Meeting Qin Fan at the station, Qin Fan was waving goodbye to a young woman. In an instant, Ling Huang, a single dog, suffered 10,000 passive damage.

"You came slowly!" Qin Fan fiercely patted Ling Huang on the shoulder and said, "Ling Huang, you are a good mix!"

"hehe." Ling Huang laughed "This is?"

"Can't be so frivolous, you are now the Top Ranking Player. In case you wave your hand and those fanboys rush over, wouldn't they trample me to death in an instant?" Qin Fan He jokingly said: "This? Your sister-in-law Zheng Qing."

"Good siblings."

Ling Huang was a little surprised when Qin Fan introduced his woman , I have never used such a good line.

Zheng Qing smiled shyly.

"You... Are you Player Ling Huang?" She said slightly red with a small face: "I admire you very much."

Qin Fan glared at Ling Huang and whispered Said: "You don't want Ox Head Man (NTR)?"

"Don't worry, I'm impossible to grab your girl." Ling Huang scolded with a smile: "Look at your measure, I will I am ashamed of you."

Zheng Qing looked at the two people beside him, smiling and not talking.

Sent Qin Fan, Ling Huang asked: "Why am I admired by you?"

"When the global announcement." Zheng Qing whispered: "Because I play games At that time, I heard your announcement and got to know you on the forum. The more I understand, the more I admire you."

"What do you admire about me?" Ling Huang asked.

"Go go go!" Qin Fan pushed Ling Huang away with jealous expression, "Zheng Qing, we got on the car first. We estimate that we will stay in Nanning for a long time. When will you get tired of playing in Guilin? , And go to play."

Qin Fan gave Ling Huang a ticket and dragged him into the car.

Qin Fan stared at Ling Huang.

"I really want to NTR me." Qin Fan feigned angrily, "didn't expect you to be Ling Huang like this!"

"I'm really not what you imagined Kind of people." Ling Huang said with a smile: "Your attitude of protecting the calf is really refreshing."

For Qin Fan to find his true love, Ling Huang still holds a blessing attitude.


Having been chatting with Qin Fan, this journey is not boring. Of course, it can't be considered interesting.

"This Raticate is here for you." Ling Huang handed Qin Fan the last Ratate.

"Raticate?" Qin Fan said: "What do I want Ratate to do, Pokémon on the street."

"You really don't want it?" Ling Huang joked.

"No, no death. I feel ashamed to take it out!" Qin Fan said.

Ling Huang's eyes became more playful, he silently sent the Attribute of Ratate to Qin Fan.

Suddenly, Qin Fan's expression is very exciting.

When he looked at Ling Huang eagerly, Ling Huang put the Poké Ball away, as if nothing happened.

"That Raticate, give it to me."

"Don't you want it?" Ling Huang questioned: "I threw it on the forum."

"Damn Ling Huang, the high grade Rate, it's still so high level, you actually throw it on the forum! Before you throw it on the forum, send me the Attribute message, you are going to die!" Qin Fan wailed.

The passenger next to him is slightly frowned, but when he hears the words high grade, all eyes shined. Now ordinary Players use low grade Pokémon, and occasionally there is a middle grade, which is also regarded as a baby. Up to now, Players already know how valuable the high grade Aptitude of Starter Pokemon is.

Also, Starter Pokemon cannot be sold, otherwise the price of Pokémon will definitely fall again and again.

"One million." Ling Huang said, "Last time I lent you 10 million, and I gave you the Ratate to offset one million. Isn't it a loss?"

Qin Fan's eyes lit up suddenly.

"No loss, no loss in this wave." Qin Fan said: "You brat is really playing tricks on me!"

"Do you want love?" Ling Huang waved his hand and will pretend to be Raticate Poké Ball from Qin Fan handed it to Qin Fan and said: "Cultivate good affection, this guy hates me."

The debt on his body is lightened, Ling Huang feels relaxed.

"I don't know if James can find me. I'm still waiting for his TM." Ling Huang secretly thought: "I haven't looked forward to it for so long. I guess I'm imprisoned by the family."

Ling Huang glanced at Meowth next to him.

"Is there any news about James?"

"Nothing." Meowth shook his head, a little sad, "Do I want to stay by your side for the rest of my life?"

"You think I'm not happy yet." Ling Huang shook his head.

"ao wu!" Growlithe clearly nodded, always carrying Meowth, Ling Huang also has inconveniences.

Finally, we are here.

Ling Huang and Qin Fan were both relaxed and did not stay too much. This car can't be used, even if it has Pokémon, it can't be leveled. even more how there are too many monks and less porridge, "Pokémon Century: GO" is getting more and more popular. A place with a high population density like a train is impossible to steal.

Like Lairon, it is an exception after all.

Soon, Ling Huang can Qin Fan bid farewell and prepare to challenge Gym tomorrow. Qin Fan is going to explore the wind first, and Ling Huang is going to level up.

Of course, with Ling Huang’s current Pokémon Level, it won’t be possible to fight for two days. Unless you encounter an elite Pokémon.

The so-called elite level is lower than the bossLegendary level, but much more powerful than ordinary Pokémon, mostly high-grade high-level Pokémon. Many players have high grade Pokémon on their hands, mostly elite-level predecessors.

Many high-level players and Top Ranking Players regard elite-level Pokémon as their prey, not elite-level players. However, it is not easy to meet the elite level. After so long, Ling Huang has really never met.

There is high grade, but Level has not grown to the level of "elite".

Walking on the street, Ling Huang is eye-catching with a cat and a dog. In order not to be recognized, Ling Huang can wear sunglasses, which looks compelling and not low.

"It seems to be followed." Ling Huang slightly frowned.

He had this feeling before. He thought it would be better to come to Nanning. But actually... the feeling is stronger.

He looked back suddenly, but found no abnormality. I just felt terrified.

"Let's go first." Ling Huang and Meowth Growlithe greeted them, got in a taxi, and went all the way.

Speaking of Nanning, one would definitely think of Nanning Zoo.

Although it is not well-known in the country, it is still a well-known attraction in Guangxi Province.

The place where the animals gather is also a common place for Top Rank Pokémon. Moreover, many Top Rank Pokémon are refreshed in the cage, which neither affects the business of the zoo, but also gives the Player a reason to go to the zoo.

Ling Huang saw it on the forum.

But he is most interested in the BJ Zoo. It is said that there is a very tough Feraligatr with a level of over 50. According to Ling Huang's inference, it is definitely a top grade Pokémon!

It's a pity that the mountains are high and the roads are far away. It is estimated that you have to miss the tournament of Guangxi Province.

The landscapes of Guilin and Trilady Bay are not bad either. A Player once witnessed a super-high level Relicanth in the Lijiang River. Walord even appeared in Trilady Bay, and the level exceeded 50!

Even Serena was shocked, controlling Pokémon remotely, but unfortunately he couldn't beat it. The gap was still too big.

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