
Soon, Caesar knew what Cattleya wanted to do.

"Using the cooperation of the wind and the tail wind to maximize your speed?"

Caesar's face is a little weird, this is a very simple match.

All use the power of wind.

To achieve the blessing of speed, the basic use of the flight system, the high-end trainers understand.

It can be regarded as a relatively unsolvable co-ordination trick. The basic speed of the flight system is already fast, and when it is turned several times, it can't even see the shadow, and it can strike at high altitude.

There's really nothing that people can do...

But.... this eldest lady, did you forget something?

In the last match, I basically used steel-type skills, but metal monsters also possessed the attributes of super energy.

It is true that the speed of the flight department is very fast.

But they also have a fatal flaw...

"Metal monster, gravity."! "

Caesar gave the order with a strange tone in his tone.

The next moment, a red light flashed across the metal monster's pair, and the huge gravity pulled the symbolic bird that was originally flying in the sky to the ground.


The sudden huge difference made the symbolic bird somewhat unable to adapt, and when it fell to the ground, it was even more injured.

The one that also fell to the ground was not only the symbolic bird, but also the metal monster that had been using the power of mind to float.

The unique skill of gravity, the end of the user and the recruiter are the same.

But....the metal monster still has two huge arms that can support its movement, attack,

What about the symbolic bird?

He can't do anything at all except lie on the ground motionless...

"Symbol bird!"

Cattleya exclaimed, her face changed greatly.

She also realized that she had made a big mistake, only considering the speed advantage of the symbolic bird, and forgot that in the super energy system, there is also a skill such as gravity, which is very unfriendly to the flight system!

Now, things are a little bit bad!

In fact, although the symbolic bird cannot move, it does not mean that it has completely lost its ability to resist.

The symbolic bird can be favored by Cattleya, and it also has super power attributes.

Psychic power, phantom light, illusion, mental shock and other tricks can also be used.

But this is the same for the other party.

This kind of confrontation is endless, and there is no end in sight.

And the metal monster did not completely lose the ability to move, although the speed has slowed down, but it is enough....

After getting close, you can declare that the battle is over...


"Symbol bird loses its ability to fight, metal monster wins"

Shirona, who acted as the referee, quickly announced.

I was constantly sighing in my heart that Caesar's aggressiveness and flexibility of thinking were unprecedented.

From the perspective of the other party, Shirona doesn't even think that she can do better,

"I'm careless, this time it's definitely my carelessness"

Cattleya comforted herself softly, and Caesar's one-two punch made the eldest lady a little uneasy, and even some gravel was thrown around her.

Caesar looked terrified.

This is the performance of super power runaway.

Sister, didn't you just lose two games, as for this?

Let's have something to say, shall we?


I kept complaining in my heart, but Caesar didn't urge it. At this time, Cattleya was just a powder keg, and it might explode when it would explode.

As little stimulation as possible is better.

About ten minutes later, the gravel beside Cattleya lost power and fell to the ground. Cattleya's superpower seemed to calm down.


On the side, Shirona had a look of crying and laughing in her eyes. Cattleya didn't stay at home and do nothing all these years.

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