Pokemon: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 225 Conquer Victini and add points to the green caterpillar’s ​​[evolution]!

The Poke Ball commemorative set has a total of eighteen balls. Each Poke Ball is very well made and has an exclusive number.

That night, the green caterpillar hugged the Poké Balls the whole time in the Nia Hotel, and didn't even let go of the Poké Balls while sleeping.

Mark continued to study Ling Liushu's ever-changing monsters in the room, as well as the door to the spiritual world opened by the night demon.

As for why Mark didn't return to the village immediately.

Because Hack Elf Academy was invited, a documentary will be filmed for one to two days, which can also be regarded as a promotional video for the Academy Cup competition in Fallen Leaf Province.

So Mark decided to stay in Maple Leaf City for two more days, which was regarded as an extension of his vacation.

Overall, Mark’s elves are very interested in documentaries and camera shooting.

Not only the green caterpillars, but even Jirachi can't hold back. He often puts on Mimikyu's coat and appears in front of the camera with Victini and Yeev.

Then, as time came to the end of the documentary shooting the next day.

Victini, the star of victory, was conquered.

Yes, after Jirachi, the phantom spirit wishing star, Victini also became Mark's spirit.

Just like Jirachi, this little guy also conquered himself.

The specific process was very mundane. At the end of the filming of the documentary, the director asked Mark to release all the elves for a family photo.

Although Mark said that Victini was not his elf, considering that the little guy had appeared several times in previous filming, the director still wanted to let the little guy appear for the last time.

After searching for a while, Victini emerged from the Poké Ball while rubbing his eyes and yawning.

Due to the online game with Jirachi and Bulbasaur last night, Victini basically didn't sleep and was very tired.

Jirachi said that it would be better to rest in a Poke Ball, so Victini found a Poke Ball and got into it.

Victini's expression was natural for the spirit that became Mark.

Mark asked the other party several times if he wanted to be his elf, and Victini nodded very naturally.

In Victini's view, becoming Mark's elf is a very normal thing, just like eating when you are hungry and drinking water when you are thirsty.

Not only that, Victini also easily accepted the suggestions put forward by Jirachi and the Green Caterpillar, and decided to participate in Mark's practice and become stronger together.

It is worth mentioning that not only Victini, but Yeib also said that he would participate in spiritual practice and practical training together.

But this little guy has no intention of becoming a Mark Elf.

Mark didn't care about this and agreed to Ye Yibu's request for practice.

After staying at the Nia Hotel for the last day, Mark and Gudan briefly conducted a few security-related trainings, then rode the Spade Farmer Cannon Bug aircraft and returned to the base in Tianchui Mountain.

Mark continued to study the Variety Monster, and at the same time used the Magnemite arm to decorate the base inside the Skyfall Mountain.

The Green Caterpillar is still holding his Poke Ball commemorative set, and at the same time watching the battle replays at the Silver Plate Battle Arena from time to time.

Then, as the time went into the night, the green caterpillar suddenly put down the Poke Ball commemorative set it was holding in its hand. It walked up to Mark, and the expression on its face became extremely serious.


Following the words of the green caterpillar, Mark opened his own soul control panel.


[Occupation: Spirit Controller]

[Experience: 7%]

[Points: 2]

[Royal Spirits: Green Caterpillar, Armored Warrior, Baddie, All-in-one Magnemite, Jirachi, Spade Bug, Bulbasaur, Zapdos]

Looking at the two points on the Yuling panel, Mark nodded slightly and said, "Are you ready to add points to [Evolution]?"


Although it doesn't know what it will become after evolving, it is already ready to evolve after adding points.

Mark nodded slightly, and with a call, the spade farmer and cannon bug flew in as a means of transportation.

Mark looked at the shovel farmer and the cannonworm and said: "There are two points in total this time. Although you don't understand the principle of magnetic field curvature propulsion very thoroughly, you should be able to forcefully add a few points, so..."


Before Mark could finish his words, Mark received a response from the spade farmer and cannon bug.

Looking at the serious look on the stag farmer's cannon bug, Mark nodded and said: "Okay, since you feel that you are not fully prepared, then wait until you feel ready before adding more points.

This time, I will only add points to the green caterpillars, and keep the remaining points for the time being, which can be considered as a test..."

Mark pinched his chin lightly and looked at the two points on the Yuling panel.

The test he mentioned was none other than a test of the remaining points after the Yuling Panel went down.

If Mark's guess is good.

As the elves make excessive progress in the dream world, the Yuling Panel will shut down. After the downtime, the remaining points will most likely be decomposed and absorbed by the Yuling Panel and disappear.

Of course, since it has not been tested, Mark is not sure whether this is the case.

Without much thought, Mark immediately started preparing now that he had made the decision to add points.

It is still the Qingxi Lake with mountains and water.

After preparing sufficient supplies and transporting some instruments and equipment from the Tianchuishan Mountain base that could potentially help the evolution of the green caterpillar, Mark clicked on the (+) next to the green caterpillar's [Evolution].

A familiar buzzing sound appeared.

When Mark fainted and woke up again, everything was completely different.

Mark glanced around the surrounding environment, looked at the equipment that was missing more than half of it, and said: "Sure enough, for these high-tech equipment, if you don't understand their structural principles, they will not appear in the dream world."

Similar to the recent additions, Mark did not immediately forget his memories after entering the dream world of additions.

And in addition to him and Jirachi, there are three other members this time, who still retain complete memories.

One is an armored warrior whose soul has been transformed, and the other is the green caterpillar, the protagonist who has added points this time.

As for the last one, he just got into the Poké Ball Victini in the past two days.

That's right, although they have only known each other for a short time, Victini has already appeared in the dream world.

And arriving with Victini was Yeib.

After entering the extra-dian dream world, Yeib began to practice evolution on his own. Specifically, he recalled the story of "Witch's Forest" and told it to himself.

The rest of the elves are similar.

Seeing that Mark did not give instructions, they each looked for ways to evolve.

Baddie found the group from Mark who had been eating ashes for a long time and could not use the super evolution stone and evolution key stone, and tried to understand super evolution.

The stag farmer and the cannonworm also got together next to Baddie and studied the super evolution together.

The little lightning bird stood there, silently in a daze with an expression of hard thinking.

After Mark simply assigned training tasks to a few elves, he began to plan the evolutionary training of the green caterpillars.

Time passed, and more than twenty days later, the green caterpillar and the armored warrior forgot their memories one after another, while Mark was still writing the "Evolutionary Special Training Plan".

In the end, it took three months.

When Jirachi has turned into a cocoon of sleep, Mark's memory is about to be forgotten.

Mark completed a nearly 300-page "Evolutionary Special Training Plan". As long as the green caterpillar practices according to the plan he formulated, it will achieve perfect evolution.

However, just when Mark decided to implement this plan for the green caterpillar, he suddenly realized something and tore the "Evolutionary Special Training Plan" into pieces.

Mark has always believed that after adding points to the [evolution] of the elves, he and the elves would continue to practice in the added-point dream world, and eventually the elves would evolve in the added-point dream world.

But, is this really the case?

[Evolution] is a talent and ability possessed by elves.

After adding points to [Evolution], the elves should not evolve in the dream world.

In other words, if the elves evolve in the dream world where the points are added, it means that the point addition fails.

The correct approach should be to practice continuously in the dream world, so that the [Evolution] talent will change, affixes will appear, and it will become a format similar to [Evolution (Multiple Evolution)], [Evolution (King Evolution)]...

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