Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 202 Uzumaki Naruto’s Grandpa

An orderly army suddenly descended on Konoha Village. Which Kage wouldn't be sweating?

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen was still worried about the kidnapping of the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki. Now someone from the Anbu reported that an army was wandering around the streets of Konoha with the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

And the mysterious figure just now appeared again, suspected to be the leader of this army.

Send people immediately to intercept and kill them all.

Danzo spoke decisively from the sofa nearby.

There was a drop of cold sweat on the ANBU member's forehead. He was one of the ANBU members who had just been stunned by Dark's domineering aura and fainted.

To be fair, he didn't think the Hokage's assistant's decision was a good idea.

Just the green-haired man, even the entire Anbu and Roots couldn't defeat him. Perhaps only the Hokage himself could do it.

Wait a minute, the other party has returned with the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, and has not directly attacked the people in the village. This means that the other party does not necessarily have any malicious intentions. Let's negotiate first.

Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke.

This is not cowardly.

If a bunch of Kumo ninjas lead troops into the village without permission and Sarutobi Hiruzen decides to negotiate, that would be really cowardly.

Because Konoha clearly believed in Kumo-nin, but still chose to avoid his edge and let the other party step on his face.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen had already seen Dark's level just now, so he chose to avoid the edge for the time being. There was nothing wrong with this, it was called 'He who knows the current affairs is a hero'.

What's there to negotiate with? The other party has already kidnapped the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki once, so why should we negotiate?!

Shimura Danzo really couldn't understand it.

His idea was indeed correct. Dak had taken away humanoid weapons from other people's villages without permission before.

No need to say more, I will handle this matter myself.

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head.

He felt that Danzo was too naive. With so many people on the other side appearing in the middle of the village, if he really wanted to do something, what should he do if those villagers were accidentally injured or even taken as hostages?

What's more, the strength of these people has not yet been understood. Just the leader is already difficult to deal with.

Hiruzen, you will regret this!

Danzo, I am the Hokage!

Danzo was so angry that he rushed out of the door.



Looking at the Hokage's office door that disappeared in front of him, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed.

The funds spent on this door every month amounted to several hundred taels, and he didn't know what Danzo wanted to do with so many doors.

He stood up, put on Konoha's ancestral quilted bamboo hat, and spoke to the ANBU members beside him who dared not speak,

Let's go and see who it is.

. . .

On the other side, on Konoha Street.

Dak took the lead and walked leisurely on the streets of Konoha, looking at the scene in Konoha Village.

Needless to say, it is obviously a small village that does not look very wealthy, but it gives people a special feeling.

Maybe it’s the memories of the past that add to it.

Zefa stood beside Dak and looked at the village coldly.

Because Zefa has no impression of the show Naruto, in his opinion, Konoha Village is just an ordinary village, with nothing unusual or special feeling.

You can basically find such villages on many islands in the pirate world. Konoha Village is at best a very well-developed village, and it can probably be called 'Konoha Town'.

At this moment, Zefa also lost some of his original curiosity and interest in this world.

Because he didn't see anything different from the people in this world, he had to say something.

The body is too weak, and the average physique is too short.

This is Zefa's true thoughts.

You must know that he himself is a tall man with a height of three meters. In the world of pirates, this is nothing, but in the world of Naruto, he is a little giant.

The average height of the navy troops behind him is just over two meters, and they are all muscular men. Smoker is a 210cm tall man.

From this, you can also imagine how much pressure the people of Konoha Village face this naval force.

Just look at it and you'll be raped.

There are also those Pokémon around the navy. There are not many Pokémon in the first stage, and they have long since left the category of cute.

This group of marines is the first few hundred marines trained during the Warring States Period. They and their Pokémon have been fighting on the sea for a year, and have at least evolved to the second stage.

In particular, this group of Pokémon basically have the characteristics of the pirate world - they are huge.

Zefa walked at the front, becoming more and more disappointed with this village. He couldn't see anything special at all.

And the way those people looked at Naruto.

Zefa understood that this was because they stayed around Naruto, so these people did not dare to be too presumptuous.

In the past, when they weren't around, I wouldn't have dared to think about it.

Grandpa, look, that Ichiraku Ramen is delicious! Uncle Handi takes good care of me. Sometimes he will treat me to noodles when I have no money. He is one of my favorite people in the village.

Naruto sat on the back of the wind speed dog, with Dark and Zefa on his left and right sides.

This makes the little guy look very majestic, like a navy prince.

Right, this is right, this is in line with Naruto's status and reputation, what was that called before?

Is it.

Zefa looked over.

He saw the 'young man' standing in the ramen restaurant. He seemed to be a little nervous when he looked at him, but there was no malice in his eyes. Instead, he was a little worried about Naruto.

Of course Zefa doesn't have the superpower to see into a person's mind.

But his knowledge, knowledge, color and domineering spirit are at the top of the sea. How could a person who has lived for almost seventy years not be able to see this?

