Raticate is not a Pokémon that Rock Tomb +Fissure can take away. Even if Aron is four times resistant to Raticate's normal line Ability, Aron has no restraint on the normal line.

Raticate crawled out of the broken Rock, making no secret of his Rage. Immediately, Raticate shot over impulsively.

The two teeth also condensed rays of light, as if they had enveloped a murderous aura in an instant, and were full of threats.

Aron doesn't want to be bitten by Raticate.

"Aron, use Metal Claws on the front teeth!" Ling Huang said.

As the understanding of Pokémon duel gradually deepened, Ling Huang's command became more and more delicate.


Aron expressed his understanding.

Through the combo just now, Aron also has a certain understanding of Ling Huang's ability. Ling Huang did not become a Peak Level Trainer because of great luck. More is the understanding of Pokémon and the persistence of tactics.


Aron does not have claws, and the entire forelegs appear round and hard. But he still concentrated his power on his claws, and suddenly hit Raticate's front teeth.

Immediately, Aron flew upside down.

Raticate is not much better, it feels a little uncomfortable to shake his front teeth. But the anger in his eyes still didn't go away.

He is just a Raticate.

Why trouble with him!

Immediately, Aron lased. It is Quick Attack.

Ling Huang follow closely from behind, and also said: "Aron, use Iron Head!"


Suddenly collided with Raticate, but it was Raticate He was hit and flew away directly. The formidable power is too different.

"Aron, give Raticate the final Iron Head!" Ling Huang said.


Aron couldn't help but was taken away by Ling Huang, and he slammed into Raticate's body.

Raticate also panicked suddenly and used Hyper Fang Ability. Aron's round and hard head made him look like a tiger biting a turtle's shell, unable to lay his mouth.

This huge rat-like Raticate was suddenly knocked down and lost its combat capability.


Aron walked to Ling Huang's side and called out.

"Aron said that although he recognized your commanding ability, it doesn't mean that he recognizes you." Meowth translated, and immediately added his own thoughts, "I like this arrogant. "


Aron immediately fly into a rage out of humiliation, slamming Iron Head power, and hitting Meowth.

Meowth: "..."

Ling Huang's happy leveling time did not last long.

"You have been arrested."

Listening to these familiar words, Ling Huang choked silently.

"Ms. Officer Jenny, have you fallen in love with me? You always like to trouble me." Ling Huang asked.

"Ling Huang?" Officer Jenny was shocked, "Why you? I obviously made Growlithe follow the breath of Evil Value."

"Follow me again Related?" Ling Huang slightly frowned, "Evil Value should be more than me, right?"

"Sorry, I caught the wrong person." Ms. Officer Jenny thought of Ling Huang's identity and said unnaturally.

"Oh, then you let me go." Ling Huang said.

It took a long time for Officer Jenny to realize his negligence.

Why is Impossible Ling Huang?

Even if he is a researcher and a Top Rank researcher, it does not mean that he has been evacuated.

"Wait, you follow me to the police station." Officer Jenny said.

"I'm not going." Ling Huang said flatly.

mental disorder, he still has to level up, why should he go to the police station with this Officer Jenny to waste time?

Besides, what does the crime in the game have to do with him? Although he is a Top Ranking Player, his hands are not that long and he can't control that many!

"You must come over, or I will increase your Evil Value." Officer Jenny said.

"I still won't go." Ling Huang compromised slightly: "But I can help you find the prisoner. Instead, you have to pay me."

"Yes." Officer Jenny nodded.

"Officer Jenny has released a mission to you, do you accept the stolen Evolution Stone suit?"


"Player Ling Huang successfully claimed the mission , The stolen evolution stone suit."

"Task requirements: assist Officer Jenny to find the murderer who steals the evolution stone."

"Task reward: any evolution stone."


"Failure Punishment: Being pulled off by Officer Jenny or adding 100 Evil Value."

Ling Huang is very interested in rewards.

Even if you choose Fire Stone, you can evolve Growlithe later. Moreover, in addition to the three types of fire and mine, the other evolution stones are very precious, which is beyond the reach of Player at this stage.

For evolution stones like Dusk Stone, I believe that many Players will use Alliance points to redeem them.

But if Punishment Ling Huang fails, it is unacceptable.

"Do you want to take me to the top of the crime?" Ling Huang directly pierced the disguise of this Officer Jenny's calm appearance!

"cough cough." Officer Jenny was a little embarrassed. "At the moment, your suspicion has not been cleared. But since the system thinks you are not a prisoner, I can successfully spread the mission. I think you really are. Not a prisoner."

She was a little incoherent.

Ling Huang stared at this woman.

"For the sake of rewards, I won't hold you accountable." Ling Huang said: "Why, the evolution stone is lost again?"

Ling Huang is in the word "again" The tone is emphasized, and it is not without a sense of sarcasm.

Officer Jenny is even more embarrassed.

The theft of the Fire Stone is not beautiful.

"Yes." Officer Jenny said, "This time I lost the entire set. Obviously the other party was targeted. And it should be sent Psychic Type Pokémon to steal, so that Growlithe can't smell the smell. . After all, Psychic has the function of isolating smell."

Ling Huang sighed.

Psychic Type Pokémon, almost omnipotent. And it's very difficult.

One of the two Gyms in Nanning is Sabrina's Psychic Type Gym. Although Ling Huang knew it, she never dared to go.

Psychic Type, Ling Huang has no confidence to overcome it.

Even a Malamar makes Ling Huang unable to parry. Psychic Type is really scary, like Malamar's Hypnosis, if it is used in the driveway, the car runs over, I am afraid it will be a corpse.

"Where is the stolen location?" Ling Huang looked strange, "Police?"

"Of course not!" Officer Jenny said with shame, "The defense of the police station is not so good. Weak. It was the NPC who was hijacked by the Player carrying the Psychic Type Pokémon during the transportation. But the strange thing is that he only took a set of evolution stones."

"That's really strange." Ling Huang Secretly thought: "This action method should be loner. No, this is not right. If it is a loner, Normal requires one evolution stone. Even if there are several different ones, there is no need for a full set."

"How is it, did you think of something?"

Ling Huang did not answer.

"Eight kinds of evolution stones." Ling Huang groaned, "The Player has only 6 carrying slots. The behavior of robbing a set of evolution stones is completely incomprehensible."

"Did you think of something?" Officer Jenny asked again.

"It shouldn't be a loner committing the crime." Ling Huang said.

"Impossible!" Officer Jenny denied: "If it's not a loner, how can you ignore that many evolution stones and still have time to choose a complete set of evolution stones?"

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