Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 207 Hiruzen Sarutobi visits Alliance City

It was not only Naruto who came to Pokémon Island with Zefa, but also Sarutobi Hiruzen.

This has already been said.

However, Zefa was not responsible for hosting Sarutobi Hiruzen throughout the whole process. With his personality, it was too difficult for him to be the receptionist.

You can walk around the city by yourself first, and a receptionist will come over soon to show you this world, and then show you another world.

Zefa looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with some deep meaning in his eyes.

Because when he said yesterday that Hiruzen Sarutobi was coming, Sengoku volunteered and decided to be the host.

Thinking about Sengoku's temperament, Zefa knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen was probably going to get a set of Sengoku's powerful combos.

But this has nothing to do with him. Zefa himself doesn't like Sarutobi Hiruzen very much. It doesn't matter to him what kind of treatment Sarutobi Hiruzen suffers.

After leaving these words, he took Naruto away.

These marines are all assigned their own houses, but the location is not in the alliance family area, but in a newly built building complex in the suburbs.

Zefa was assigned to a small three-story western-style building. He himself didn't mind how the house looked like, as long as he could live in it.

Wow! Grandpa, is this our home? Will I live here in the future? It's so beautiful!

When Naruto saw Zefa leading him to a stop in front of the small western-style building, his eyes began to shine.

Thinking about the small shabby apartment he lived in before, and then looking at this magnificent house now, it couldn't be too luxurious or beautiful.

You will live on the third floor from now on. I will live on the second floor, and Feng Su Gou will live on the third floor with you.

Zefa took Naruto and opened the door of the house.

The furniture in the house assigned to soldiers like them all comes with their own furniture, so even if Zefa has never purchased any furniture, the house is still very beautiful inside.

What about that floor?

Naruto hugged the soft and warm ring of fluff around the Wind Speed ​​Dog's neck.

The first floor is used to entertain guests. If guests want to stay overnight, the bedrooms on the first floor serve as guest rooms.

Oh, grandpa, I want to take my friends home to play tomorrow.


Zefa nodded without objection.

It's normal for a child to bring his friends home to play, but it's not like he's bringing his girlfriend home. What can an eight-year-old have to do with it?

. . .

On the other side, Sarutobi Hiruzen stood in the middle of the street.

The lively scenes on the streets, the happy expressions on people's faces, the daily peaceful coexistence of people and Pokémon, and even the clear blue sky and tall buildings in the distance all attracted his attention.

There is another point that Sarutobi Hiruzen cannot ignore no matter what.

Here, the amount of chakra in his body was suppressed to a negligible level, and he could not even use the most common three-body technique.

He seemed to have really turned into an old man in his sixties or seventies. This feeling of physical weakness made him very uneasy and uncomfortable.

If he had known that this side of the world was like this, he would never have come here.

Now Sarutobi Hiruzen can only take one step at a time. Fortunately, for now, at least the people on Dark's side have not shown any ill will towards him.

how do you feel?

A voice came from beside him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned around and saw a man as tall as Zefa, but he was wearing a pure white suit and uniform, with a cape that said Justice hanging behind him. His aura did not look like that of an ordinary person.

Sarutobi Hiruzen understood that this was the person who came to receive him.

It's a very good, very beautiful world, a very beautiful city, and the people here are very happy.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said from the bottom of his heart.

Today's Alliance City is simply what he imagined for the future when he was young, but later on, he could only make Konoha Village as peaceful as that.

Yes, in this world, there is no war, so it is very peaceful.

Sengoku nodded, and then stretched out his hand to Sarutobi Hiruzen next to him, I am the Navy Marshal of the Pokémon Alliance, Sengoku.

The third Hokage of Konoha Village, Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also stretched out his hand and shook Sengoku's hand, as a greeting, There is no war in this world?

Yes, no, because there are no multiple countries in this world, all cities are affiliated with the Pokémon Alliance, and all armed forces are affiliated with the Pokémon Alliance. There is nothing to fight for.

Warring States nodded and answered matter-of-factly.


Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his mouth.

The status of the Pokémon Alliance was higher than he imagined, and it turned out to be a force that unified the entire world.

This is equivalent to unifying the entire ninja world. It is Uchiha Madara's long-cherished wish that he most wanted to achieve but failed to achieve. It is also one of Shimura Danzo's ambitions for the future.

In his words, he didn’t dare to think about these things anymore just a few decades ago.

Because I recognize the reality.