A good man indeed.


Zefa turned to look at the disciple smoking a cigar behind him.


Smoker responded respectfully.

He was looking at Konoha Village when he was suddenly called out by Zefa and was a little stunned.

Have you brought any belongings?


Do you think Bailey is useful in this world?


Smoker was stunned for a moment, then thought that this was indeed the case.

Each world has its own currency. Pele in the Pirate World can be exchanged for gold, silver, and copper in Pokémon Island. Similarly, gold, silver, and copper from Pokémon Island can be used in the Pokémon Center and Nurture House branches in the Pirate World. , can also be used to redeem Bailey.

But this side of the world has obviously not started cooperating with the Pokémon League yet.

Smoker scraped together among the team, and then managed to scrape together a small amount of gold, which was probably worth a few million beli.

Is this enough?

Zefa asked Dak beside him. He believed that Dak understood what he meant.

It's more than enough. According to my own understanding, 10 beli in your world is probably equivalent to 1 tael here. You have hundreds of thousands of taels here.

Hundreds of thousands of taels, which is almost the bounty for one A-level mission or three or four B-level missions.

As for what Dark said, it is actually the exchange method provided by the system, 1 magic coin = 1,000 taels, which is a means of balancing funds so that the gap between the rich and the poor in the world of One Piece and Naruto is not too obvious.

Duck has also considered systematic reference standards.

The final conclusion reached was the bounty from the underground money exchange.

Sarutobi Asuma's 35 million ryo head is almost 350 million beli's big pirate.

The Vulpix's 50 million bounty is a big pirate worth 500 million beli.

Considering the status of Sarutobi Asuma and Vulpix, the bounty for the pirates was actually quite small.

The former is the son of the leader of the most powerful organization, and the latter is one of the nine tailed beasts; as a pirate, it is almost equivalent to being the son of Im and one of the twelve supreme swordsmen. How can he have more than a billion or even several dozen? A billion beli bounty.

But considering the garbage strength of the two, they are indeed not worthy of the bounty. A few hundred million Baileys is already considered a lot of face.

So in the end, Dak felt that the system's exchange system was not too inconsistent, and it barely balanced the wealth gap between the pirate world and the Naruto world.

The only interesting point is that everyone in the underground gold exchange has a bounty of 7.8 billion taels. In other words, the pirate world has a bounty of 78 billion beli.

Dark chose to ignore this man.


Zefa nodded and remembered this conversion method.

In this way, he would know how much pocket money to give to Naruto. He could not give too much and make Naruto a loser, nor could he give too little and leave Naruto hungry.

He motioned for everyone in the navy to stay where they were, and then walked to the Ichiraku Ramen stall alone.

When Zefa stood in front of the Ichiraku Ramen stall, his hands were already sweating.

It was so terrifying. A tall man stood outside the door, and Zefa's head could not even be seen.

Thank you for taking care of Naruto all the time. This is the money he owed for food in the past. The rest will be used for the future.

Zefa bent down and placed the gold and silver treasures on the table in front of his hand.

Ah, no, it's nothing.

Seeing Zefa's friendly attitude, Teida didn't feel too nervous anymore, Naruto, that kid is quite pitiful. A few bowls of ramen are nothing. I haven't asked for advice yet. Who are you?

The chief instructor of the Alliance Navy, Zefa, is also Uzumaki Naruto's grandfather.

Zefa's self-introduction was simple, yet still domineering.

This is not only due to Zefa's courage as a 'admiral' in the past, but also because Zefa himself has a very domineering voice and appearance.

It is equivalent to Jiraiya saying to Tejida, 'I am one of the three ninjas of Konoha, Jiraiya, the master of Uzumaki Naruto. ’

Huh? Naruto's grandfather? This is the first time I've met Naruto's family. Please give me some advice.

Hand Da was indeed shocked.

As for the chief instructor of the Alliance Navy, I have never heard of him.

Zefa wants to say that he is Naruto's grandfather, but not many people in Konoha Village can tell whether it is true or not, because no one knows that Naruto's true identity is the son of the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato.

All I know is that he is the container with the Nine-Tails sealed inside his body.

Of course, you are not stupid when it comes to hand fighting. Naruto, a little man, and Zefa, a little giant, don't look like they have the same genes.

But that's not important.

In Shou Da's view, the relationship between 'family' is based on feelings, not blood.

I heard from Naruto that your ramen is the best in the village?

Where is it, hahahahaha, it's really a prize. Guest, do you want to give it a try? I am quite confident in my own level.

Shandai awkwardly held up his chef's hat, with joy and pride on his face.

For a chef, there is no greater recognition of his cooking skills than the appreciation of his guests.

There are a lot of people here.

Ho ho. I'm just getting my reputation in vain if I beat you with my hands. Just let me come over here.

Shandai's eyes became sharp.

He is not someone who will give up easily.

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