"You Chansey breed is very good, and the level is very high." Serena praised.

"She took the initiative to follow me." Bai Lanxi smiled.

"La 嘁!"

Chansey also said happily.

The auditorium was a little restless.

"Isn’t that Miss Joy’s exclusive Pokémon?"

"This is the first time I saw Chansey outside of the Pokémon Center!"

"Before Audino, it seems to be the partner of the foreign Miss Joy!"

"Then this Bai Lanxi beauty, isn't it a full-time nurse?"

Some people didn't even record the video of Bai Lanxi's battle. , Cut off from here, attach the title party "top grade beauty nanny shocked debut", and post it on the forum, wanting to land on the beach and occupy a certain share of clicks.

I believe that after this time of battle, Bai Lanxi's reputation will not be weaker than that of many Top Rank Players.

Nanny is in Early-Stage, it is hot enough to scald one's hands.

In the field, the battle continues. The two beauties looked at each other with admiration.

"Sylveon, use Quick Attack!"

"Chansey, use Double Edge!"


In an instant, both Pokémon lost a certain amount of blood. But Chansey's blood was thick after all, and Sylveon seemed disadvantaged.

Next, another round of blood-consuming tactics.

Compared to the Pokémon with similar levels and speeds, the dodge rate is almost the same.

HP is consumed like water.

Finally, Chansey knocked Sylveon to the ground after paying most of the price of HP.

"Come back, Sylveon. Thank you." Serena took Sylveon back and released Delphox.

Delphox: lv.36.

The final evolution of Kalos’ Three Initial Starters Pokémon, whether it is Ability or Species Strength, is extremely powerful.

"Chansey uses Soft-boiled Ability." Bai Lanxi said nervously.

If Chansey is used well, it can be consumed all the time by laying eggs.

"Delphox uses Future Sight."

Future Sight will explode after two rounds. It belongs to Psychic Type Unique Ability and has extremely high damage.

Serena looked at Bai Lanxi, how would you respond?

As a weird Psychic sinks into the void, Bai Lanxi is a little confused, what kind of Ability is this Future Sight?

"Chansey uses Take Down!"

Take Down is a 90-point formidable power Ability. Although it is a normal type Ability, it is used by Chansey and is estimated to be used by Pokémon of the same level Tackle formidable power is almost the same.

"Delphox uses Flame Charge!"


When the two sides collide, the loss of HP is similar. But Flame Charge hurts more.

"Chansey continues to use Take Down!"

"Delphox uses Flame Charge!"

Chansey's weakness without TM cannot be concealed. Chansey of this period was just a nanny after all.

Collision again and again, flames shoot.

Although Chansey was able to lay eggs again in the middle, when Future Sight Ability fell, Chansey was still beaten into residual blood.

Everyone was amazed by this Ability.

They don't even know where this Ability comes from.

"Chansey, use Soft-Boiled!"

"Impossible allows you to use it successfully! Delphox, give Chansey the last Psybeam!"

Soft-boiled Ability was eventually interrupted, leaving Delphox with one third blood on the court.

Finally, Bai Lanxi sent Cantello.

Kentello: lv.29.

"Sure enough, was she subdued?" Ling Huang muttered.

This Centero has the power to suffer from both sides of Heracross and Hawlucha. This is because Normal Type is restrained by Fighting Type.

"Your Pokémon is the strongest player that has challenged me." Serena said, "But even so, I won't let you win easily."

" Delphox, use Future Sight!"

"Kentello uses Horn Attack!"


Delphox's HP has dropped again.

"Delphox, use Psybeam!"

"Kentello uses Revenge!"

Psybeam and Revenge hit successively, and there is little difference in power. But Delphox has lost the combat capability.

Holding Delphox away, Serena finally released Pancham.

Gym battle is conducted in a 3v3 format. The previous challenger could not even defeat the first Pokémon, even more how the third one?

The audience could not help holding their breath.

They all didn't expect, this seemingly gentle beauty, actually has such a strong strength!

Especially that Chansey, no one can detect her level!

Centero's special defense is very weak, and only half of his blood is left at the moment.

"Pancham, give Cantello the last chop!"


Pancham touched the sunglasses on his forehead, and rushed over. Remember Chop.

"Kentello uses Revenge!"

Bai Lanxi still didn't understand the meaning of "last", and let Kentello launch an attack. Under restraint, Chop caused Ken Tiro to lose 1/4/2021 HP.

Revenge's formidable power is not bad, and Pancham's HP is also lost.

Only Ling Huang was present who could understand the meaning of Serena's words. Now, it is the remnant of Delphox, the time of the outbreak of Future Sight.

Ling Huang closed his eyes slightly, the ending is doomed, Bai Lanxi is still too immature.

Just then.

As if Pandora's box was opened, a strange attack landed from Sky, directly bombarding Cantello.

It is the Future Sight Ability that has been silent for two rounds.

In just an instant, Ken Tiro fell to the ground and was taken back by Bai Lanxi with regret.

Ling Huang did not speak.

It's just that the audience can't help but sigh.

They have seen too many challengers easily defeated by Serena. Finally, they can see that the level is high enough to hope to win, but they are still defeated by Serena. At this moment, whether it is an ordinary Player or a Top Rank Player, they are very clear about the gap between themselves and the Gym Leader.

They are beyond the reach of Player at this stage.

For a while, it fell silent.

"Where is the next challenger?"

"Go up, you chose Province Cup, don't you dare to challenge Gym?"

"So many Top Rank Player, no one can fight Gym Leader?"

There was a tumult in the audience.

Even Bai Lanxi can't win, and now the Top Rank Player with Level 18 and Level 19 is generally still an opponent?

For a while, those Top Rank Players who were eager to have a try stopped screaming. Going up now, being abused by a beautiful woman, even if Serena releases the water, can't he beat the opponent's Pokémon?

It's just pure shame that's all.

Those like Bai Lanxi who can still gain popularity after losing are among the few.

The three Pokémons have regained their spirits. Serena said: "Players, is there anyone else you want to challenge? If you don't challenge, I will be temporarily closed."

In the eyes of many Players, her delicate figure is an invincible symbol.

"Is there really no one to challenge?"

Serena asked again, a touch of joy appeared in the corner of her eyes.

The competition among Gym Leaders is equally fierce.

Especially on the first day, if a large number of Badge is sent out on the first day, it is simply extraordinary shame and humiliation.

Now the Player gets the Starter Pokemon, and it’s only two days after it’s been played!

If there is no challenge, Serena can close the museum and spend the first day smoothly.

There are a few Top Rank Players begin to stir, but they are still sighed and don’t say a word.

Li Sang looked at these people contemptuously, didn't he even have the courage to fight?

"So..." Serena suddenly felt a little boring. The atmosphere of this World is too different from that of Kalos Region.

"I will challenge!"

A hearty voice came from the audience.

Bai Lanxi eyes shined, he has been watching the game for so long, is he finally going to shoot?

"Challenger, Ling Huang, officially challenge Wizeant Gym!"

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