There is another thing that you must have felt. In this world, the strength of all external creatures will be suppressed.

Warring States stretched out his hand and squeezed it.

Is this the case with you too?

Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little surprised, he thought he was the only one like this.

Of course, this is Pokémon Island, so only Pokémon's power here is not suppressed.

Warring States nodded.

But he didn't say everything. What is not suppressed here is also 'technology'.

Humans can also use 'technology' to master combat power that is not weaker than Pokémon, but he doesn't want to tell an outsider like Sarutobi Hiruzen.

I see.

Sarutobi Hiruzen probably understood why this place seemed so peaceful.

Because when everyone is a weakling, they will no longer take action without permission. It is not sure whether they can beat someone, not to mention having to bear the responsibility for doing so.

Let me take you to see the First Temple of our Alliance City. It is one of the coordinate buildings in Alliance City.

Sengoku quietly proposed to take Sarutobi Hiruzen to see the First Shrine.

Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't know what kind of intentions he has in mind now, but he will understand it later.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen thought they were going to walk over, Sengoku stretched out a hand on the side of the road.


A bunch of question marks suddenly appeared on Sarutobi Hiruzen's head.

What are you doing?

Hello, do you need the 'Didi Pokémon' service?

A man riding a three-headed walking bird stopped in front of Sengoku.

Yes, you two.

Warring States nodded.

Okay, what kind of Pokémon do you need?

Emmmm, two flaming horses.

Flame Horse is the fifth most expensive Pokémon among the Didi Pokémon.

Because the fur on the flame horse's back is warm and soft, it is very comfortable to ride. Moreover, the flame horse has good physical strength and fast speed. It has no problem running from one side of Alliance City to the other.

The most important thing is that the flame horse is very good-looking and is the favorite of many people who love vanity.

In the past, during the Warring States Period, the Flame Horse was definitely not a transportation tool that only wealthy people would choose.

If he were alone, he would be defeated if he chose a Duduli or a one-horned rhinoceros.

But today, Sarutobi Hiruzen is here, and Sengoku must not lose face.

Okay, please wait three minutes.

The staff nodded and rode Duduli quickly to the nearest company site.

The service Didi Pokémon was not established by the alliance, but by Bingshan himself. Dak just put forward a few ideas.

Not to mention moving within Alliance City, even if you want to go to Angel City and Murloc City, Didi Pokémon can meet your needs.

However, using services like Didi Pokémon to travel to other cities is expensive, long distances, and uncomfortable to sit for such a long time, so most people still choose sea trains and floating airships.

This is?

Sarutobi Hiruzen walked over and asked curiously.

It's a way of working that uses Pokémon's abilities to help humans on their way. League City is very large. If we had to walk from here, we might have to walk for several hours.

Sengoku explained the existence of the 'Didi Pokémon' to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Their current location is the food street, located in the southern part of Alliance City's urban area, while the First Temple is in the northeast.

So big?!

Sarutobi Hiruzen was shocked again.

In a place as big as Konoha, from the deepest part of the village to the entrance of the village, a faster ninja might arrive in ten or dozens of minutes, so naturally there is no need for any traveling Pokémon.

Just over a minute.

The staff member just now rushed back quickly with two majestic flame horses.

Okay, please take the ride, guest.

The staff patted the backs of the two flame horses, and then the two flame horses obediently walked to Sengoku and Sarutobi Hiruzen and lowered their heads.


Warring States nodded.

He first took out his ID card, scanned it at the staff's scanning machine, and paid the 2 gold fee.

Then he easily climbed onto the back of the flaming horse.

With Sengoku's size, it would be difficult to withstand the flaming horses in the Pokémon world. However, these flaming horses were basically raised in the pirate world, so their bodies are larger than the flaming horses in the Pokémon world. More massive.

What's wrong?

After Sengoku mounted his horse, he found Sarutobi Hiruzen still standing there hesitating, so he asked.


Sarutobi Hiruzen saw that Sengoku's butt was not burned after he sat on the flaming horse, and then he nodded and cautiously reached out his hand.

Don't worry, the Flame Horse can control the temperature of its own flames and will not hurt anyone it shouldn't.

Sengoku immediately saw Sarutobi Hiruzen's concerns.

He had doubts like this when he saw the flaming horse for the first time, but he later understood the magic of the flaming horse.

What an amazing pony.

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, slowly climbed onto the horse's back, and gently stroked the flame horse's head.

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