Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 235 The upper and lower champion kings

Oh, there is not just one champion position, there are some lower champions and kings, and there are also many trainers working hard towards those goals.

Dak just came up with the idea of ​​setting up some lower champions, and Charlotte came up with it.


Duck is confused now.

A hundred years later, will there be these lower-level champions myself, or will they be there because of the idea that I just had.

Then has Charlotte’s child’s memory also changed?

According to the alliance's regulations, after reaching the criteria of 'large world', this world will have the World Champion, the Four World Kings and eight gyms.

These are the so-called lower champions and lower kings. At the same time, this large world will be a place where other trainers can go to challenge and travel to these worlds.

As for the high-ranking champion and the high-ranking king, they are called the league champion and the four kings of the league.

Charlotte said eloquently, obviously she learned this aspect well in the academy.

And Dak also secretly wrote down all of this. This was simply copying a formula. He let his future self think about it all, and he only had to copy it.

I copied myself.


Charlotte walked to the statue in Kaiyuan Hall and knelt down to worship it.

At the same time, he stepped forward and touched the knee of the Dak statue.


Duck looked at this scene and felt a little funny.

Speaking of which, Lord Dak a hundred years from now will be out of shape even if people touch him. The statue from a hundred years ago is better, so that you can see clearly what Lord Dak looks like.

Charlotte raised her head and looked at the statue, saying words that could easily be misunderstood.

Why don't you take this opportunity to see me more? Why don't you go see the statue?

Duck started to complain.

Yes, the Shodaime-sama himself is here.

Only then did Charlotte realize that Dak was beside her and smiled sheepishly, Hey.

A hundred years from now, will everyone still like me?

Of course, don't you know it just by looking at me? In the 'Most Popular Idol Ranking', you have been number one for a hundred consecutive years!

Ha ha ha ha.

Dak felt helpless when he heard the name on this list. Was he actually an 'idol'?

But whether he should say it or not, he was still very happy to hear that so many people liked him for a hundred years in a row.

But you are completely different from what we all imagined and what the teacher taught you. I will tell everyone when I get back.

tell what?

Dark was quite curious as to what impression this moment had left on Charlotte.

The Shodaime-sama is not some cold and arrogant old man, he is a very kind and friendly brother.

Oh? Will I be the image of a grandfather in textbooks from now on?

Duck didn't care about the first two adjectives.

What kind of image he has depends on who he faces. When facing most people, Dak is quite kind, but when facing the Celestial Dragons, he has already restrained himself from being cold and arrogant.

Yes, even the Shodaime-sama will be old after a hundred years, right?

Charlotte asked a little unsurely.

According to rumors, the Shodaime-sama is an old man who has lived for thousands and tens of thousands of years, but he looks nothing like him.

Well, yes, but I'm only in my twenties now.

Will you grow old?

Dark didn't know.

It’s hard to say how humans, as creatures, will change after staying with these Legendary Pokémon for a long time.

It's hard to say how old I can live with my current physical condition.

And Dak will definitely exchange these special abilities such as the power of Viridian and the power of waveguide in the future. After all, there are not too many of these things, and it is good to be stronger, although he may not necessarily use them.

By then, with these special abilities, I don’t know how long I can live.


No one can say for sure whether some worlds of cultivating immortals will appear in the future. By then, people may go there in pursuit of immortality.

However, when such a world appeared in the choice, Dak probably would not choose it, because most of this kind of world is not something that Pokémon can control and live in.

No matter what things live for a long time, they will eventually exceed the racial limit.

Unless it's a garbage place like Douluo Continent, then there's no problem.

Sama Shodaime, can I come and play with you again in the future? Or, you can come and play with me.


Regarding this matter, Dak simply and firmly refused, It is better not to have any contact between people in the future and people in the past. I will not travel through time unless necessary.

So these are the only days we can see each other?

Yes, don't you have a boyfriend? Ichika shouldn't be jealous if he finds out?

Dak felt that he needed to remind Charlotte that she was a person with a partner.

What's the point of thinking about another man every day?

It doesn't matter if you say Shodaime-sama, because Ichika likes Shodaime-sama more than me. In a hundred years, there may be girls who don't like Shodaime-sama, but it's impossible for boys to dislike Shodaime-sama.

