokémon eggs like opening a blind box.

With such spending power, the Pokémon League will definitely not be short of money.

Dak can still get 5 million magic coins.

The alliance breeding base must be built according to the highest standards of ecological park to ensure that the Pokémon living here have the most perfect growth environment, so that the Pokémon can have a happy childhood in their infancy.

A complete and rich childhood is conducive to the future growth of Pokémon.

So there’s no point in skipping this point.

【Magical Shop】

【Pokémon Island】

Duck looked for various ecological gardens and breeding bases, but he always frowned.

【Yulong Ecological Park】

【Dragon Hometown】

【Meteor Valley】

【Damu Research Institute-Backyard】

【Joy Training Base】

Duck saw many ready-made bases for cultivating Pokémon in the Magic Mall, and many of them were places he had never seen in animations.

But Duck always felt dissatisfied.

Because the breeding bases of these big families are basically places where Pokémon of individual races or Pokémon with individual attributes are cultivated, but what Dak wants to cultivate is Pokémon with at least nine attributes.

As for a relatively comprehensive place like Damu Research Institute, the scale is not enough in Dake's opinion.

Of course, the scale of the entire Pokémon League's breeding base cannot be compared to the backyard of a mere doctoral research institute.

I can only fight on my own.

Duck shook his head and sighed helplessly.

Since you are not satisfied with these ready-made products, there is only one way left to go.

That is, like Pokémon Academy, you buy the ‘components’ yourself and then ‘assemble’ them.

But before that, the choice of [Yujiu Family] must be decided first, and then a suitable breeding base can be created according to the corresponding Pokémon race.

A meeting has been held.

. . .

The next day, the Pokémon League Base.

In the round table conference hall on the third floor, the heads of various departments, the owners of the Eighth Avenue Pavilion, and several top leaders from the Navy and the Gechu Army gathered here.

They will decide the choice of the alliance [Yujiu Family].

Everyone has the right to propose proposals and the right to vote, and the nine Pokémon races with the highest votes are ultimately selected for training.

I heard the store manager talk about the origin world of Pokémon before. Since the humans there choose to regard the three attributes of water, fire, and grass as the royal family, then these three attributes may have their own unique features. We also These three attributes should be included in the Yujiu family.

The first to stand up and speak was Tezzolo.

His statement seemed reasonable, but in fact he just wanted to hang out and leave quickly. He didn't want to stop his money-making plan for a moment.

It's true. People over there have a better understanding of Pokémon than we do here. I specifically researched with Robin the three families they chose. It's true that the average salary in the local area is relatively high. Pokémon race.

Monet is now a well-known Pokémon Doctor on Pokémon Island.

The main reason is that there are not many Pokémon Doctors in Pokémon Island, so only Monet, Robin, and Olvia can bear this title for the time being.

But what I have to admit is that Monet is indeed more 'authoritative' now, and generally no one will refute what she says.

And these Pokémon are basically the type that can get along well with new trainers.

Robin also nodded at this time. At this time, she was wearing round glasses and looked much more intellectual. Based on our comparison, these three races were selected from the three royal families in each region.

Robin said, pressing the remote control in his hand.

The next moment, the figures of three Pokémon were projected on the projection in the middle of the round table.

A red flying dragon that looks domineering and majestic.

Charizard, a Pokémon with fire and flying attributes, eventually evolved to have extremely high mobility and lethality. It is a Pokémon that is very good at fighting. It can even be said to be a Pokémon born for fighting. .”

Robin pointed to the image of the holographic Charizard and began to give a brief introduction.

As she explained, everyone in the navy thought that Charizard was a very suitable Pokémon, and they all wanted to get one.

Because the Charizard is not only very powerful in combat, but can also fly with its trainer, providing the trainer with strong mobility. It is simply an excellent companion.


A long green snake that looks elegant and noble.

(Actually, I wanted to write about the Lizard King here, because he is my favorite Grass Lord, but for the sake of the special nature of the 'Konoha God', I decided to reduce the number of Lizard Kings)

Monarch Snake is a single-type Pokémon. His slender body makes him extremely agile. Few Pokémon can attack first. The most important thing is that Monarch Snake always maintains calmness and calmness. There won’t be any situation from above.”

Robin then introduced the choice of grass type.

It is true that Monarch Snake is far different from Charizard in the eyes of most people, but there are a few people who are more inclined to such Pokémon.

For example, the naval chief officer ‘Crane’ fell in love with the Monarch Snake at a glance, thinking that her arrogant, confident and unhurried eyes were very beautiful.


A cool-looking blue frog.

Koga Ninja, a Pokémon with water and evil attributes, is as elusive as a ninja, and its agility is even greater than that of Monarch Snake. It can make people undetected in the water. In terms of assassination and detection, He will definitely be able to display his unparalleled abilities.”

Robin introduced the water Pokémon again.

Pokémon such as Koga Ninja, which are suitable for working in secret, are deeply loved by the Geshi Army, and their work content is simply perfect for Koga Ninja.

On the contrary, Charizard is not the one they love.

At first glance, Charizard is a Pokémon that can fight with others head-on, but they don't like to fight with others in a big way.

The three Pokémon of water, fire, and grass were decided upon, and almost no one objected.

This is both because Robin and Monet spoke at the same time, and also because these three Pokémon are indeed good enough.

Then let's take a look at Pokémon with other attributes. Do you have any suggestions?

Duck nodded, then looked at the people around him.

He prefers to leave this right to speak to these people.

Because Dak knew very well that once he opened his mouth, these people would not say what they really thought. They would only subconsciously feel that Dak was right, and then they should choose this Pokémon.

This is what Dak doesn't want to see.

There has to be one for the electric system, right?

Porusalino was rarely positive.

Normally at such conferences, he would put on his sunglasses, close his eyes and fall asleep, but this time he couldn't bear it anymore.


The electric shock monster immediately echoed his partner's words, and the middle of the plug on his head excitedly emitted a bright light of electricity.

Ahem, there's also dragon type.

The dragon of the Gechu Army also secretly raised his lips.


Yaya, who was sitting obediently in the dragon's arms, also opened his mouth to express his opinion.

Fighting type is also a must!

Garp was more direct. He slapped the table on the spot and stood up, grinning loudly.

These three people are the gym leaders of the electric, dragon, and fighting types respectively. Of course, they hope that their own attributes will appear in the Yujiu Family of the Alliance.

Seeing these three people standing up, how can the other gym leaders endure it?

The ground element is a very powerful attribute.

It sounds like my fairy type is not strong, hip-hop~

I think the flying type is a pretty good partner.

Poison-type Pokémon will definitely make those criminals tremble.

Zhan Taomaru, Ivankov, Ganfor, and Magellan all expressed their opinions.

Only the old god Shark Star, the leader of the water gymnasium, took a sip of tea while sitting there.

Is this interesting to compete with?

Not interesting.

A person like him would not compete for such a thing.

Wow ha ha ha ha.

If it weren't for the cover of the teacup, Shark Xing's lewd expression would have been noticed by everyone.

(Ps: The reason why I didn’t finish writing the Yujiu family in one chapter is because I can only review five pictures a day)

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