Five more completed, ask for flowers, ask for tips, ask for tickets ╮ (╯▽╰) ╭ tired to death

“Are these Kentairo crazy, and the labor TMD didn’t mess with you, why are you looking at me like a life-and-death enemy,” Zagar looked speechlessly at the hundreds of Kentairo who surrounded him.

This is not hundreds of large needle bees, in case so many Kentairo rush over, their small body can not bear to step on, can only thirty-six counts to walk up, although Saga is a little depressed just came to this beautiful reserve to encounter such an unlucky thing, but now is not the time to be a hero, hundreds of crazy Kentairo, just thinking about it shudder.

Finally, the leading Kentairo couldn’t help it, lowered his head, flicked his horn and hit Zaga, and with one taking the lead, the rest Kentairo began to rush behind him one by one.

Nima! This is no joke, Zaga jumps on the motorcycle with a stride, the large-billed finch, uses the destruction death light, attacks Kentairo in front, and Zaga throws a Pokéball with the large-mouthed finch.

“Whoops!” The large-billed finch flying in the air stunned the three Kentairo who were blocking the road in front of him, and Saga took the opportunity to escape on his motorcycle.

So there was an interesting scene on the grassland of the nature reserve, a group of angry Kentairo frantically chased a blonde man driving a red motorcycle in front of him.

“Hey! What are you doing,” a young girl rode a small fire horse in the direction of Saga.

“Looks like I know, I’m running for my life!” Don’t you see that the hundreds of Kentairo behind are crazy, if they hit it, it will definitely turn into meat sauce,” Saga said speechlessly, looking at the girl not far away.

“Run for your life? What did you do to anger Kentairo,” the girl wondered.

“How could I possibly know what was going on, as soon as I got here, this group of Kentairo started attacking like crazy when they saw me, and I also wanted to know what I had done,” Zaga said with a depressed look.

“Since you didn’t do anything, then why Kentairo was so angry,” the girl was a little puzzled, but suddenly reacted and saw that the motorcycle that Saga was riding was actually red.

“Hey, are you an idiot?” The girl said angrily.

“Smelly girl, who do you say is stupid,” Zaga was chased and killed by Kentairo, and her stomach was just on fire, and the girl who had just appeared dared to sneer at herself.

“That’s you, it’s you golden retriever fool, actually driving a red motorcycle in front of Dare Kentairo, you don’t know that Kentairo will lose his mind when he sees red, and will frantically attack red objects,” the girl looked like an idiot.

“Erle!” Saga looked at the other party’s idiot eyes a little embarrassed, he actually forgot that Kentairo is a Pokémon after all, a cow.

Cows are usually angry when they see red, and the motorcycle they ride is red, they forgot such an important thing, I used to buy this color only felt that the red motorcycle was cool, but I didn’t expect to cause myself such a big trouble today.

“So what to do now, you can’t keep running,” Saga asked for help like a girl, now is not the time to be a hero, even if you send all your own Pokémon, you can’t solve so many Kentairo, and if you attack so many wild Pokémon for no reason in the nature reserve, you will be wanted, Zaga doesn’t want to be so unlucky.

“Obey you, it’s actually so stupid, I’ll go and lure Kentairo Qun away first, you find a place to park the motorcycle, and casually spread a layer of other colored cloth on it.” Saying that, the girl took out a big red cloak from behind her and rode a small fire horse towards Saga’s right.

“Thank you!” Sagar watched as Kentairo was led away by the brighter red cloak and waved at the girl’s back.

Not far ahead is the territory of the Lamera, I heard that this tribe is committed to nature conservation, advocates peaceful coexistence between humans and Pokémon, and is a very kind race, go and rest first, Saga thought.

“Hey, that golden retriever fool in front, wait a minute,” Saga had just driven his motorcycle not far away, when the voice of the girl just now came from behind him again.

“First of all, I’m not called a golden retriever stupid, please don’t give people nicknames, I have a name, my name is Saga,” Saga said with a depressed look back. I can’t blame the other party too much, after all, this girl just saved herself, and her behavior just now is indeed a little funny, actually driving a red motorcycle in front of Kentairo Qun swaggering.

“Well, seeing that you are so unlucky, I won’t hurt you, introduce yourself as Fengzi!” However, your behavior just now is really dangerous, although Kentairo is a relatively docile Pokémon, but once provoked, it is very scary. “

“Especially hundreds of Kentairo are crazy, if I hadn’t heard the movement and come to see, you would be miserable today,” the girl said with a worried face, if it was in the nature reserve because of Kentairo causing a human life, it would definitely be a huge blow to the kind Lameria.

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