Charlotte held her head high and didn't feel anything was wrong at all, but she quickly lowered her head and said, Then we won't be able to see her again.


Dak didn't relent and nodded calmly.

Although this child is quite energetic, it does not mean that he will develop a great affection for a little girl in such a short period of time.

It can only be said that it is a bit of a pity that we will never see each other again. There is no such thing as regret or sadness at all.

All right.

Charlotte nodded, but soon regained her energy. She could only say that she was worthy of being a descendant of Naruto, Then where should we go next?

Don't you want to visit Alliance City a hundred years ago these days? Let's go. I'll take you to the museum first. Help me see if anything has been stolen later, so I can take precautions in advance.

Hey~ Lord Shodaime, you are cheating!

Do you want those things stolen?

of course not!

It seems like something was really stolen.

Dark's face suddenly darkened when he heard Charlotte's answer.

Sure enough, as he expected, although the Pokémon Island is harmonious now, some bad guys will always appear after a long time, not to mention that people from so many worlds are mixed together.

Duck took Charlotte around as if he were taking a daughter.

It's just that this hundred-year time gap always makes Dak feel that he and this girl are not from the same world.

Finally, Charlotte took Duck to a small corner of the food court.

Huh~ It's not open yet?

After arriving at the place, the girl seemed a little disappointed.

What's wrong?

There will be a Mr. Li beef noodle shop here in the future. It is very delicious. I originally wanted to try how it tasted a hundred years ago, but I didn't expect it to be closed.

Charlotte lowered her head in disappointment and muttered, That shop owner lied to me, saying he was talking about a century-old shop. It's not that old at all.

Ha ha ha ha.

Duck couldn't help but smile and looked at the store in front of him. It was an unknown store from the new world of Nautical World.

The taste is already pretty good.

But in the future, there will be more delicious food in the world, and this store may be outclassed.

Sama Shodaime, please take me to find a restaurant to eat. I'll see if this restaurant will still be there in a hundred years.

Well, I have to think about that.

Duck thought about it for a minute or two before remembering a store.

In his opinion, this store is fully capable of lasting for a hundred years.

Is this, Bharathi?

When Duck brought Charlotte to the door of the restaurant, Charlotte called out the name of the restaurant in one breath.

Yes, it’s Barati, the sea restaurant.

At the sea restaurant opened by Barefoot Tetsuo, the entire ship was recruited by Duck, and Sanji also worked there.

Yes, this store will last a hundred years, right?

Yeah! Of course, the store manager, Vinsmoke Rikka, has a hard time getting every dish. Even if Mr. Champion wants to eat, it depends on his time.

Charlotte nodded and gave a thumbs up, This restaurant is the 'Top 2 most delicious restaurant in League City'.

Oh? There is actually something more powerful?

Dak's eyes widened, and he didn't expect anyone to be able to surpass Barati later.

Yes, but the competition among the top three stores in the rankings is very fierce, and there are back and forths, so I can't say who is more powerful.

Charlotte walked inside skillfully, spreading her hands as she walked, The owners of these three stores are either coming out with new dishes or on the way to come out with new dishes all day long. They are thinking of ways to drive each other out of Alliance City every day. .”

Hahahaha, it seems that Alliance City will not be lonely in the future.

Duck followed Charlotte and found an inconspicuous place to sit down.

Ouyo, are you a student of Pokémon Academy? I didn't expect that the school uniform would not change at all in a hundred years.

Charlotte couldn't help but sigh when she saw that there were students in the store eating out on weekends.

By the way, tell me what happened to the Pokémon Academy later on.

Duck decided to ask about this.

Save yourself the trouble of thinking about how to transform the school and just copy the good parts.

Pokémon Academy was later divided into several divisions. The elementary school lasts for 3 years, the middle school has 6 years, and the college has 3-6 years. I have already graduated from the middle school, but I couldn't go to the college because of my poor grades, so Just come out and become a trainer.

Charlotte was not at all upset about her poor results.

“What about kids before elementary school?”

Just because there is no such place in Pokémon Academy, many people have opened kindergartens in various cities to allow children to grow up with Pokémon cubs.

That's pretty good.

In this case, at least the children's childhood will be more exciting.

Dark nodded and wrote down everything Charlotte said, waiting to go back and make changes.

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